Maestro’s Method . . . finding love again MaestroDatingCoach.com © 2013 Scratch Media Arts

8 Minutes To a Better Love Life: Maestro's Method

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http://www.maestrodatingcoach.com How's your love life? Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the "meat market"? Does the term "pick-up artist" rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity? Maestro's Method is a mature, ethical approach to attracting the right people. It's rooted in Evolutionary Psychology, Mythology and practical experience. And it works both for men and women.

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Maestro’s Method

. . . finding love again


© 2013 Scratch Media Arts

Page 2: 8 Minutes To a Better Love Life: Maestro's Method

How’s your love life?

Hi! How’s your love life?

Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the “meat market”? Does the term “pick-up artist” rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?

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How’s your love life?


Hi! How’s your love life?

Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the “meat market”? Does the term “pick-up artist” rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?

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How’s your love life?


Newly single?

Dreading the “meat market”?

Hi! How’s your love life?

Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the “meat market”? Does the term “pick-up artist” rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?

Page 5: 8 Minutes To a Better Love Life: Maestro's Method

How’s your love life?


Newly single?

Dreading the “meat market”?

Worried about “pick-up artists”?

Hi! How’s your love life?

Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the “meat market”? Does the term “pick-up artist” rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?

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How’s your love life?


Newly single?

Dreading the “meat market”?

Worried about “pick-up artists”?

Quality vs. quantity?

Hi! How’s your love life?

Are you frustrated with your dating life? Are you newly single and find yourself dreading the “meat market”? Does the term “pick-up artist” rub you the wrong way? Are you more interested in quality than quantity?

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Maestro’s Method



Right people

Maestro’s Method is a mature, ethical approach to attracting the right people. It’s rooted in Evolutionary Psychology, Mythology and practical experience. And it works both for men and women.

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Maestro’s Method

Evolutionary Psychology


Practical experience

Maestro’s Method is a mature, ethical approach to attracting the right people. It’s rooted in Evolutionary Psychology, Mythology and practical experience. And it works both for men and women.

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For men and women.

Maestro’s Method is a mature, ethical approach to attracting the right people. It’s rooted in Evolutionary Psychology, Mythology and practical experience. And it works both for men and women.

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But what does this mean?

So, what does this mean? Let’s break it down.

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So, what does this mean? Let’s break it down.

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A Mature Approach To Dating


By mature, I mean that this work is intended for mature-minded people of any age. There are lots of systems out there--and I’m specifically speaking to men, now--there are plenty of dating methods out there that promise you can GET LAID TONIGHT. That’s not what Maestro’s Method is about.

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A Mature Approach To Dating

Get laid tonight!

By mature, I mean that this work is intended for mature-minded people of any age. There are lots of systems out there--and I’m specifically speaking to men, now--there are plenty of dating methods out there that promise you can GET LAID TONIGHT. That’s not what Maestro’s Method is about.

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You can do this if you want to.

I have, in fact, studied and worked with guys that specialize in teaching that sort of thing. And I have nothing against one-night stands, per se. In fact, I’ve been there and done that. Most of us have. But, frankly, at this stage of my career, I prefer working with people who value quality over quantity.

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Quality Quantity


I have, in fact, studied and worked with guys that specialize in teaching that sort of thing. And I have nothing against one-night stands, per se. In fact, I’ve been there and done that. Most of us have. But, frankly, at this stage of my career, I prefer working with people who value quality over quantity.

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I also use the term “mature” to mean careful and thorough, as in a mature analysis of my clients’ dating habits. “Mature” also connotes wisdom, experience and sophistication. These are qualities I value in myself and others, and I try to season Maestro’s Method with generous helpings of each.

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I also use the term “mature” to mean careful and thorough, as in a mature analysis of my clients’ dating habits. “Mature” also connotes wisdom, experience and sophistication. These are qualities I value in myself and others, and I try to season Maestro’s Method with generous helpings of each.

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I also use the term “mature” to mean careful and thorough, as in a mature analysis of my clients’ dating habits. “Mature” also connotes wisdom, experience and sophistication. These are qualities I value in myself and others, and I try to season Maestro’s Method with generous helpings of each.

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Dating Ethics

So, what do I mean by ethical? After all, my idea of right and wrong may not be the same as yours.

By ethical, I simply mean that, when it comes to dating, honesty is the best policy. Lying is like taking drugs. There’s a brief high followed by long, painful consequences. Lying ultimately attracts the wrong people and drives away the right people.

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Dating Ethics


So, what do I mean by ethical? After all, my idea of right and wrong may not be the same as yours.

By ethical, I simply mean that, when it comes to dating, honesty is the best policy. Lying is like taking drugs. There’s a brief high followed by long, painful consequences. Lying ultimately attracts the wrong people and drives away the right people.

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Dating Ethics


So, what do I mean by ethical? After all, my idea of right and wrong may not be the same as yours.

By ethical, I simply mean that, when it comes to dating, honesty is the best policy. Lying is like taking drugs. There’s a brief high followed by long, painful consequences. Lying ultimately attracts the wrong people and drives away the right people.

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Dating Ethics

Wrong people

So, what do I mean by ethical? After all, my idea of right and wrong may not be the same as yours.

By ethical, I simply mean that, when it comes to dating, honesty is the best policy. Lying is like taking drugs. There’s a brief high followed by long, painful consequences. Lying ultimately attracts the wrong people and drives away the right people.

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Maestro’s Method



Maestro’s Method is not about tricking or seducing someone into liking you. It’s about presenting your best self, your honest self--honing your integrity--in order to attract the people who will support your dreams and goals.

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The Science Of Love

Evolutionary Psychology is a very broad category, essentially referring to the study of human impulses; based, of course, on Darwin's theory of natural selection. I use it in Maestro’s Method to explain the differences between male and female gender instincts.

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The Science Of Love

Human impulses

Evolutionary Psychology is a very broad category, essentially referring to the study of human impulses; based, of course, on Darwin's theory of natural selection. I use it in Maestro’s Method to explain the differences between male and female gender instincts.

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The Science Of Love



Evolutionary Psychology is a very broad category, essentially referring to the study of human impulses; based, of course, on Darwin's theory of natural selection. I use it in Maestro’s Method to explain the differences between male and female gender instincts.

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value physicality


Men, for instance, are genetically programmed to value a woman’s physical appearance more than women do a man’s. And women value a man’s social status more than men do a woman’s.

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value status


Men, for instance, are genetically programmed to value a woman’s physical appearance more than women do a man’s. And women value a man’s social status more than men do a woman’s.

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. . . cloud our judgement

Because our instincts often overwhelm our higher brain faculties, smart men and women sometimes fall for bimbos and bad boys.

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Maestro’s Method

It is possible, however, to find partners with whom you have both a gut-level attraction, as well as intellectual and spiritual compatibility. Maestro’s Method is about reconciling your heart with your brain.

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Reconciling . . .

It is possible, however, to find partners with whom you have both a gut-level attraction, as well as intellectual and spiritual compatibility. Maestro’s Method is about reconciling your heart with your brain.

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The Mythology Of Romance

So, what is mythology? And what does it have to do with dating? You may associate the term with boring humanities lectures about ancient gods and monsters and rituals. Or you may be familiar with the great works of Joseph Campbell. But mythologizing is something most of us do almost every day.

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The Mythology Of Romance

We all do it.

So, what is mythology? And what does it have to do with dating? You may associate the term with boring humanities lectures about ancient gods and monsters and rituals. Or you may be familiar with the great works of Joseph Campbell. But mythologizing is something most of us do almost every day.

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In very simple terms, myths are popular stories that explain why things are the way they are. Every culture, from the dawn of man, has circulated such tales, handing them down to succeeding generations. And our modern American culture is no different.

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In very simple terms, myths are popular stories that explain why things are the way they are. Every culture, from the dawn of man, has circulated such tales, handing them down to succeeding generations. And our modern American culture is no different.

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In very simple terms, myths are popular stories that explain why things are the way they are. Every culture, from the dawn of man, has circulated such tales, handing them down to succeeding generations. And our modern American culture is no different.

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Mass Media

In our time, these stories are circulated not only from person to person, but through mass media, like books and movies.

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Mass Media


In our time, these stories are circulated not only from person to person, but through mass media, like books and movies.

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Tales Of Romance

Core feminine instincts

Women love romantic stories that present a happy ending. Why? Because, deep down, on a gut level, most women (even today) want to live happily ever after with a knight in shining armor. This type of story resonates with core feminine instincts.

Men like action movies. Why? Because male genes are programmed to compete for resources, including women. Stories that demonstrate men battling each other over status resonate with core masculine instincts.

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Tales Of War

Core masculine instincts

Women love romantic stories that present a happy ending. Why? Because, deep down, on a gut level, most women (even today) want to live happily ever after with a knight in shining armor. This type of story resonates with core feminine instincts.

Men like action movies. Why? Because male genes are programmed to compete for resources, including women. Stories that demonstrate men battling each other over status resonate with core masculine instincts.

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The Story Of Your Life

Our own love lives often take on mythological proportions. We tell our friends stories about this girl or that guy in our lives; not only to entertain, but also to learn from each other. Sometimes these stories reinforce our successes. Other times, however, these stories fuel destructive patterns.

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The Story Of Your Life




Our own love lives often take on mythological proportions. We tell our friends stories about this girl or that guy in our lives; not only to entertain, but also to learn from each other. Sometimes these stories reinforce our successes. Other times, however, these stories fuel destructive patterns.

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Practical Experience

What do I mean by practical experience? I use the term to indicate that action is necessary for improvement. It’s not enough for us to theorize about our relationships. We have to take tangible steps to improve them. And like all skills, social skills, including dating skills, improve with practice.

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Practical Experience




What do I mean by practical experience? I use the term to indicate that action is necessary for improvement. It’s not enough for us to theorize about our relationships. We have to take tangible steps to improve them. And like all skills, social skills, including dating skills, improve with practice.

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Men Womenvs.

DifferentorSame ?

Have you ever heard people talk about how differently men and women think? And then you talk to someone else, and they insist that our minds are the same but our bodies are different?

Well, here’s the deal. In our higher brain faculties, men and women are pretty much the same. We all have the capacity to love and compete over resources; to form political, social and religious values; and to make decisions based on rational thought.

But deep down, in our gender instincts, men and women are very different. Without getting into the details of those differences here, let me just tell you a little bit about how Maestro’s Method addresses gender instincts.

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Men Women






Have you ever heard people talk about how differently men and women think? And then you talk to someone else, and they insist that our minds are the same but our bodies are different?

Well, here’s the deal. In our higher brain faculties, men and women are pretty much the same. We all have the capacity to love and compete over resources; to form political, social and religious values; and to make decisions based on rational thought.

But deep down, in our gender instincts, men and women are very different. Without getting into the details of those differences here, let me just tell you a little bit about how Maestro’s Method addresses gender instincts.

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Men Women



Have you ever heard people talk about how differently men and women think? And then you talk to someone else, and they insist that our minds are the same but our bodies are different?

Well, here’s the deal. In our higher brain faculties, men and women are pretty much the same. We all have the capacity to love and compete over resources; to form political, social and religious values; and to make decisions based on rational thought.

But deep down, in our gender instincts, men and women are very different. Without getting into the details of those differences here, let me just tell you a little bit about how Maestro’s Method addresses gender instincts.

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For Men

The Art Of Attraction:

Approach Anxiety

By far, the biggest issue with my male clients is approach anxiety. Most men are instinctively fearful of initiating flirtatious encounters with attractive women.

This is so because, for many thousands of years, only the most dominant men had access to the majority of attractive women. And, in some ways, this still applies today. But in those days, a man could easily lose his life for getting involved with one of the king's wives or concubines.

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The Art Of Attraction:

For Women

Bad Boys

The primary issue for my female clients is teaching them to discern, quickly, which attractive men are worth pursuing and which ones are bad news. And this is simply a matter of asking the right questions.

Women are instinctively driven to bad boys. But there are good-bad boys and bad-bad boys. And many women have trouble distinguishing between the two.

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Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

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Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

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Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

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Frustrated?Feeling left out?

Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

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Frustrated?Feeling left out?Newly Single?

Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

Page 55: 8 Minutes To a Better Love Life: Maestro's Method

Frustrated?Feeling left out?Newly Single?Tired of bars?

Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

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Frustrated?Feeling left out?Newly Single?Tired of bars?Ready to give up?

Is Maestro’s Method right for you?

You probably still have a few questions at this point; like . . .

. . . Is Maestro’s Method right for you? So, once again, let me ask you--

Are you:

• Frustrated by your dating life?

• Tired of seeing other people having all the fun?

• Newly single after a long-term relationship?

• Wasting loads of time at bars and speed-dating events?

• Ready to give up dating and adopt a houseful of cats?

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And the most important question . . .

And the most important question--

Are you ready to take a serious look at your life and make the changes necessary to find the man or woman of your dreams!?

It’s up to you.

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Serious look at your life

Make the changes necessary

Find the man/woman of your dreams!?

And the most important question . . .

And the most important question--

Are you ready to take a serious look at your life and make the changes necessary to find the man or woman of your dreams!?

It’s up to you.

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Maestro’s Method

. . . finding love again


© 2013 Scratch Media Arts

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