Brumhilda decided one day to run away. She was sitting next to her window, looking out at the mountains. The clouds were covering the peaks making them seem like they were taller than the sky. She couldn’t decide if she should wait until after dinner to run away, or jump through the window now. What should she do? She should run away now. She should wait until after dinner. She’s pret ty hungry.

Brumhilda decided one day to run away

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Page 1: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda decided one day to run away. She was sitting next to her window, looking out at the mountains. The clouds were covering the peaks making them seem like they were taller than the sky. She couldn’t decide if she should wait until after dinner to run away, or jump through the

window now.

What should she do?

She should run away now.

She should wait until after dinner. She’s pretty hungry.

Page 2: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda decided that she should run away now as it looked like it was going to rain soon. She

lifted up the window and was halfway out when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

What should she do?

She should ignore the knock and jump out. It’s probably just her mum trying to nag her about something.

She should pull her legs back in and open the door. It wouldn’t be good to be impolite.

Page 3: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda dropped out of the window and landed in the flowerbed. She looked down and saw that she

had crushed her mum’s favourite roses.

What should she do?

She should run inside and apologise to her mum. She’s feeling very guilty.

She should run away as quickly as possible. Her mum is going to kill her now.

Page 4: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda sprinted away from the carnage. As she was running, she heard a door slam and her mother


What should she do?

She should keep running. The trees aren’t too far away and she should be able to get to them before her mum sees her.

Stop and go back.

Page 5: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda reaches the trees and stops behind one of them to catch her breath. She can hear her mum running through the house crashing into things.

What should she do?

She should wait for a bit longer until she can breathe properly.

She should push on through the forest. It’s getting pretty dark.

Page 6: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda decides to wait for a bit and get her breath back. As she stands under the tree she

realises that she is starving. She has brought no food with her.

What should she do?

She should try to find a bush which will hopefully provide berries.

She should go back to her house and have dinner.

Page 7: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda finds her way out of the forest and sneaks back into the house.

She has only been gone a couple of hours and no-one had noticed.

She feels unloved. You lose.

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Page 8: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda walked around the trees looking into each bush. On one of the bushes, she found some berries. They are bright red and quite big.

What should she do?

She should eat the berries.

She should keep looking.

Page 9: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda keeps looking in all the bushes she can see, but there are no other berries.

What should she do?

She should go back to the bush with the red berries.

She should try to forget how hungry she is.

Page 10: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda told her stomach to shut up and kept walking. She walked past a large tree that had holes all through it. When she got around the

other side she saw a path.

What should she do?

She should follow the path. It has to lead somewhere.

She should avoid the path.

Page 11: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda walks off through the trees. She eventually came to a clearing that has a little

cottage in it.

What should she do?

She should go and knock on the cottage door.

She should walk away from the cottage. It looks spooky.

Page 12: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda knocks on the cottage’s door. An old lady answers it and when she sees Brumhilda she

starts to cry.When she stops crying, she explains that she’s

Brumhilda’s grandmother. Brumhilda decides to stay with her. You kind of


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Page 13: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda walks away from the spooky looking cottage. She keeps walking.

It gets darker and darker. She starts to wish she knocked on the cottage’s door.

She gets lost. You lose.

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Page 14: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda follows the path. She walks for what seems like years and eventually the path leads

straight back to her house. She has only been gone for around an hour.

Brumhilda gives up and goes back to the house.When she gets back, she pretends that she had

never run away. You lose.

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Page 15: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda ate the berries. They tasted tart and she ate handful after handful until she felt

full. She started feeling sick.

What should she do?

She should find a stream and have a drink. She’s probably just dehydrated.

She should try to find her way out of the woods and find a doctor.

Page 16: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda finally finds her way to a stream. She leans down and dips her hand into it. Brightly coloured fish swim around her fingers. A shadow moves over her; she looks up. It’s her dad.

What should she do?

She should run away from him. He wants to take her home.

She should give herself up and go home. Her tummy still hurts.

Page 17: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda stands up and goes over to her dad. He hugs her and tells her how worried they have

been. He takes her home where they call for a doctor.

Brumhilda feels loved. But you still lose.

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Page 18: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda runs but her dad is a lot quicker. He catches her and takes her home.

She’s grounded for three months for running away.

Her adventure wasn’t that fun. You lose.

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Page 19: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda wandered around the forest trying to find the way she had came in. It was getting

darker and darker. As the sun set, she realised that she wouldn’t get

out until morning at least. She lay down under a tree’s exposed roots and

tried to sleep.She didn’t wake up. You lose.

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Page 20: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda slid to a halt and turned around. She could still hear her mum screaming and

hesitatingly walked back to the flattened bushes.

Her mum saw her, pushed her inside the house and locked her in the kitchen cupboard. Now she can’t run away. You lose.

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Page 21: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda walked inside and stood meekly in front of her mum. Her voice squeaked as she tried to

explain about the roses. Her mum misheard her and thought that she had said that Brumhilda’s brother Ziegfried had crushed the roses.

What should she do?

She should correct her mum and tell her the truth.

She should lie and confirm that it was her brother’s fault.

Page 22: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda snuck out the front door while her mum ran up the staircase yelling at Ziegfried.

What should she do?

She should run towards the forest; just like her original plan.

She should stay and watch her brother cop it.

Page 23: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda stood in the hallway and listened to her mum screaming. Suddenly, her mum and brother

come down the stairs toward her. Her mum points at Brumhilda’s shoes. Looking

down, Brumhilda realises her shoes are covered in dirt and rose petals.

She is grounded. You lose.

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Page 24: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda stood shaking as her mum glared at her. She was then escorted upstairs and locked in her

room. A couple of minutes later, Brumhilda heard her

dad climbing a ladder outside.

What should she do?

She should go over to the window and see what her dad is doing.

She should sit on her bed and look dejected.

Page 25: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda stuck her bottom lip out and sat cross legged on her bed.

It didn’t make a difference. Her dad still nailed her window shut.

She’s trapped. You lose.

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Page 26: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda looked out the window. Her dad was up the ladder with a plank of wood and a hammer.

He starts to nail her window shut. She’s trapped. You lose.

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Page 27: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda decided to wait until after dinner. Her mum had cooked roast chicken and vegetables.

Brumhilda ate too much and felt sick.

What should she do?

She should put off her plans to run away until she feels better. Running away

isn’t fun when you feel sick.

She should run away now and hope the fresh air and movement makes her feel a

little better.

Page 28: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda decided to let herself out through the back door. As she was leaving she saw the light of a torch weaving its way through the vegetable


What should she do?

She should run as fast as she can in the other direction.

She should duck behind the rubbish bin next to the back door.

Page 29: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda ducked behind the rubbish bin and watched the light get closer. It was the security guard and his dog. The dog looked up when it got

close and started to sniff.

What should she do?

She should reach into the rubbish bin and find some food to throw to the dog

to distract it.

She should hold her breath and hope that the dog can’t smell her.

Page 30: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda pulled out a mouldy chicken leg and pinched her nose so that she couldn’t smell the stench. She threw it to the dog who had started to pull towards her hiding spot. The dog ate it

up and trotted off.

What should she do?

She should get up and walk in the opposite direction to the dog.

She should get up and follow the dog and the guard.

Page 31: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda holds her breath. She can hear the dog sniffing the air. Suddenly the light shines on

her face. She is taken back into the house and has to face

the wrath of her parents. They weren’t happy. You lose.

Do you want to go back to the start?

Page 32: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda turned and ran as fast as she could. As she was negotiating her way through the carrots, she tripped and thudded into the potatoes. She

could hear footsteps coming closer.

What should she do?

She should try to dig herself into the potatoes and hide.

She should pick herself up and keep running. The footsteps aren’t that close


Page 33: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda lay down in her bed and groaned. Her tummy hurt and she was starting to get a

migraine. Her mum came in and felt Brumhilda’s forehead. A worried look flashed across her face.

What should she do?

She should ask her mum politely to get the doctor.

She should scream at her mum and accuse her of poisoning her food.

Page 34: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda threw a spectacular fit and and ran out of her bedroom towards the front door. She then sprinted to her


What should she do?

She should ask her mum politely to get the doctor.

She should scream at her mum and accuse her of poisoning her food.

Page 35: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda climbed off the window sill and walked over to open her bedroom door. Her mum was standing there with a big present wrapped in

yellow paper with a red bow.

What should she do?

She should say thank you and grab at the present without finding out who it is


She should ask her mum who the present is for, hoping that it’s for her.

Page 36: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda asked her mum very politely who the present was for.

Her mum replied that it was for Brumhilda’s little brother, Ziegfried. She also asked

Brumhilda if she could make a card for him.

What should she do?

She should say yes.

She should say no and look sulky.

Page 37: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda stuck her bottom lip out and

mumbled no. Her mum looked

unimpressed and walked off down the hall.

Page 38: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda sat down at her desk and got out her pens and paper. She spent the next three hours designing and drawing a card for her little

brother. She completely forgot about her plan to run away.

You lose.

Do you want to go back to the start?

Page 39: Brumhilda decided one day to run away

Brumhilda yelled thankyou, grabbed the present and started ripping off the wrapping paper.

Before she could see it properly, she looked up at her mum. Her mum was standing there looking at

her; her eyes were wide open and her jaw had dropped.

What should she do?

She should hand the present back and apologise. Hopefully her mum will give

her the present then.

She should run down the corridor with her present. She knows her mum will be
