Trnasgenic fish

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• Transgenic fish or genetically modified

fish(GM fish) are genetically modified

organism. The DNA of the fish is modified

using genetic engineering techniques.

• Aim is to introduce a new trait to fish

• GM fish has been approved by FDA

• Generally genetic modification entails

manipulation of DNA . The process is known as

cisgenesis when a gene is transferred

between organisms that could be

conventionally bred , or transgenesis when a

gene from one species is added to a different

species. Gene transfer in to the genome of the

desired organism ,as for fish in this case ,

requires a vector like lentivirusor mechanical

/ physical insertion of the altered genes

into the nucleus of the host by means of

amicro syringe or a gene gun.

The first recorded instance of

transgenic fish being created date from the

early 1980 s. As of 2003, over species had

been genetically engineered in research



It belongs to salmonidae family,includes

salmon and trout.

• spawn lives in fresh water and matured ones

are in sea ,this life style is anadromous

• Predators - feed on small crustaceans,aquatic

insects and smaller fish

• GM atlantic

• Species of interestTransgenic fish have been produced for numerous species of fish including non-commercialmodel species such as the loach, Misgurnus anguilIicaudtis medaka,

• Oryzias latipes, topminnows and zebrafish, although have developed transgenic rainbow zebrafish for the ornamental fish industry. Several experiments have evaluated transgenic farmed fish species including goldfish common carp,silver carp, mud loach, rainbow trout Atlantic salmon, coho salmon,chinook salmon, channel catfish and Nile tilapia

• Additionally, gene transfer has been accomplished in some fishes majorly in salmon, zebra fish

• Microinjection refers to the process of using a glass micropipette to inject a liquid substance at a microscopic or borderline macroscopic level. The target is often a living cell but may also include intercellular space.