Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

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A report describing the amazing potential of bioethanol, using the anaerobic digestion method of fermentation once second generation organic feedstocks are used such as algae and seaweed.

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From Food Crop Competitor to Mankind�s Saviour:Seaweed and Algae




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Cheap Energy Forever: The

Coming Bioethanol Miracle

From Food Crop Competitor to

Mankind’s Saviour

Is bioethanol really a dangerous competitor for

our food, or will second generation biomass

sources make it mankind’s savior as it

becomes a massive contributor to the

production of almost boundless supplies of

renewable energy using biomass fuel sources

from our oceans?

The subject has become one of polarized

views, and some quite scary stories of the way

in which it has been suggested that

bioethanol production (as it is almost always

been so far produced from food crops) will

compete for food on a global scale, and could

result in the poor of the world starving. This is

because, making it until now uses food

supplies such as corn/ maize, and this has

been an especially acute problem in South

America where its production has been

highest, and as a result it has been said to be

raising food price rises there, since about


If this was to continue to be true it would be

worrying. Bioethanol is now mostly used to

fuel cars. So, the world’s poor might be losing

out to the rich who essentially would be taking

the food away from the poor, simply to power

their vehicles.

Since protests in the late 1990s the food

price-rise problem has been accepted as a

factor, and many (such as the US, Germany

and the UK (the UK was in fact only just

starting to subsidize it heavily), and other

governments have cut-back very significantly

on subsidizing production. It is presumed that

the reason these cut-backs have taken place

is due to concern that governments do not

encourage food supply competition. However,

as transport fuel prices continue to rise, the

problem could return and worsen, as the price

a bioethanol will become more price

competitive with oil from non-renewable

sources, and thus market forces will be

expected to raise its production. This need not


Page 3: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

happen though if alternative biomass sources

are used.

We will let you judge the social and political

issues that increasing food use for fuel

production would cause using food crops, but

we think that this is best done against the

backdrop of facts. You will gain the facts from

reading the articles which follow in this

report, and the facts are far more optimistic.

Yes. After giving you the information about

bioethanol made from biomass sources used

so far, we will then open your eyes to the

amazing possibilities for renewable fuels in

vast quantities from mother earth’s seas by

cultivating algae and seaweed.

The world is suffering an economic slowdown,

and also we believe many are suffering a

crises of belief in mankind’s ability to wean

itself off its overdependence on finite supplies

of fossil fuel before the globe heats up

uncontrollably due to climate change. In fact

the world needs to wake-up, because all that

is needed is vision to invest in renewable

energy technologies, and get on with creating

the new dawn of fossil-fuel-free economics.

Renewable energy can be made from a huge

variety of organic materials and in this report

we will show you that with foresight and

ingenuity man can and will be able to develop

cheap renewable energy. Furthermore, we can

develop as much of it as we want, to the point

at which we will have an abundance of

renewable energy to fuel fabulous future

lifestyles for the world’s population forever.

Yes, that’s even after oil, natural gas, and

coal, runs out, and that really does mean


Open your eyes to this and you need never be

pessimistic about the future after fossil fuels

– life on earth and will go on after “peak oil”

using these new biomass fuel sources, and

mankind will continue to be affluent and can

become “green”, while continuing to be

profligate in fuel use, through these biomass

sources. Read on and we will explain, if you

read on through this report.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided "as

is". The author, publishers and marketers of

this information disclaim any loss or liability,

either directly or indirectly as a consequence

of applying the information presented herein,

or in regard to the use and application of said

information. No guarantee is given, either

expressed or implied, in regard to the

merchantability, accuracy, or acceptability of

the information.


Inside this report, you will learn:

#1. Bioethanol - What is it and What Other Forms

of Renewable Energy Are Available?:

In the last few years, we have been over

supplied with information about Global

warming, CO2, green energy, recycling,

bio-ethanol, bio-diesel, and similar news and


Page 4: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

products. Governments and different

environmental agencies are constantly trying

to put forward and promote different projects

which mainly aim to reduce the production of

CO2 and support renewable sources of energy.

So, just what are the facts? Find out about

them here!

#2. Why Bioethanol? The impact of

environmental pollution is a subject that

increasingly worries ecological organizations,

and the public in general. The investigation

and development of more eco- friendly fuels,

as well as a more responsible consumption by

companies and consumers, can have a highly

positive effect on the environment. Learn how

bioethanol can play an important role in this.

#3. How Bioethanol is Manufactured and Used in

Vehicle Fuel: Bioethanol is a fully sustainable

energy source that has been extracted from

renewable raw materials like starch plants

including corn, wheat and cassava, sugar

plants including beets and can and some

cellulose plants which come from trees. Learn

how it is made.

#4. Bioethanol from Algae – Could this be

Mankind’s Saviour? Learn about a group of

researchers that recently launched a proposal

to cultivate massive amounts of seaweed and /

or algae. The project organizer claims that

they occupy about ten thousand kilometers of

seaweed farm and they estimated that the

farm would be able to produce bioethanol

from algae, as much as 20 million kiloliters or

5.3 billion gallons of this fuel per year. This

amount is massive, like a third of Japanese

consumption on fuel per year.

#5. Researchers Sidestepping Food Crop

Concerns by Proposing to Use Seaweed: Learn

how a group of joint researchers from

Mitsubishi and University of Marine Science

and Technology released a proposal calling for

massive seaweed / algae cultivation. This pilot

projects occupy 10,000 kilometers square for

a seaweed farm. The researchers estimate that

the farm will produce about 20 million

kiloliters (5.3 billion gallons) of bioethanol

per year. This is equal to one third of

Japanese consumption on fuel in a year, and

you can learn about this amazing idea here.


Page 5: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle


# 1 Bioethanol - What is it and

What Other Forms of Renewable

Energy Are Available?

In the last few years, we have been over

supplied with information about Global

warming, CO2, green energy, recycling,

bio-ethanol, bio-diesel, and similar news and

products. Governments and different

environmental agencies are constantly trying

to put forward and promote different projects

which mainly aim to reduce the production of

CO2 and support renewable sources of energy.

So, just what are the facts?

Renewable energy is energy generated from

natural resources. The main sources of

renewable energy are wind energy, sun energy,

tide energy, bio fuels and biomass. Of course

there are many more sources, but the ones

mentioned above are the main ones.

Here are a Few figures about renewable


In 2006: about 18% of a global final

energy consumption came from renewable


13% came from traditional bio mass (for

example: wood burning)

3% came from hydroelectricity

2.4 % came from small hydroelectricity,

modern biomass, wind, solar, bio-fuels and


Each year the global production of

renewable energy increases, which is widely

supported by a number of governments.

Now let’s take a look at the most popular

renewable (alternative) energy sources



Bio-fuel is a liquid fuel produced from plant

materials. Worldwide a lot of companies feel a

huge pressure to increase production and use

of bio fuel. The main reasons for this are:

1. Growing oil price and unstable

relationships with far-east countries and their


2. Significant decrease of world oil reserves

3. Environmental harm from the production of

fossil fuels


Page 6: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

Bio-ethanol (type of bio fuel) - is an alcohol

made by fermenting the sugar components of

plant materials and it is made mostly from

sugar and starch corps. Bio -diesel is made

from vegetable oils animal fats or recycled


In 2007 the yearly production of Bio ethanol

in USA was around 5.6 billion gallons per

year. The additional capacity of 6.2 billion

gallons per years is under the construction.

Once this is built, the USA will have total

production of 11.8 billion gallons of ethanol

per year.

The price to produce bio ethanol highly

depends on the cost of corn and cost of

natural gas. For example, if corn cost around

$2 a bushel, it would cost between $1 and

$1.20 to make a gallon of bio ethanol. The

downside point is that the ethanol has only

two thirds of the energy in comparison to


Wind energy

Wind Energy - is one of the most popular

renewable energies. In last couple of years the

number of wind farms has increase by 50%

each year. There are tens of new off shore or

on shore wind farms projects waiting for an

approval to be built.

In the European Union, the country with the

biggest number of wind farms is Germany,

second is Spain and third Denmark. UK

currently has around 186 (2008) wind farms

with 7 large off shore farms and a few other

farms under construction.

The main energy to run wind turbine is wind.

Modern wind turbines range from around

600kW to 5MW. There are strict criteria

where wind turbines can be built- only in

areas where wind energy output average

reaches certain level and certain frequency.

The resources showed that off shore wind is

90% greater than on the land.

The reason to write this article was to educate

people as Bio ethanol and wind energy

hopefully will encourage people to help with

saving our planet. It may seem to be

pointless, but every one of us needs to help.

Even if we each do a little bit, if 10 million of

us do a little bit to save our planet, the


Page 7: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

outcome will be huge.

Bioethanol is one of the most efficient bio

fuels that you can make. Hopefully the world

will see more bioethanol and more Bio fuel

investment in the future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Allan


# 2 Why Bioethanol?

The impact of environmental pollution is a

subject that increasingly worries ecologist

organizations and governments. The

phenomenon of global warming seriously

upsets the Earth's climate and its ecosystems,

which bears the appearance of unknown

diseases, the disruption of migration habits of

certain species, and even their extinction if

they are not able to adapt to their new

environment. However, if man can evolve to

use renewable fuels which don’t cause

climate change, all will be OK.

The investigation and development of more

ecologically sustainable fuels, as well as a

more responsible consumption by companies

and consumers, can have a highly positive

effect on the environment.

On the one hand, the concept of corporate

social responsibility (CSR) indicates the

commitment and the duties of private

companies of integrating in its activities the

social, economic and ecological concerns of

civil society. Thus, the development and use

of biological fuels contribute to a large extent

to reducing the negative ecological impact of

its activities.

On the other hand, citizens and consumers

also have a responsibility towards the

environment, which they can exercise by

acquiring products that have a lower polluting

impact. Also, they can carry out what are

called "eco-gestures" which are simple and


Page 8: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

everyday small actions that help reduce

pollution and improve the environment.

Finally, states and central governments in

many countries are taking steps that aim at

trying to limit the ecological impact of its

inhabitants and their activities. Particularly,

the promotion and development of less

polluting energies are being encouraged, as

well as the production of more

environmentally friendly fuels.

One of those bio-fuels is bio-ethanol, which is

but ethanol of agricultural origin or ethyl

alcohol, the same as can be found in

alcoholic beverages. Bio-ethanol comes from

the transformation of vegetables containing

sucrose, such as sugar cane or beetroot, and

is obtained from the fermentation of the sugar

extracted from the sugar plant, or by the

enzymatic hydrolysis of the starch present in

cereals like corn or wheat. One very popular

process in which bio-ethanol is often

produced from food crops is by using the

anaerobic digestion process.

Bio-ethanol has multiple uses: for instance, it

is used as bio-fuel in petrol engines, since it

allows for a better combustion by increasing

the octane mix rate, as fuel for heating in

fireplaces and boilers, or even as an enhancer

for other higher-performing fuels.

The environmental advantages of bio-ethanol

come from the fact that the crops are

renewable and its production uses less

mineral oil to produce than diesel or

petroleum spirit. This means that bio-ethanol

production can contribute substantially to

reducing greenhouse gases emissions.

For example, by replacing one liter of petrol

with bio-ethanol, greenhouse gases emissions

are reduced by 60%. A single hectare of

beetroot absorbs an annual amount of CO,

equivalent to that of 10 cars.

Also, the consumption of biological fuels such

as bio-ethanol substitutes other exogenous

and problematic energies, such as fossil and

nuclear energy. The waste produced in the

production of biological or organic pollution.

So, the use of biological fuels, even on a

small scale in households, together with the

citizens' small eco-gestures, contribute

significantly to the protection of the


That this is vital, has been known by

philosophers for a very long time. The French

philosopher Descartes said back in the 17th

century, "to arrive at knowledge highly useful

in life (...), by means of which, knowing the

force and action of fire, water, air, the stars,


Page 9: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

the heavens, and all the other bodies that

surround us, (...) especially for the

preservation of health, which is without doubt,

of all the blessings of this life, the first and

fundamental one".

David Gonzalez-Company is a writer, journalist,

educator and translator who has traveled extensively

and has lived in several European, North American and

African countries.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David


# 3 How Bioethanol is

Manufactured and Used in

Vehicle Fuel

Bioethanol is a fully sustainable energy source

that has been extracted from renewable raw

materials like starch plants including corn,

wheat and cassava, sugar plants including

beets and can and some cellulose plants

which come from trees. Bioethanol is an

efficient and clean-burning fuel that does not

contain any harmful particles, is much better

than its gasoline counterpart, reduces overall

air pollution, and is good for the environment.

Bioethanol is being produced through the

hydrolysis and sugar fermentation processes.

It requires diluted enzymes and sulphuric

acids which help to break down the cellulose

and hemicelluloses in order to produce

sucrose sugar which is in turn fermented into


Closely connected to biodiesel, bioethanol is a

liquid biofuel and can be added to standard

unleaded gasoline at levels of up to 5% and

can be used in cars currently on the road. By

replacing bioethanol for fossil fuels, emissions

from fossil fuels are avoided and Co2 levels

are reduced because the biomasses that serve

as raw material for bioethanol production

require Co2 for growth.

Bioethanol is renewable from plants likes

cereals, sugar beets and the like or biomass.

Cellulosic ethanol is made from stalks and

husks as well as other plant cellulose

materials, but it still needs to go through the

fermentation process and uses cast-off waste

products from food that's in the process of

growth. Cellulosic ethanol is made from the

non-food portion of many agricultural wastes

like corn stover which is the stalks and

residue left post-harvest.

It hasn't been until very recently that the

problem of complex mixtures of sugars in

bioethanol fuels that made up these leftover

materials could be converted in an efficient

manner by baker’s yeast.

However, Delft University Technology recently

came up with a method that solved this

problem. It was accomplished by genetically

modifying baker’s yeast.

Brazil makes most of its bioethanol from local

crops of sugar cane which has been a great

material for ethanol fuel production. Half of

all cars in Brazil are running on ethanol.


Page 10: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

Another process still under development

shows great promise. It involves the

gasification of biomass combined with

catalytic process that leads to the production

of bioethanol. It has been making gains and

garnering more attention in the United States.

While the gasification to produce bioethanol

needs more research, the main reason for its

continued popularity is that, it can be easily

blended with gasoline in a mixture of 5%

bioethanol and 95% gasoline which is

suitable for use in cars already on the road

today. This can work in cars without

modification only with an additive package.

E95 has been designed specifically to be

utilized in certain diesel-engine buses which

can be easily converted to run on the

bioethanol mixture.

Fuel companies will be legally obligated in

2010 to mix five percent bioethanol with 95%

gasoline and 5% biodiesel with 95%

conventional diesel. While mixes at these

levels will cause no damage to existing fuel

systems and can run without any adjustments,

it will become the standard ingredient in fuel.

Bioethanol production is currently estimated

at around 30 million tons per year. Biodiesel

fuel is only estimated at 2.5 million tons per

year. This is going to increase significantly

over the next few years. While the crop chosen

depends largely upon prevailing soil and

climactic conditions, bioethanol can be

produced from nearly any type of crop.

As governments strive to be less reliant on

foreign oils, sustainable fuels like bioethanol

become ever more important for industrialized

nations. As in all things, energy security will

need to increase in many countries as

petroleum exports decrease and pure

bioethanol production swings into full gear.

Research and testing has been widespread as

mixtures of methanol, water, acidity,

phosphorus and sulphur contents to include

are tweaked and filtered. These are just some

of the impurities that can commonly be found

in bioethanol, and maximum limits of these

need to be imposed to avoid numerous

problems in the automobile using it. Europe

already has a standard EN DIN 228 which

permits blending of up to 5% with gasoline.

This fuel mixture of E5 has been proven to be

used in standard engines with no problems.

Current companies involved in bioethanol

production and distribution are making strides

at creating an infrastructure which can

implement the intentions and policies

concerning biofuel. In the meantime, all us

must remain vigilant about the positive

impact of bioethanol and other biofuel, and

keep an eye on how it's expanding. In theory,

Bioethanol is considered to be 100% carbon

neutral if the farm producing it uses no net

fossil fuel. For 100% to be achieved means

that every bit of carbon that is burned while

using it as fuel can eventually be recycled

back into the next crop of vegetables as they

grow under the power of the sun. While this is

great in theory, it has not yet quite been

clarified as to how this can be implemented in

practice. There are additional carbon costs

such as to power agricultural vehicles,

fertilizer production and fuel transportation,

which must be considered and eliminated as

far as possible.

All in all, with biofuel being developed and

implemented, there is a learning curve

involved. All implementation of biofuel,


Page 11: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

unless the farm is 100% carbon neutral, will,

however, add to negatively impacting the

environment for the moment – at least until

scientists and engineers work out how to stop

using fossil fuels in these production


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcus


# 4 Bioethanol from Algae –

Could this be Mankind’s


There is a group of researchers that recently

launched a proposal to cultivate massive

amounts of seaweed and / or algae. The

project claims that they occupy about ten

thousand kilometers of seaweed farm and they

estimated that the farm would be able to

produce bioethanol from algae, as much as

20 million kiloliters or 5.3 billion gallons of

bioethanol per year. This amount is massive,

like a third of Japanese consumption on fuel

per year.

Seaweed / Algae have already been proven to

be capable of becoming an alternative option

for producing bio fuel. The thing is, most of

the bio fuel of today are produced or extracted

out of corn and sugar cane which has their

own disadvantage and the ratio of the crops

and the amount of ethanol that it produces

are not balanced. This leads to a number of

different problems. The proposal stated a

specific type of seaweed for the production of

bio fuel; the Sargasso seaweed (hondawara).

Why is this specific choice? This is due to the

fact that the Sargasso seaweed grows in an

unbelievable fast rate.

This would be then processed by floating bio

reactors. These facilities that would use

enzyme too breakdown the seaweed into sugar

which would then be processed and be

converted to ethanol. This process will take

place on the sea and would be then

transported to land by tankers.

Seaweeds / algae have two fundamental

components that greatly increase the

researcher's interest in producing ethanol out

of it.

Fucoidan - scientists have proven that

enzymes are capable of breaking down these

components into sugar.

Alginic Acid - science is still researching for

ways to break this baby down.

Researchers also have claimed that it will not

only produce sufficient amounts of bio fuel, it

would also help in cleaning the Sea. These

seaweeds work to remove some of the salt

flowing in the sea.

Also, another prospect is the sea in Scotland

where there is a rough coastline and very

clean seas. They would then examine that part

and check if it is feasible for seaweed farming

and if it would be able to sustain the

extraction of natural elements to produce a

new clean source of energy. Seaweeds indeed

would play a giant role in the search for ways

to solve the dwindling environmental status

due to the massive over dependency of every

country to fossil fuel that is considered as the

number pollutant that kills the planet.


Page 12: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

Why is it advantageous to use algae /


It doesn't need soil or freshwater and other

producer substances. It is naturally

occurring in the sea and there would be no

imbalance that would happen when it is


We would be able to avoid the food price

hike if we would utilize this new technology

for we will no longer be taking away lands

to farm crops.

Algae / seaweed grow unbelievably faster.

Around 10 times as fast as sugar cane. It is

actually the fastest growing crop known to


Interested in bioethanol fuel? For all about ethanol go

now => http://ethanol4car.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel


# 5 Researchers Sidestepping

Food Crop Concerns by

Proposing to Use Seaweed

A group of joined researchers from Mitsubishi

and University of Marine Science and

Technology released a proposal calling for

massive seaweed / algae cultivation. This pilot

projects occupy 10.000 kilometers square for

seaweed farm. The researchers estimate that

the farm will produce about 20 million

kiloliters (5.3 billion gallons) of bioethanol

per year. This is equal to one third of

Japanese consumption on fuel in a year.

Seaweed / Algae has long been considered as

an alternative option to produce bio fuel. Most

biofuel today is produced from corn and sugar

cane. According to the proposal the seaweed

to be grown in the farm is from sargasso

seaweed (hondawara). This type of seaweed

can grow faster.

There will be floating bioreactors, these are

special facilities that use enzyme to break

down seaweed down into sugars. They would

then prepared seaweed for conversion into

ethanol. The conversion will be done at sea

and then transported to land by tankers.

There are two main components of seaweed /

algae that raise interest in producing

bioethanol. They are Fucoidan and Alginic

Acid. Scientists have already discovered an

enzyme to break down Fucoidan and now they

are currently looking for enzyme to break

down Alginic acid.


Page 13: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

The researchers claim that in addition to

producing bio fuel. The seaweed / algae farm

will also serve a noble duty by cleaning the

Sea of Japan. The seaweed would work to

remove some of the excess nutrient salts that

flow into the sea from the surrounding land


More recent news stated that UK Researchers

are also digging this new possibility. Professor

Mike Cowling, science and research manager

at the Crown Estate, said: "Given Scotland's

rugged western coastline and relatively clean

seas, it is sensible to examine the farming of

seaweeds and sustainable harvesting of

natural supplies as a source of energy."

He said that more research was needed to

establish the practicalities but added that

seaweed could play an "important role" in

green energy.

Now what are the advantages of Seaweed if

compared to other bio fuel products such

those produced from Corn, Sugar Cane, and

Palm Oil?

Seaweed doesn't need soil and fresh water

as other agricultural biofuel producer crops

desperately do. Many criticize that the

cultivation of massive agricultural crops to

produce bio fuel require very large acres of

land, that makes it inefficient and

potentially harm the environment.

Food price will rise as the effect of more

land is taken away to produce biofuel.

Algae / Seaweed grows 10 times faster than

sugar cane. It is the fastest growing crop.

According to researchers at the Center for

Biorefining of the University of Minnesota,

they estimate that Algae / Seaweed produce

5000 gallons of bio fuel per acre. As

comparisons, corn yields 18 gallons,

soybeans produce 48 gallons and palm

trees yield 635 gallons per acre.








Green Living is what Our Planet Needs...

Explore, study and consider to take your step

to live a Greener Life... You can expand your

horizon in Green Living and find out many

Amazing Green Technologies that perhaps will


Page 14: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

surprise you and make you realize that These

Green Technologies are Actually Among Us....


Article Source:


Wrapping up...

In this report, we've shown you:

All about bioethanol

Why bioethanol has so much potential as

renewable energy source

How Bioethanol is manufactured and used

in vehicle fuel

How Bioethanol can be made from algae

and the potential for this biomass source to

be massively benefical to the planet

How researchers are sidestepping food crop

concerns by proposing to use seaweed as

their biomas source.

However, this is just the beginning.

You have learned how renewable energy can

be made from a huge variety of organic

materials and in this report we will show you

that with foresight and ingenuity man can,

and will, be able to develop cheap renewable

energy to replace fossil fuels. Furthermore, we

can develop as much of it as we want, and

have an abundance of renewable energy to

fuel luxury future lifestyles for the world’s

population - forever.

If you'd like to know more about how mankind

can find and use previously unimagined sources

of organic materials and other ways to wean

mankind off fossil fuel dependency, then you

may find the following special report useful:


Is It Possible To Produce

Renewable Energy from

Biomass, at Competitive Prices

and Without Food Prices Rising?

According to Steve Last, author of The and

also owner of the popular website, the answer

is yes!

"So many people support recycling and

following a “green” lifestyle out of a sense of

duty, without understanding the very large

potential benefits when sustainable business

practices are followed through", Steve Last

tells us.

Why most people struggle to appreciate the

importance of energy from waste and how “zero

waste” isn’t just a worthy goal – it makes sense

According to Steve Last, there's a reason why

so many people struggle with the idea of

waste facilities which produce energy in their

district and object to almost all proposals

which the waste industry puts forward to

recycle and treat their waste, is a lack of

knowledge, and vision...

"Very few people are aware of the revolution

which has taken place in the waste

management industry over the last 10 years or

less. There are many “so called" new

technologies which are being implemented

which not only divert waste away from


Page 15: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

landfills very successfully, but also produce

energy and by recycling an ever increasing

range of materials, and provide raw materials,

which reduces the need for destroying our

landscapes to mine and quarry fresh raw


Did you know that the waste management

industry can be a great career opportunity

especially as the industry is continuing to grow

when many others are stagnating?

"There are waste management jobs now in just

about every discipline, and if you are not

aware of these opportunities you may be

missing a great career opportunity”; Steve

Last tells us.

Steve points out that the waste industry is

definitely still “hiring”, so if you know anyone

who is unemployed and knows little of the

scope for work in the industry, we suggest that

you pass this report on to them.

Did You Know That You Can

Find Out About the Other

“Bioethanol Story”, in Which

Energy and Recycled

Materials are Created from

Waste, without the Danger of

Raising the Cost of Our Food

Supplies, by Reading About

the “Waste Technologies”?

An Introduction to Waste


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Page 16: Cheap energy forever: The Bioethanol Miracle

Bioethanol and Biogas

Production are Closely Related


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