My favorite season is winter. And snow indicates the coming of winter. I always wonder how magic and delicate the shape of snow is. It seems like being carved by artist. No doubt, snow is the most wonderful creation of the nature. I have had special feeling toward snow since I was a little girl. I like watching snow falling down from the sky especially at nights with the light of moon that it is great. Some people dislike winter because they think that there is no fun in winter, everything is covered by snow and the weather is cold. But to me, there are a lot of beautiful memories about winter. When I was young, I used to hung out with neighborhood kids after school even the weather was severe. Actually we were looking for the heavy snow at the very beginning of winter. Because we were fond of having snowball fight and making snowman as well as going sledding. We were so happy when playing in the snow. We didn’t care how cold our hand were, how dirty our cloths were. The only things we cared about were who could win in the fight, who could make the best snowman and who could sled the fastest. However, we had to stand the complaint from parents. Another reason for me to like winter is Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. On those days, everyone would go back home to be with family and celebrate.

My favorite season is winter

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Page 1: My favorite season is winter

My favorite season is winter.

And snow indicates the coming of winter. I always wonder how magic and delicate the shape of snow is. It seems like being carved by artist. No doubt, snow is the most wonderful creation of the nature. I have had special feeling toward snow since I was a little girl. I like watching snow falling down from the sky especially at nights with the light of moon that it is great. Some people dislike winter because they think that there is no fun in winter, everything is covered by snow and the weather is cold. But to me, there are a lot of beautiful memories about winter. When I was young, I used to hung out with neighborhood kids after school even the weather was severe. Actually we were looking for the heavy snow at the very beginning of winter. Because we were fond of having snowball fight and making snowman as well as going sledding. We were so happy when playing in the snow. We didn’t care how cold our hand were, how dirty our cloths were. The only things we cared about were who could win in the fight, who could make the best snowman and who could sled the fastest. However, we had to stand the complaint from parents. Another reason for me to like winter is Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. On those days, everyone would go back home to be with family and celebrate. It is also the most traditional holiday to Chinese, so everyone would take a break on these days no matter how busy he/she is. To me, the happiest things is that I can eat hot pot with my family. In my family, eating hot pot on New Year’s even is the custom so on this day every member of my family would sit around the table to share the hot pot together as well as chatting. It’s really an enjoyable thing to eat hot pot in cold winter especially with the family. I keep those memories as my fortune and I wish everybody could like winter as I do.

My favorite season is Summer

When asked, not everyone will agree about which season is best.   Some people prefer the rain and blossoms of spring, while others look

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forward to the changes of autumn.   Then, there are some crazy people I know who enjoy the cold winds and snow of winter.   However, my favorite time of year is summer. First, of course, the best thing about summer is the nice weather.   The weather is usually hot and sunny, with longer days.   Moreover, my usual summer attire consists of tank tops, shorts and sandals.   It’s nice to be able to wear light clothing, instead of heavy coats.   Also, this is usually when I may take a vacation.   Since there is no work or school for a while, I feel free already.   Moreover, if the money is right, I will travel out of town to visit friends or relatives.   Sometimes, I may just go sightseeing some place new.   No matter what, I make sure to take some time to just relax.   Finally, this is the best time to go to the beach.   There is nothing like a swim in the ocean to cool off on a hot summer day.   Moreover, if you cannot find me in the water, then I am probably laying along the beach, catching a tan.Overall, my favorite season is the summer for the following reasons.   The nice weather, the vacation, and the beach.   Therefore, this is the time of the year I can enjoy myself the most.   Too bad it comes and goes so quickly!

my favorite season is Autumn

My favorite season of the year is autumn. There are three main reasons why it is my favorite of the four seasons. During this season nature is an absolute wonder to see, Thanksgiving holiday occurs at this time, and the weather is perfect for many outdoor activities. The first reason I enjoy autumn so much, especially down here in the South, is because nature is such an absolute wonder to see during this time of the year. There are many animals that are preparing for the cold winter. A good way for me to get out in the wilderness and watch these spectacular events take place in nature is to go hunting. It really is a great experience for me. While hunting in the woods, I am

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enjoying listening to the different sounds that the birds are making. Then, out of nowhere, I hear the sound of dead leaves rustling all around me. I look around to see what is making the noise, and then I see them. Two squirrels are digging around for food. Then, all of a sudden they begin running, and they shoot straight up a tree one behind the other. After they get close to the top, they begin jumping from limb to limb and from tree to tree, one still following the other. Then they eventually disappear. I have seen this happen quite often with both chipmunks and squirrels. They like to sneak and hop around on top of the dead leaves, quickly searching and competing to gather the most nuts and acorns for their families for the winter. Something else I get to see in nature while hunting in the woods is the different beautiful colors of the leaves both up in the treetops and down on the floor of the woods. Some of the leaves are variations of red, golden yellow, or maybe even a combination of the two. Another way I like to see the beautiful leaves that autumn has to offer is to just ride around and take in all the wonderful sights. Seeing the different colors of the leaves is my favorite part of nature during autumn. The leaves really are quite a sight to see.

my favorite season is spring

There is something mysterious and magical about all of the four seasons; however, my favorite season is spring.   To me, spring symbolizes a new beginning.   Each year, the trees blossom, the weather begins to get warmer, and the sun sets later.   Like nature, people have the opportunity to start fresh, become rejuvenated, or embark upon a new journey as well. Spring is a very common season for weddings.   Not only is the weather beautiful, despite the few rainstorms, the symbolization of life and new- beginnings are very powerful. My parents got married in May. My mom describes her wedding as one of the most magical days of her life.   There is something about

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the spring weather that makes people more positive and happy.   When you see all of the pretty flowers, all of the birds that return from the south, little children playing outdoor sports, people outside running and biking again, you cannot help but feel that everyone is rejuvenated.   In the spring, the sun also sets later.   I feel that this encourages people to take part in more activities.   As opposed to the winter, when people go straight home after school or work; in the spring, people are more tempted to watch a baseball game outside, take part in outdoor sports, or even relax outside in their backyards.   After a few long and cold months, barbeques are welcomed back in the spring.   Barbeques allow families to come together to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company once again.Of the four seasons, I feel that spring is the most beautiful and symbolic.   In the spring, people spend more time with others and are encouraged to take part in more activities to enrich their lives.