Mr. Vinickas’s 50 Worldly Tips That I Wish Somebody Had Told Me 1. Someday you will have a moment where you wish for a redo of either high school or college. A) Make the most of high school and college; have fun but make educated decisions. B) Slap yourself when you want the redo. 2. Facebook is not a method of maintaining friendships post-high school. Make plans with your old friends over breaks. 3. Be nice to all your teachers and professors. You’ll probably want a letter of recommendation from them someday. 4. Do not get a large order of fries at Five Guys unless if you haven’t eaten in a few days or are sharing. 5. On that note, don’t bring you friend who’s allergic to peanuts to Five Guys. 6. When given the choice between ice cream and gelato, pick gelato. 7. Everyone you will ever meet will know things you don’t. Don’t act like a know-it-all. Try to learn from everyone you can. 8. People will come into your life and out of it. Don’t grieve or get angry over friends or significant others that leave your life… cherish what they’ve brought into your life. 9. Some say that history is cyclical. What happened in the past will repeat itself. Break the cycle. Learn from the past, learn from your mistakes and other’s mistakes. Use history to make the world better. 10. Do one eating challenge in your life. Even if it’s a pie eating contest. 11. Live in the moment. Don’t live through looking at you selfies. 12. The best place to bring a date is to an amusement park. Don’t believe me? Try it. 13. Never have a first date at the movies. 14. When you have a job, tip your waiter based on their performance. If the food was bad but your server was excellent, don’t punish the waiter. Also, if you food takes a while there’s nothing you serve can do about it. That’s the kitchen’s fault not theirs. Tip at least 18% for good service. 15. Always bring cash with you when going to a new restaurant. You never know when you’ll come across a cash only operation. It gets awkward. 16. Take summer and winter classes in college. They’re usually great GPA boosters and can free your semesters up to study abroad or take courses you might not have been able to previously. 17. Your boss tells you to do a task, do it.

50 "worldly tips" I gave to my 10th graders on the last day of class

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Page 1: 50 "worldly tips" I gave to my 10th graders on the last day of class

Mr. Vinickas’s 50 Worldly Tips That I Wish Somebody Had Told Me

1. Someday you will have a moment where you wish for a redo of either high school or college. A) Make

the most of high school and college; have fun but make educated decisions. B) Slap yourself when you

want the redo.

2. Facebook is not a method of maintaining friendships post-high school. Make plans with your old

friends over breaks.

3. Be nice to all your teachers and professors. You’ll probably want a letter of recommendation from

them someday.

4. Do not get a large order of fries at Five Guys unless i f you haven’t eaten in a few days or are sharing.

5. On that note, don’t bring you friend who’s allergic to peanuts to Five Guys.

6. When given the choice between ice cream and gelato, pick gelato.

7. Everyone you will ever meet will know things you don’t. Don’t act like a know-it-all. Try to learn from

everyone you can.

8. People will come into your life and out of it. Don’t grieve or get angry over friends or significant others

that leave your life… cherish what they’ve brought into your life.

9. Some say that history is cyclical. What happened in the past will repeat itself. Break the cycle. Learn

from the past, learn from your mistakes and other’s mistakes. Use history to make the world better.

10. Do one eating challenge in your life. Even if it’s a pie eating contest.

11. Live in the moment. Don’t live through looking at you selfies.

12. The best place to bring a date is to an amusement park. Don’t believe me? Try it.

13. Never have a first date at the movies.

14. When you have a job, tip your waiter based on their performance. If the food was bad but your

server was excellent, don’t punish the waiter. Also, if you food takes a while there’s nothing you serve

can do about it. That’s the kitchen’s fault not theirs. Tip at least 18% for good service.

15. Always bring cash with you when going to a new restaurant. You never know when you’ll come

across a cash only operation. It gets awkward.

16. Take summer and winter classes in college. They’re usually great GPA boosters and can free your

semesters up to study abroad or take courses you might not have been able to previously.

17. Your boss tells you to do a task, do it.

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18. Learn everything you can from your grandparents about their past and your great-grandparents. You

never know when they won’t be around anymore, and you’ll always regret not getting to know their


19. If safe and possible, break for squirrels. Remember they probably have little baby squirrels to feed.

20. Learn how to play golf. It’s the best networking sport.

21. Make lists of all the places you want to visit without children, with children and both. A romantic

getaway to the Caribbean changes once you have a toddler in tow.

22. Go to Disney World with your significant other before children and with children. They’ll be two

completely different experiences, and you’ll be glad you had both.

23. When planning a road trip, always make the return trip more fun than the departure trip. It’ll make

the return trip less depressing.

24. Learn how to say hello, goodbye, thank you, and where can I find a restroom in the native language

of any foreign country.

25. Visit Mansfield Drive-In at least once in your life especially if you go to UConn or ECSU.

26. It is ok to fail as long as you learn from it. Failing and learning nothing from it is the worst crime you

could commit to yourself.

27. For your gen ed requirements in college, take classes that are outside your comfort zone. They’re

usually not that hard to get a good grade in, and you’ll make yourself a more well -rounded person.

28. If you don’t plan on majoring in history or political science, for your social studies gen ed

requirement take either psychology, sociology or anthropology.

29. Join at least one club in college. You’ll make friends that last a lifetime.

30. All-nighters are an necessary evil of college. You may start a paper as early as possible, but you’ll still

probably be up all night before it’s due. Ask me about my Roman History textbook story.

31. If you do major in history or political science, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

32. Read one fantasy epic saga in your lifetime if you haven’t already read the Harry Potter series. I’d

recommend the A Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones) or Lord of the Rings.

33. Get a pizza from Frank Pepe’s. That’s true pizza.

34. There are few things worth losing a friend over. Take a deep breath, take some time and work it out.

35. A well styled and proofread resume is your best friend ever.

36. Do not eat the yellow snow.

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37. Pick up a hobby. Anything really. Once you start working full-time, that hobby will be your stress


38. If you go to the South, go to a Hardee’s or Carl’s Jr. versus a Wendy’s or McDonalds. It’ll redefine

what you call quality fast food.

39. Also, the Waffle House may seem like fun, but trust me, anything other than waffles is shady there.

Expect digestional issues if you go there.

40. Buy used textbooks whenever possible.

41. Learn one or two good jokes for parties.

42. Learn how to cook one good dish. And by cook, I don’t mean heating up a Stouffer’s lasagna. Guys,

this is one of the best ways to impress a girl.

43. It is ok to get mad at stupid drivers. They are putting other people’s safety at risk. Just don’t become

a stupid driver when you get mad.

44. Naps are glorious in college. I didn’t take a single one. I missed out.

45. New is not always better. New is sometimes better. Don’t waste your money on stupid fads.

46. I stole this one from the internet, but if a child asks you to answer their imaginary phone, you

answer that call.

47. Always be early for an interview and first day of work. Always be fashionably late for a party.

48. If you like Reese’s cups, try the PB & C shake at Cold Stone Creamery.

49. Every person you will ever meet will have some kind of impact on you and you on them. Think about

what kind of impact you want to have.

50. There is no situation that hard work and perseverance won’t get you out of it.