How to Make a Girl Laugh - The Secret to Making a Woman Laugh

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How to Make a Girl Laugh

By: Frankie Cola

The Secret to Making a Woman Laugh (Hint: It's not About Clever Jokes Or Being Funny)

For something that should seem simple, it was only recently that I realized how to make a girl laugh...

For the longest time, I thought girls would beattracted to the same types of jokes and humor that my guy friends are into.

They would love the sarcastic wit and clevernessthat my guy friends always seemed to enjoy. Comedy is universal after all, right?


While girls were ignoring my attempts at humor,I was constantly watching friends (who were not witty at all)...yet landing girls from every side.

What was it?

What did I need to do to make women laugh?

What do women find funny?

I picked up a book about four years ago that hadsome great ideas in it about how to make women laugh.

Among them was that women like a guy who'scocky and funny.

This made sense - women were always going forthe "bad guy", right? - so I thought I'd give it a try.

When I went out, in an effort to make women laugh, I'd immediately get sarcastic and ironic, almost bullying the women.

While some women were immediately against thatkind of humor, I was getting a few positive reactionsso I went with it.

Wrong move.

I found out that the women who I was getting the positive reactions from were, let's say, the "tomboys" of the group.

The more masculine girls out there probably the ones who have been hanging out with their own father and brothers more than with their mother and sisters.

Not a bad start, but it was only a small minority of the women out there...

While I was a hit among this narrow section of women, I was leaving out a large group of girls.

Most importantly, I was leaving out the type of girls that I WANTED.

One day I decided to spend an entire night watching my friend Will interact with girls.

You see, Will wasn't what I'd call hilarious, but he always had girls around him that were having a fun time.

While the girls weren't in stitches, he was stillgetting his fair share of ladies on a consistent basis.

And he was using nothing but FUN times, NOT cleverly worded puns or one-liners.

And then it hit me: Girls don't want funny, they want fun!

Just like the Cyndi Lauper song!

Will was having all sorts of fun with these girls.
Whether it was just telling them knock-knock jokes or tickling them... he was like a kid on the playground out there.

And that's what I realized: I needed to be a school kid out there. Women don't care about cleverness, they just want to have FUN.

They don't want a dark, indie movie. They want a romantic comedy.

Instead of pretending to be all sophisticated and cool with your dark humor...

...take the stick out of your ass and just have a fun time.

And that, my friend, is what women want, someone to have fun with!

So when you're out there, and you're wondering how to make a woman laugh... remember: Fun, not funny.

If you want to learn the skills that turn you into the man a girl feels fun with...

...this FREE 23-page report shows you how to make girls laugh and keep the conversation flowing by using simple small talk

Word-for-Word Lines for Getting Girls: FREE 23 Page Manuscript Reveals Exactly What To Say to Make Her Want You

Inside this Free Report, you will learn:

The #1 mistake men make that prevent a conversation from turning sexual (page 8)

How to create "conversation momentum"by using a "role" (page 11)

How to ESCALATE a conversation into asexual topic that gets her excited to keeptalking to YOU. (page 17)

Read More Free Articles on creating attractive conversations on

Blog Article: How to Be Funny With Girls -The Power of Sub-Communication