Have you already identified the desires of your core identity? 1 Options Trading

Have you already identified the desires of your core identity:

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Have you already identified the desires of your core identity?


Options Trading

Your true core identity

In this article, we will examine how you can find your true core identity.In the previous article, I clarified that the core identity is the part of your personality that contains your true self, the feelings and desires that really motivate you.

You know, the big problem of material goals is that they are always illusory. Why is that? If you think about it, you will realize this: when you purchase a new home it is not the tons of new bricks and windows that you want, but the feeling the new house will give you.


The ultimate goal

The house is not essential, but the new life that you will experience with the help of the house. Essentially, you do not buy a house, but a feeling. I think this refers to all things in the world.

New car, lots of money, traveling - each of these is used to generate good feelings. We do it because it evokes feelings, hopefully positive feelings. That is, the ultimate goal is evoking feelings in each case.We want to feel, we want to live, we want to experience. Life is nothing else than a constantly flowing stream of experiences and feelings.


Just feel emptiness

Many people fall into the trap of chasing a goal for many years, and when they reach it, they just feel emptiness.

The achievement of the goal is followed by burnout, as it did not give real feelings, it was just an illusion, or it did not give the feelings related to the core identity.

Your core identity needs experiences and feelings, not objects and targets. If your shell and core identities work in harmony with each other, you can live a full and harmonious life. 4

How can you find your true core identity?

There is a very-very simple exercise for this. Although the task is simple, it is a little time consuming.

You have to be honest with yourself and you must dedicate the time for it.

The task is the following:

Imagine what the perfect day would be for you. Imagine an average day, a day that you would live every day - if you could. We think in days because life is the summary of the experiences make during our days.


How can you find your true core identity?

The smallest component is a day and the feelings experienced intraday. Imagine that there are no limits, neither financial nor geographical, nor health-related. What would a completely unrestricted day look like?

In other words, what would the day that you compulsorily ought to live every day look like? Plan the day so that even if you were forced to do it, you would still be happy doing it every single day.

So the question is the following:

If there would be no limits and consequences, what would be the ideal/perfect day for you that you could live every day until the end of your life?

Sit in a chair with a notebook, get yourself a nice cup of tea and meditate on your ideal day. There are no limits, just write out of yourself what you want.


How can you find your true core identity?

The following questions may lead you:

-> When would you get up?-> What would you eat that day?-> Who would be around you?-> What would you do during the day?-> Where would you live and with whom?-> Where would you spend the evening and with whom?-> What thoughts would you have?-> How would you feel about yourself during the day?-> Who would be your friends?-> What would you talk about with your friends?-> What sports would you play?-> In what activities would you accomplish yourself?-> What would make you happy?-> What would be the highlight of the day?-> What would be the purpose, the sense of your life?-> How would your relationship with your partner be?-> What would you like in your partner and what would your partner like in you?-> What would be the last thing you would think about at the end of the day, before falling asleep, etc?


How can you find your true core identity?

It is important that you do not write down the things you want to own, but the feelings.

As it is about the ideal day, look for the feelings and experiences that you would live every single day.

Do not think of the tangible assets, think about the feelings and experiences, your life is about these and not about objects.


How can you find your true core identity?

Answering the above questions, you will get closer to the identity who you really want to be.

In the previous article, I outlined the general desires of the core identity. In addition, you can determine your specific core identity desires with the help of this exercise.If you got clear about your real desires, you will also receive an answer to the question whether the stock market is the right path for you.

Or is the stock market just a tool to achieve a higher purpose?


How can you find your true core identity?

You can be really happy if you live according to the desires of your core identity. The shell cannot bring break through, only temporary illusory happiness.

So it is worth spending some time on this to ponder about what you really want. Only a few people take a break to think about it these days. We pursue superficial things, money, objects, etc. When we reached these goals, we are surprised because of the emptiness. At least you already know how to avoid this.


How can you find your true core identity?

Find out the desires of your core identity and start to live according to them.

And last but not least, answer the following question:

What kind of new life (experiences, feelings) do you desire that the stock market might help you to achieve?


Feel free to ask me!


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