ECOSYSTEMS Ángel Ayuso-Morales Moya Tema 5 Natural science

Ecosystems Angel naturales tema 5

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ECOSYSTEMSÁngel Ayuso-Morales Moya

Tema 5Natural science

Page 2: Ecosystems Angel naturales tema 5


O An ecosystems includes all the Linving and Non-living things (physiscal environment) in a especific area and the intaraction that occurs between them.

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LIVING THING -Plants (flora)

-Animals (fauna)-Other organisms, suchc as fungi and







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POPULATON: Those living things that belong to the same species form a population.

COMMUNITY: Population interact wich each other forming community.

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GrasslandTropical rainforest(Coniferous forest,

Temperate deciduous forest, Mediterranean

forest)ForestTundra Deserts


Marine(coral reefs, shoreline,

open ocean)Freswater

(Flowing water, standing water)

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TerrestialO Grassland: *Flat areas dominated by grases *Two types: savannashs and temperature grassland, located colder climate regions *Elephants, girafe, zebras, lions and savannahs bison, dogs, coyotesO Tropical rainforest: *Forest in tropical areas are warm a wet all year long. *Evergreen trees, orchids, ferms, snakes, monkeys, jaguar, insects and many kinds of bird.O Forest: *Conifus forest: Cold areas, evergreen trees and animals like brown bears, deer and foxes. *Temperate deciduous forest : Trees which lose their leaves every winter, such as oak, beech and maple and animals like squirrels, rodents and wild boar. *Mediterranean forest: sorroding areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Cork oaks, thyme and rosemary. Eagles, foxes, lynx, and rodents.

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O Tundra: *It is coldest ecosystem on earth and it is also very dry *Located in the land areas near the Nort Pole. *Absence of trees, Lichens, mosses and some grases. *Faune: reindeer, caribou, artic foxes, polar bears and white wolves.

O Deserts: *The driest and hottest places on Earth. *Temperatures are high during the day but low a night. *Cacti, small bushes, lizards, sanakes, camels and scorpions.

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AQUATIC MARINE- Coral reefs: Richest ecosystem in number of species.

- Open ocean: It is the largest ecosystem on earth.

- Shoreline: It is the place where the sea meets land

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Stading water

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O Terrestial: Farlands the firts man- made and domesticated ecosystem. Garden, praks, greenhause, orchads, zoos and terrariums.

O Aquatic: Aquariums, man- made ponds and fish farms.

O Urban: Cities urban occupy only 2 % of the land include cats, dogs, mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches, files, pigeons, migratory birds such as stroks and wid plants such as grasses