Science books for non scientists

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Page 2: Science books for non scientists

A Short History of Nearly


- by Bill Bryson

The ultimate eye-opening journey

through time and space. This book is

Bryson's quest to understand everything

that has happened from the Big Bang to

the rise of civilization - how we got from

there, being nothing at all, to here,

being us.

Favourite Quote

“Physics is really nothing more than a search for ultimate simplicity."

See the full list here-


Page 3: Science books for non scientists

The Canon

- by Natalie Angier

This book distills the scientific canon to

the absolute essentials, delivering an

entertaining and inspiring one-stop

science education. Even science-

phobes will find her passion infectious

as she strives "to make the invisible

visible, the distant neighborly, the

ineffable affable."

Favourite Quote

"Sciences are hard the way diamonds and rubies are hard, and  built to last. they sure look swell in the light."

See the full list here-


Page 4: Science books for non scientists

Science: A Four

Thousand Year History

- by Patricia Fara

This book shows how science has

always belonged to the practical world

of war, politics, and business. Rather

than glorifying scientists as idealized

heroes, she tells true stories about real

people - men (and some women) who

needed to earn their living, who made

mistakes, and who trampled down their

rivals in their quest

for success.

Favourite Quote

"Writing history is like drawing a map."

See the full list here-


Page 5: Science books for non scientists

Calculus Diaries

- by Jennifer Ouellette

With real wit and verve, Ouellette shows

how she learned to apply calculus to

everything from petrol mileages to

dieting, from rollercoaster rides to

shooting cards in Las Vegas - proving

that anyone can learn the fundamentals

of maths' universal language, and make

the world a whole lot more


Favourite Quote

“Stupid entropy ruins everything.” 

See the full list here-


Page 6: Science books for non scientists

Trespassing on

Einstein's Lawn

- by Amanda Gefter

The book is a memoir of the

impassioned hunt that takes Amanda

and her father from New York to London

to Los Alamos. Along the way, they

bump up against quirky science and

even quirkier personalities. It weaves

together story and science in

remarkable ways. By the end, you will

never look at the universe the same way


Favourite Quote

"existence is what nothing looks like from the inside."

See the full list here-
