AI Research in Sweden – Challenges and Opportunities 23 Augusti 2016 Vinnova, Stockholm

Svenska AI-sällskapet på Vinnova

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AI Research in Sweden– Challenges and


23 Augusti 2016Vinnova, Stockholm

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AI is Here

• “Machine learning is a core, transformative way by whichwe’re rethinking everything we’re doing.” — Google CEO,Sundar Pichai

• “The business plans of the next 10,000 startups are easy toforecast: Take X and add AI. This is a big deal, and now it’shere.” —Kevin Kelly

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SAIS – The Swedish AI Society• A society promoting research and application of Artificial Intelligence. Members

are Swedish universities, organizations, researchers, professionals and studentsactive in, or interested in the area of Artificial Intelligence.

• Part of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence EurAI (formerly ECCAI).• Active since 1982.• About 100 members.• A representative board with representatives of both universities and industry.• Main activities:

– Yearly workshop– Yearly Master’s Thesis Award– Information sharing: web site, mailing list, Twitter and Facebook

• Will organize the largest international AI conference IJCAI in Stockholm 2018 (willalso count as the European AI Conference). Will be a federated conferenceincluding the main machine learning conference (ICML), and the main agents andmultiagent systems conference (AAMAS).

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Major Trends

• Autonomous systems and Robotics• Machine learning• Data driven decision making• Semantic technologies• Cognitive computing / Q&A-systems

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Autonomous Cars

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Autonomous Cars

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Humanoid Robots

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Deep Learning + ReinforcementLearning + Search

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Cognitive Companions/Q&A Systems

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Work in the Age of Automation?

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Blekinge Institute of Technology• BigData@BTH (KK-Stiftelsen) – The research profile, Scalable

resource-efficient systems for big data analytics, combines existingexpertise in machine learning, data mining, and computerengineering to create new knowledge in the area of scalableresource-efficient systems for big data analytics. The value of thenew knowledge will be demonstrated and evaluated in twoapplication areas (decision support systems and image processing).– I projektet ingår samarbete med flera företag, bl.a. Arkiv digital,

Compuverde, Contribe, Ericsson, Sony, och Telenor.• Machine learning/data mining i samarbete med polismyndigheten

& national forensic center i projekt angående automatiskbrottsanalys och brottslänkning (bth.se/ccc) finansierat av EU,Region Blekinge, och Vinnova i olika project.

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Chalmers• Automatic Large-scale Experiment Design for Drug Development - In this project

we are using techniques from reinforcement learning and Bayesian statistics tofind effective drugs as quickly as possible.

• Big data for sensor modelling - In this project, we are developing large scaleBayesian analysis techniques for sensor modelling in autonomous vehicles.

• Learning, Privacy and the Limits of Computation - In this project, we aredeveloping learning and decision making algorithms that are fault tolerant and cantake advantage of approximate computation.

• Mechanism Design for Multiple AIs - In this project, we design market-basedmechanisms for the seamless co-operation of naturally and artificially intelligentagents.

• Swiss Sense Synergy - In this project, we design methods for privacy preservingcrowdsourcing and recommendation systems.

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Halmstad UniversityMost AI research focuses on the "awareness“ theme, more specifically on creatinghuman-aware, situation-aware and self-aware systems. Projects include:• Data-driven methods for predictive maintenance in heavy-duty vehicles, in

collaboration with Volvo Technology (including several projects funded by Vinnova,e.g. ReDi2Service and In4Uptime)

• Modelling typical behaviours and detecting abnormal situations related tomonitoring elderly people at home (e.g. Situation Awareness for Ambient AssistedLiving project funded by KK-Foundation)

• Mapping and understanding intelligent warehouse environment consisting ofarticles and infrastructure (e.g. Automatic Inventory and Mapping of Stock project)

• Human activity monitoring using wearable sensors, including gait analysis, energyexpenditure and muscle fatigue (e.g. Human Motion, Categorization andCharacterization project)

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Linköping University: AIICSDivision for Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems

Knowledge ProcessingLab

P. Doherty

Knowledge ProcessingLab

P. Doherty

Planning & Diagnosis GroupJ. Kvarnström

Stream Reasoning GroupF. Heintz

Unmanned Aircraft SystemsTechnologies Lab

P. Doherty

Unmanned Aircraft SystemsTechnologies Lab

P. Doherty

Autonomous SystemsGroup

Perception & ControlGroup

Applied Logics GroupA. Szalas



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Knowledge Processing LabResearch in KPLab focuses on theoretical and practical aspects associatedwith the representation of knowledge and the reasoning and inferencetechniques associated with the processing of knowledge as used by bothphysical and software artifacts.

• Multi-Agent Systems• Theories of Action and Change• Theories of Delegation and Cooperation• Coalitional Game Theory

• Multi-Agent Systems• Theories of Action and Change• Theories of Delegation and Cooperation• Coalitional Game Theory

• Planning & Diagnosis• Automated Planning Techniques• Temporal Planning and Scheduling• Vehicular Diagnosis (Scania)

• Planning & Diagnosis• Automated Planning Techniques• Temporal Planning and Scheduling• Vehicular Diagnosis (Scania)

• Cognitive Robotics• Stream-based Reasoning• Cognitive Perception• FlexDx – Diagnostics & Testing

• Cognitive Robotics• Stream-based Reasoning• Cognitive Perception• FlexDx – Diagnostics & Testing

• Applied Logics• Approximate Reasoning• Nonmonotonic Reasoning• Soft computing

• Applied Logics• Approximate Reasoning• Nonmonotonic Reasoning• Soft computing

• Machine Learning• On-line Learning

• Machine Learning• On-line Learning

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Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies LabResearch in UASTech Lab focuses on theoretical and practical aspectsassociated with development of autonomous systems for unmanned aircraft

• Autonomous Systems Group• Mixed Initiative Decision Support for CollaborativeUAS Systems• Hybrid Robotic Architectures• Motion Planning and Deconfliction• Micro – UAV Platform Design

• Autonomous Systems Group• Mixed Initiative Decision Support for CollaborativeUAS Systems• Hybrid Robotic Architectures• Motion Planning and Deconfliction• Micro – UAV Platform Design

• Perception and Control Group• Non-GPS Based Navigation• Indoor/Outdoor Visual Navigation• Flight Control Software for UAVs• Flight Control Hardware for UAVs

• Perception and Control Group• Non-GPS Based Navigation• Indoor/Outdoor Visual Navigation• Flight Control Software for UAVs• Flight Control Hardware for UAVs

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Linköping University cont.

• Semantic Web Technologies (Eva Blomqvist):– EU-project VALCRI (Visual Analytics for Sense-

Making in Criminial Intelligence Analysis)• Theoretical aspects of AI (Peter Jonsson,

Christer Bäckström)– Constraint satisfaction– Planning– Spatial and temporal reasoning

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Lund University• Institutionen för datavetenskap (LTH)

– kunskapsrepresentation, språk, maskininlärning, HMI• Matematiska institutionen (LTH)

– datorseende, maskininlärning• Filosofiska institutionen (fakultet för humaniora och

teologi)• Kognition, datorseende, maskininlärning• Institutionen för statistik (ekonomihögskolan)

– Maskininlärning• Huvudsaklig finansiering EU-medel, några VR-projekt

inom naturligtspråkbehandling.

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Malmö University• AI and Games

– Dr. Steve Dahlskog– Dr. Jose Maria Font

• Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems– Prof. Paul Davidsson– Docent Jan A. Persson– Dr. Johan Holmgren– Dr. Åse Jevinger– Dr. Radu-Casian Mihailescu

• Machine Learning– Prof. Bengt Nilsson

• Adaptive Systems– Dr. Romina Spalazzese

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PAIN OUT (EU FP7) ”Case-Basedreasoning for clinical decision support”

(10+90 hospitals in Europe)


SafeDriver (KKS): A Real time Driver’sState Monitoring and Prediction System

(Volvo car, autoliv, vti, ..)

Driving PerformanceMonitoring and prediction

Driving PerformanceMonitoring and prediction

Decision Level FusionDecision Level Fusion

CREATE (ITEA), Aproc (FFI), MachOpt (FFI)“Automated self optimizing production”

InHealth, Intelligent Decision Supportfor Healthcare (KKS application)



AI gruppenPeter Funk

Mälardalen University

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VDM, Vehicle Driver Monitoring(VINNOVA)

CDSS/ TWO SELL Personalization and recommendation systems in health care/retail

AI gruppenPeter Funk

Mälardalen University

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SICS Swedish ICT BIDAF Big Data Analytics by Machine Learning methods and platforms. KKS-

funded, 2015 – 2020. With Halmstad University and Skövde University. BADA Big Data Analytics for the transportation industry. FFI-funded, 2015-2017.

With Scania, Volvo, Trafikverket. SADV Statistical anomaly detection of ship movements, MSB-funded 2010-2015,

deployed at the Swedish Coast Guard in January 2016. DIAGUIDE2 Diagnosis of trucks, with Scania, KTH, and Linköpings University.

Vinnova-funded 2015-2017. SLAM Mission planning in tactical communication networks. Together with Saab,

2012-2016.Recent spinoffs from SICS with AI-technology:

Gavagai – distributional semantics for text analysis

WeMeMove – Classification of skii gears and training support

Mavenoid – Diagnostics of machines and systems

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University of Skövde• At the University of Skövde, AI research is conducted within the Skövde

Artificial Research Group (Göran Falkman), ~18 researchers, and withincognitive robotics (Serge Thill), ~16 researchers

• Central research themes are:– Big data analytics– Transparent decision-support systems– Data- and information fusion– Human-robot interaction

• Major research areas include:– Deep learning– Reasoning under uncertainty– Visual analytics– Data privacy– Recommender systems– Interactive autonomous systems– Cognitive capabilities in robots

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University of Skövde (cont.)• Notable recent industrial collaboration:

– Advanced tactical decision support for future fighteraircraft (Saab AB), funded by VINNOVA

– Big data fusion (Huawei and others), funded by theKnowledge Foundation

– Development of robot-enhanced therapy for childrenwith autism (Aldebaran Robotics), funded by theEuropean Commission

– Picking the winners: Forecasting emergent technologythrough bibliometrics/altmetrics, topic modeling andinformation fusion (AstraZeneca, Recorded Future),funded by the Knowledge Foundation

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Stockholm University• IRIS: Forecasted individual maintenance support based on systematic

knowledge of component states in inhomogeneous fleets of vehicles.Funded by SCANIA and Vinnova between 2012-2017

• DADEL: High-performance data mining for drug effect detection. Fundedby SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research) between 2012 and2016.

• NIASC: The Nordic Information for Action eScience Center. Funded byNordforsk (the Nordic research council) between 2015-2019, amount:42MSEK.

• HAI-proactive: IT tool to prevent and treat healthcare-associatedinfections. Funded by Karolinska University Hospital and Vinnova between2016 and 2017, amount: 10MSEK.

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Umeå University

Primary Focus of Research:• Knowledge representation and reasoning, multi-agent systems, semi-

autonomous adaptive systems that include human actors, user modelling anduser adaptation, intelligent robotics

Example of projects:• A number of research projects related to personalised and adaptive eHealth

solutions, partly in the form of cognitive companions (Falls prevention, COPD,Ambient Assisted Living, preventing risks in mining work environments)

• Decision-support systems for clinicians and patients (dementia, incontinence)• Intelligent walker• Field and Indoor Robotics (EU-funded projects CROPS, SWEEPER, INTRO)

User, Knowledge and InteractionModelling Group

Assoc. Prof. Helena Lindgren

User, Knowledge and InteractionModelling Group

Assoc. Prof. Helena Lindgren

Intelligent Robotics

Prof. Thomas Hellström

Intelligent Robotics

Prof. Thomas Hellström

Department of Computing Science

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Örebro UniversityCenter for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems

Cognitive Robotic Systems: knowledge representation, planning and scheduling, semanticperception grounded in sensor data, and hybrid numerical-symbolic reasoning/inference

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Örebro UniversityCenter for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems

Cognitive Robotic Systems: knowledge representation, planning and scheduling, semanticperception grounded in sensor data, and hybrid numerical-symbolic reasoning/inference

Key Researchers• Lars Karlsson (h-index: 20 GSC)• Federico Pecora (h-index: 19 GSC)• Amy Loutfi (h-index: 19 GSC)• Alessandro Saffiotti (h-index: 38 GSC)Key Projects• ExCite (EU, 2010–2013) (*)• Rubicon (EU, 2011–2014)• Robot-Era (EU, 2012–2015)• GiraffPlus (EU, 2012–2014) (*)• MOnarCH (EU, 2013–2016)• eCare@Home (KKS, 2015–2019)• Semantic Robots (KKS, 2014–2017/2020)• GeRT (EU, 2010–2013)• RACE (EU, 2011–2014)• Sauna (KKS, 2011–2014)

Key Researchers• Lars Karlsson (h-index: 20 GSC)• Federico Pecora (h-index: 19 GSC)• Amy Loutfi (h-index: 19 GSC)• Alessandro Saffiotti (h-index: 38 GSC)Key Projects• ExCite (EU, 2010–2013) (*)• Rubicon (EU, 2011–2014)• Robot-Era (EU, 2012–2015)• GiraffPlus (EU, 2012–2014) (*)• MOnarCH (EU, 2013–2016)• eCare@Home (KKS, 2015–2019)• Semantic Robots (KKS, 2014–2017/2020)• GeRT (EU, 2010–2013)• RACE (EU, 2011–2014)• Sauna (KKS, 2011–2014)

Scientific Excellence• Influential papers (105 WoS / 570 GSC citations)• Two journal special issues• Two VR-funded projects• Two EU best project awards (*)• Integration based on well founded approaches• Manage the complexity of integration• Published in top AI journal Artificial Intelligence• Open-source tool used in four EU projects

Scientific Excellence• Influential papers (105 WoS / 570 GSC citations)• Two journal special issues• Two VR-funded projects• Two EU best project awards (*)• Integration based on well founded approaches• Manage the complexity of integration• Published in top AI journal Artificial Intelligence• Open-source tool used in four EU projects

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Örebro UniversityCenter for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems

Mobile Robotics, Machine Perception and Interaction: evaluation of interaction quality ofsystems with multiple actors, learning of sensor data, semantic perception and human-systems interaction, mobile robot olfaction, mapping, localization, navigation

Object 322: Buildingfunction: residence

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Örebro UniversityCenter for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems

Mobile Robotics, Machine Perception and Interaction: evaluation of interaction quality ofsystems with multiple actors, learning of sensor data, semantic perception and human-systems interaction, mobile robot olfaction, mapping, localization, navigation

Object 322: Buildingfunction: residence

Object 1322: railroadNext to: object 1334

Object 5681: buildingfunction: warehouse

Key Researchers• Martin Magnusson (h-index: 5 WoS / 13 GSC)• Henrik Andreasson (h-index: 8 WoS / 18 GSC)• Amy Loutfi (h-index: 19 GSC)• Achim J. Lilienthal (h-index: 28 GSC)• Alessandro Saffiotti (h-index: 38 GSC)Key Projects• KRR for anchoring (VR, 2008–2011)• Cognitive Olfaction (VR, 2010–2014)• Large Scale Anchoring (VR, 2011–2015)• WearAmI (EU/VR, 2015–2017)• ReGround (EU/VR, 2015–2018)• ALLO (KKS, 2012 – 2015)• RobLog (EU, FP7, 2011 – 2015)• Spencer (EU, FP7, 2013 – 2016)• SAUNA (KKS, 2010 – 2013)• Semantic Robots (KKS, 2014–2017/2020)

Key Researchers• Martin Magnusson (h-index: 5 WoS / 13 GSC)• Henrik Andreasson (h-index: 8 WoS / 18 GSC)• Amy Loutfi (h-index: 19 GSC)• Achim J. Lilienthal (h-index: 28 GSC)• Alessandro Saffiotti (h-index: 38 GSC)Key Projects• KRR for anchoring (VR, 2008–2011)• Cognitive Olfaction (VR, 2010–2014)• Large Scale Anchoring (VR, 2011–2015)• WearAmI (EU/VR, 2015–2017)• ReGround (EU/VR, 2015–2018)• ALLO (KKS, 2012 – 2015)• RobLog (EU, FP7, 2011 – 2015)• Spencer (EU, FP7, 2013 – 2016)• SAUNA (KKS, 2010 – 2013)• Semantic Robots (KKS, 2014–2017/2020)

Scientific Excellence• Influential seminal papers (170 WoS / 800 GSC citations)• Three journal special issues• Four best paper awards• Seven VR-funded projects• Secretary of International Society for Olfaction

and Chemical Sensing (ISOCS)

Scientific Excellence• Influential seminal papers (170 WoS / 800 GSC citations)• Three journal special issues• Four best paper awards• Seven VR-funded projects• Secretary of International Society for Olfaction

and Chemical Sensing (ISOCS)

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Örebro UniversityCenter for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems

Complementary competencies integrated with inter-lab projects, e.g., Semantic Robots(2014-2019), Funded by KKSApplications studied in collaboration with companies, e.g.,

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Funding Issues/Challenges

• There are no calls directly targeting AI.• The calls that are related do not explicitly

mention AI.• in the end they are given to researchers with

weak, if any, connection to AI research.

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Suggestions1. A call for applied AI research in collaboration between companies

and researchers. 1-2 year projects. Potential name: AI EnhancedProducts and Services.

2. A call for industrial PhD students working on AI problems in closecollaboration with industry. 4 year projects maybe with some co-financing of the companies.

3. That AI researchers get invited to the panels for example for thecurrent calls for "Spjutspetsprojekt för att främjanyindustrialiseringen av Sverige", "Datadrivna labb" och "Densmarta digitala fabriken 2016-2018". It would also be desirablethat AI gets promoted in the calls. Now it is implicit.