NATURALES TEMA 6 Ángel Ayuso- Morales Moya 5º de primaria Colegio maestro juan de Ávila

Naturales tema 6 THE BIOSPHEERE

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Ángel Ayuso- Morales Moya 5º de primaria Colegio maestro juan de Ávila

Page 2: Naturales tema 6 THE BIOSPHEERE

THE BIOSPHERE• The biosphere is the largest ecosystem because it

is made up of plaet Earth and all the living things.• living in an ecosystems can be…….



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Living things that produce their own food from sunlight water and minerals salts from the soil (plants and algae).

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• CONSUMER• Linving things that eat other living thing ( animals).

• PRIMARY COSUMERS:are animals that eat plants ( herbivores as rebbits, and insect as grasshoppers)

• SECUNDARY CONSUMERS: are animals that eat herbivores animals (owls, foxes)

• TERTIARY CONSUMERS: are animals that eat secondary consumers (hawks)

PREDATORSAre carnivorous

animals that hunt other animals


SCAVENGERS Are carnivorous animals that eat the dead bodies of other

animals (vultures)

PARASITESFeed of living things without

killing them (mosquitoes)

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DECOMPOSERS• Living things that decompose the remains of other

plants and animals so the minerals of these living things return to the soil (fungi and bacteria)

FOOD WEBS are a conbination of various

food chains

FOOD CHAINS show how the species in an

ecosystem are connected to one

another by their food relationships

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• Loss of biodiversity EXTINCTION occurs when every single member of a sepcies dies and none are

left alive

Ex.Dinosaurs, flyying reptiles and the golden toad in Costa



• Humans are rensposible for most of the recent loss of biodiversity in the world.• Climate change.

• Pollution.• Hunt and capturing

animals.• Over- exploting resources.• Releasing pets into the

wild.• Alteration of habitatns

Protectig biodiversity

Endangered species are those which

are in danger of excenting .

National paks and bioshpere reserves

are created to prodec wildlife and

its environment.