Recce Form - Editing suite Description of the location: Recording studio Purpose: To record audio for the radio advertisement List three points that make this location suitable for the purpose: - Professional sound from booth - Record with clear audio - Software already uploaded in the booth on the computer List two points that might make this location unsuitable for your purpose: - Cramped, cannot fit many people in at once to record - Wires and cables where people have to be careful If you use this location what will you have to be aware of at all times? We will have to be aware of the wires and cables and ensure they are put out of the way when people are in the recording studio to avoid injury to anyone.


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Recce Form - Editing suite

Description of the location: Recording studio

Purpose:To record audio for the radio advertisement

List three points that make this location suitable for the purpose:- Professional sound from booth- Record with clear audio- Software already uploaded in the booth on the computer

List two points that might make this location unsuitable for your purpose:- Cramped, cannot fit many people in at once to record- Wires and cables where people have to be careful

If you use this location what will you have to be aware of at all times?We will have to be aware of the wires and cables and ensure they are put out of the way when people are in the recording studio to avoid injury to anyone.