Enabling knowledge management in the Agronomic Domain Pierre Larmande Ins-tute of Computa-onnal Biology (IBC) [email protected]

Enabling knowledge management in the Agronomic Domain

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Enabling  knowledge  management  in  the  Agronomic  Domain  

Pierre  Larmande  Ins-tute  of  Computa-onnal  Biology    

(IBC)  [email protected]  

Mul7-­‐scale  omics  integra7on  


Research  areas  

Workflow  management  

Seman7c  web  


•  Data integration challenges in the Life Sciences"

•  Ontologies/ Semantic Web Technologies"

•  Agronomic Linked Data project"

•  NGS Big Data project"

Data landscape in the Life Sciences

•  The availability of biological data has increased"

•  Advancements in:"•  computational biology"•  genome sequencing"•  high-throughput technologies "

•  Integrative approaches are necessary to understand the functioning of biological systems"

•  Lack of effective approaches to integrate data that has created a gap between data and knowledge"

•  Need for an effective method to bridge gap between data and underlying meaning"

•  Harvest the power of overlaying different data sets"

Data integration challenges

•  Today’s Web content is suitable for human consumption"

•  Collection of documents"•  the existence of links that establish connections

between documents"

•  Low on data interoperability and lacks semantics."

Today’s Web

•  Ontologies are formal representations of knowledge - definitions of concepts, their attributes and relations between them."

•  To integrate data, improve machine interoperability and data analysis required a conceptual scaffold."

•  Ontological terms used across databases"•  provide cross-domain common entry points in the description."

•  An array of ontologies are being used to bring structured integration of various datasets."

•  The Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) initiative:"•  serves as an umbrella for well structured orthogonal

ontologies."•  Ontologies represented in OBO format and OWL"


Semantic Web Technology

•  An extension of the current Web technologies."

•  Enables navigation and meaningful use of digital resources."

•  Support aggregation and integration of information from diverse sources."

•  Based on common and standard formats."

Resource Description Framework (RDF)

•  Framework for representing information about resources on the Web"

•  Provides a labeled connection between two resources"

•  Uses Unique Resource Identifiers (URI)"

•  Statements take the form of triples:"

Subject   Predicate   Object  

<Gene_A>   <codes_for>   <Protein_A>  

RDF  Triple  

•  Combining the triples results in a directed, labeled graph."


<Protein_A>  <has_func7on>  






•  Language which allows querying RDF models (graphs) "

•  Powerful, flexible"

•  Its syntax is similar to the one of SQL"

Agronomic Linked Data (AgroLD)

•  Semantic web based system that captures knowledge pertaining to plant data"

•  Aim:"

•  Capability to answer complex real life questions"

•  Efficient information integration / retrieval"

•  Easy extensibility"

AgroLD – Phase I

•  AgroLD will be developed in phases – "

•  Phase I: includes data on Oryza sps. and Arabidopsis thaliana!

•  SPARQL endpoint: http://bioportal.lirmm.fr:8081/test/ "


•  Integrates information from:"

•  Ontologies: Gene Ontology, Plant Ontology, Plant Trait Ontology, Plant Environment Ontology, Crop Ontology"

•  Other information sources: "

•  Gene/Protein information: GOA, Gramene, Tair, OryzaBase, UniPort "

•  QTL information: Gramene"

•  Pathway information: RiceCyc, AraCyc"

•  Germplasm information: Oryza Tag Line"

•  Homology prediction: GreenPhyl"

Information in AgroLD

Biological process Cellular


Molecular Function


















Target Gene

Knowledge representation in AgroLD

Future directions

•  Phase II: having both wider and deeper coverage to promote comparative analysis"•  Include varied data types – gene expression data, protein-protein

interaction, Transcription factor- target gene "

•  Developing methods to aid the process of hypotheses generation - e.g. inference rules."

•  Pluggable with workflow platforms e.g.: Galaxy, OpenAlea (VirtualPlants)."

•  Engage with biologists to mobilise ‘user-pull’:"•  Develop real world use cases – studying the molecular mechanism

of panicle differentiation in rice"

Gigwa:  Genotype  Inves7gator  for  Genome  Wide  Analyses  

Aims  of  Gigwa  

•  Manage  genomic,  transcriptomic  and  genotyping  data  resul-ng  from  NGS  analyses  

•  Handle  large  VCF  files  to  filter,  query  and  extract  data  

•  Provide  a  web  user  interface  to  make  the  system  accessible  for  all    

Main  features  

o  Based  on  NoSQL  technology  o  Handles  VCF  files  (Variant  Call  Format)  and  annota-ons  

o  Supports  mul-ple  variant  types:  SNPs,  InDels,  SSRs,  SV  

o  Powerful  genotyping  queries    o  Easily  scalable  with  MongoDB  sharding  

o  Transparent  access  

Demo  –  Database  selec7on  

Mul--­‐database  with  restricted  access  

Demo  –  datatypes  selec7on  

Several types of selection: Variant search is restricted to the selected reference sequences and subset of individuals

Demo  -­‐  Queries  

Predefined queries

Demo  –  Filters  selec7on  

Several  filters  

Demo  –  browsing  results  


Dr. Patrick Valduriez!

Dr. Clement Jonquet

Dr. Manuel Ruiz! Guilhem Sempéré!

Alexis Dereeper Gautier Sarah Dr. Aravind Venkatesan

Florian Philippe Contact:    [email protected]