Introduction Living thing are found everywhere on earth - On land in water, in the air under soil and logs in grass, on the tree ,in homes and also inside us. Now get out from the classroom and note down the names of organisms found around you _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Now write down the names of the organism which are not found around you but you known know them like crocodile _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Now classify those the both types of the organism in the following table Flying live element in the air Live element swimming in the water Live element living on the earth Note: bony animals which fly in the air are known as avions animals living in the water are known as aquatic animals animals living on the land are known as terrestrial animals


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IntroductionLiving thing are found everywhere on earth - On land in water, in the air under soil and logs in grass, on the tree ,in homes and also inside us.Now get out from the classroom and note down the names of organisms found around you_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now write down the names of the organism which are not found around you but you known know them like crocodile__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now classify those the both types of the organism in the following tableFlying live element in the airLive element swimming in the waterLive element living on the earth

Note: bony animals which fly in the air are known as avions animals living in the water are known as aquatic animals animals living on the land are known as terrestrial animals

Frog can live in land as well as water how shall we classify them animal which can live on land as well on water are called as amphibiansname some amphibians__________________________________________________________________________________living organism cannot live in isolation they need food and other material from their surroundings to survival. Their survival are also dependent on how they able to protect themselves from their natural predatordefine some important terms related to adaption which you are all already studiedenvironment__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________biotic environment _____________________________________________________________________________________________abiotic environment _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________habitat____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Nature has kept some animals on land and kept some flying in the airCan we live with the fish in water?Can we fly in the air with birds?Every organism changes its structure according to its environment and its requirementCHANGES occurring in the structure of organism to cop up successfully with changing environment are called adaptionLink up the dotted line in the following picture and which type of shape is formed see that

All fishes or aquatic animals have such type of shape. They are narrow at its anterior and posterior ends and swollen in the middle region. This type of shape is called aerodynamics shapes, which helps the animal to swim by reducing the resistance of water and thus they can swim very swiftly in the water.You may have seen the shape of a boat and a steamer. What are the similarities between the shapes of boat and fish? Why? Discuss it and note down __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thus, shape of a fish is its adaption to live in water. The body of the fish is covered by smooth and sticky scales made up of wax, hence the body of fish never becomes wet or decay even if it lives in water. Thus one cannot live in water if only he knows swimming there are certain other adaption found in the fish we shall understand them with the help of following picture

Now tell me that what are the adaption have fish made to let them live in water?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now tell that fishes posses which organ in the place of nose ?_____________________________________________________________________________________________Write any two aquatic animals_____________________________________________________________________________________________Now compare anyone aquatic animal with fish

Now we move on to aerial adaption that is bird The forelimb of the bird are modified into wings to fly The bones, forming the skeleton are spongy and light in weight to reduce the body They can fly easily in the air due to their special type of shapes. Tail is useful to balance the body They fill their air sac with air before flying, which help them in their flight. Birds possess such nine air sacs.

Moreover bird shows variations in their habitat and food. This is also one type of adaptions the beaks of birds are so well transformed in such way that to adapted to surrounding environment.

we have understand the adaption of aquatic animals and avions but if you look at the animals. But if you look at the animals surroundings you will find many variations among themmake the list of the terrestrial animals and write down in the following tablesName of animalLiving on treeLiving in holeLiving on landDomestic animals

Animals on treeAnimals living on the tree are known as arboreal. E.g Squirrel garden lizard and monkeythe feature of animal who live on tree They have a long thin whip like tail their tail is useful to twine around the twing of tree While tongue is useful to catch insects(if they he long stricky tongue then) They have two independent eyes on both sides Some of animals changes their color according to the surroundingBURROWING ANIMALS

RATSNAKESCREW( chhachhuder)

DESERT ANIMALSWater scarcity ,less number of tree and sandy soil are thye characteristic of a desert. Climate is very hot there.Animal livees there show many adaption due to these reason

xerophytes grow in the desert where less availability in least amount and climates is very hot. Root system of this types of plants is well developed and reaches to deep layer of soils to absorb the water .SHOOT SYSTEM leaves are reduced to the spines like structure .and stem become fleshly to store the water and food

Some plants can survive in very less availability of water, these are called xerophytesSome plants grows only in water. They require no land to germinate. these plants are called hydrophytesSome plants require adequate amount of water. These are types of plants are known as mesophytes

E.g.Zizpyhus, Calotropis, Acacia(babul) E.G. Lotus, Typha, Water chesnut(Trapa)Money plantE.G. Neem, VInca, Mango tree

hydrophytes their leaves never decay even though remain in the water. Root system is very poorly developed as water is available in sufficient quality SHOOT SYSTEM their stem is hollow ,thin, weak so that they can move with water currentmesophytes ROOT SYSTEM is well developed . SHOOT SYSTEM here stem are branched and stomata are found on the both side of leaf for means of transpiration If More amount of water available then plant die due to decaying If less amount of water available then the plant die due to heat QUESTIONQ1) What are the adaption feature of a camel Q2) What are the adaption feature of aquatic plantQ3) What are difference between mesophyte and hydrophytesQ4) what are feature of animal who live on tree