
Reasons why guys react the way they do

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So why do men really act the way they do?

Do they have any concept of how upsetting it can be for a woman?

…when they come home from work and simply flop in front of the TV

….ignoring the mess in the house and not realizing what a rotten day you've had?

Of course they don't.

Men have very different mindsets to women.

In their mind, they've worked hard all day to be a good provider.



They haven't noticed:

• the dishes in the sink

• the mess on the floor


they have very different priorities.

Their main priority is…


after a hard day!

Did you know this?

Letting a man sit for a while in front of the TV or reading the paper

before expecting them to be social

can improve your relationship…

Men actually find watching TV:

can increase their testosterone levels.

helps to reduce the amount of stress hormone, cortisol, in their system.

can actually make them feel better.

It sounds really backwards to a woman…but it's true!

Men really find watching something on TV that requires the "problem solving" side of their brain to


When they've solved the problems of the world by watching the news

or whatever, they're more likely to be in a good mood and ready to face

whatever you need done with good grace.


there are many women who find this to be selfish behavior because…

A woman will come home from work then…

think about what to cook for dinner

worry about the mess in the house

want to talk about a stressful day toget it off her chest.

then deal with getting ready to do itall again tomorrow.

But he just perhaps sit there and do not even bother to notice you.


…Well, it's just his way of unwinding after the pressures of a long day.

It isn't selfishness and it's not ignoring the woman he loves.


He's designed to feel better with higher levels of testosterone in his


So next time…

If you notice your man seemingly ignoring all the things you consider


keep in mind that he's not ignoring them at all.

He's just preparing himself for them in the best way he knows how!