17 easy mediation techniques for beginners

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EVERYDAY .Meditation helps to form all the better habits, to become more peaceful, more appreciative, focused and less worried in avoidable situations and attentive to everything in life. The practitioner gets benefited by understanding its own mind. By following the 17 EASY MEDIATION TECHNIQUES FOR BEGINNERS one can easily start meditation regularly.

My personal feeling about meditation is that initially, I could not think what was going on inside my thought - I was blindly following the intuitive command like an automation, whether I really like or don’t like these commands. But then after practicing for a couple of weeks, I was aware of what’s going on in my thought. I can make a choice between whether to follow the commands. I understand myself in a better way, which gave me abundant flexibility and freedom.

That’s why I highly recommend to follow it. However, it’s not an easy task, hence start with small and get better gradually as you practice.

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By practicing below 17 Easy Mediation Techniques for Beginners, it will help you to start and keep going. You need not have to implement them all at once. Start practicing few steps, then come back to this article, then try again with next trick.

Start with just two minutes every day: It’s very easy to sit for just two minutes allocating for meditation. This idea is really awesome, just two minutes for the first week, then gradually increase for another two minutes in the second week. If first two-week goes well, increase just another few more minutes a day gradually. You will see your meditation time increases to 10 min from 2 minutes in about a month. That’s really amazing! But start from small and continuity till you are benefited is very important.

Do it in the morning: We usually forget to keep our commitment to do it every day. Instead, just keep your reminder active for every morning when you wake up and put a note that says “meditate” in a place where you can see it.

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Just do it - don’t get indulge in simple questions: Many of us get to worry about how to sit, where to sit, what is the level of comfort should be there while sitting. These are all the nice idea, but they are not very important while starting this practice. Simply by sitting on the chair, couch, bed or on the ground as per your wish in a crossed leg position. Since it's for two minutes you can sit as per your wish somewhere quiet and comfortable for longer, later while increasing the meditation time you can think of optimizing it. So you will be comfortable while sitting for a longer time.

Observe how do you’re feeling: After the first week of two minutes meditation session, before getting up, check your quality of mind, busy, anxious or tired etc. Check how your body is feeling, or reacting rest of the time. Check your overall physical and mental feeling. Observe whatever you’re bringing to this meditation session as completely fine.

Count the breaths: Put your attention to your breath and follow it through your nose all the way down to your lungs. Take a deep breath and slowly release, try counting “one” as you take the first breath, then “two” as you release the breath. Repeat this till count reaches to 10, to start again.

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Come back when you wander: This is absolutely certain that your mind will wonder during the meditating process. That is quite natural reaction of your mind. When you notice your mind is wondering, feel happy, and simply return to your breath. Start counting once again from “one”. If you feel frustration, for not being focused, still it’s perfectly ok. It requires practice for a couple of more weeks to develop naturally.

Develop caring attitude: When you wonder mind is roaming around in different thoughts, be friendly with these feelings and not annoying. These thoughts are part of you, may not all of them are favourable, but still, you have to be friendly and not harsh.

Stop worrying too much: You are not doing it wrong. There is no single or multiple perfect ways to do it. You need to just be happy that you are doing it. As you practice more, perfect ways you will get which are suitable for your soul.

Stop worry about clearing your thoughts: There is a wrong notion in the mind of lots that, meditation is for clearing your mind or stopping all your thoughts during meditation process. This is not the purpose of meditation. If you get thoughts, that’s normal. We all do. The thought factory in our brain can’t be stopped. So, treat this thought in a friendly manner. When the mind wanders it will slowly focus on a single thought or topic which will either give more pleasure or will give you a solution within the thought process.

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Tune in whatever comes: The best practice in meditation is to stay focused with whatever your thoughts come in your mind and slightly be curious about it. I said previously in this article to return to the counting of breath, but that is in the initial days for a week. You might also try to follow your thought or the feeling that arises, it can be frustration, anger or anxiety.

Know yourself: It’s about learning how your mind works, what’s your thought process is. Become friend with them, treat them as they are an integral part instead of avoiding it. Give a smile on these thoughts and adopt it.

Scan your body: Once you are comfortable with the breathing process, shift your attention to your body parts. Start from feet and slowly move towards your head.

Commitment Required: You need to commit yourself for at least a month to follow these practice without any break. Lock it in your mind and always think about it how you can manage to do every day.

The best place to do: There is nothing called the best place or best time. If something came up and you are busy in the morning, you can do it in your office. During your commute back home. In the evening in the park, or as you walk somewhere. Sitting posture is the best way to begin in the initial days, but in the long run rest of your life, you will practice this kind of mindfulness.

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Be grateful: Don't leave the place immediately after two minutes meditation is done. Feel happy and smile at the feeling that you experienced. This is really important to feel proud that you could give few minutes to know yourself. You remained to fulfill your commitment and trustworthy to yourself. That’s awesome two minutes of your life.

Form a group: To continue in a long run, you can form a group with your friends, family members, with your community. This will help in practicing meditation every day without any break. You can also find an online group, ask questions encourage others, get support and share feelings etc.

Meditation has amazing benefits, if practiced every day, helps to know your own strength and weakness clearly. So you can start doing it today and continue rest of your life. Meditation is the very vital element to develop your Creative Manifestation Technique.

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