Promoting Positive Behaviour D36T 12

Regressive Behaviour

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This presentation describes and discusses regressive behaviour and may be used as part of a promoting Positive Behaviour unit.

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Page 1: Regressive Behaviour

Promoting Positive Behaviour

D36T 12

Page 2: Regressive Behaviour

Promoting Positive Behaviour

So far, we’ve been learning about behaviour.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Today we’re going to learn about Regressive behaviour.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Let’s recap on what we’ve learned so far.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

What is behaviour?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour Behaviour is

anything that can be observed or described.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

It includes actions and feelings.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

It also covers everything we say and do.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

It can be positive or negative.It can be acceptable or unacceptable.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Behaviour can be learned from copying others.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Certain types of behaviour will be rewarded.

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Promoting Positive BehaviourCertain types of behaviour will receive a cross word or two.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Today we are going to learn about regressive behaviour.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

What does regressive behaviour mean?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

‘Regressive’ is defined in the Oxford Dictionary of English as: ‘returning to a former or less developed state’

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

What do you think regressive means in terms of children’s behaviour?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Regressive behaviour is when a child, who has reached the milestones within their age and stage of development, reverts to acting as though they were at an earlier stage.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Did you get it right?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

There are many factors in the life of a child which will cause changes their lifestyle. These changes may cause the child to feel insecure and to regress.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Can you think of what some of these changes could be?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Talk to the person beside you and see how many of these changes you can think of.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How did you do?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour• Moving house• Moving school• New baby in

family• Starting school• Hospitalisation

• Death in family

• New job for mum or dad – new routine for child

• Mum and dad separate

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How might these changes affect the behaviour of a child?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Read the following scenarios and, with the person next to you, discuss how the change in the child’s life might cause him /her to regress.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Miriam is a confident 3 year old girl. She is used to having the full attention of both parents. She has passed all her milestones within her age and stage of development. Her mum has just had a baby.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Suggest ways in which the new arrival might affect Miriam’s behaviour.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How did you do?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• Reverts to baby talk

• Temper tantrums

• Bedtime routine is upset

• Asks for help to get dressed

• Asks to be fed at mealtimes

• Wants to be carried instead of walking

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

What steps could Miriam’s parents take to enable her to revert to her age and stage of development?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• Parents should ensure that they set aside time for Miriam on her own. i.e. when baby is sleeping

• Parents should involve Miriam in helping with baby and praise her for being such a good big sister.

• Parents should give Miriam lots of cuddles and praise.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Jack is a happy 7 year old boy who is popular and outgoing. His mum has not worked since he was born. However, recently she has had to take on a part-time job and Jack now has to go to a childminder after school.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How might this change to his routine affect Jack’s behaviour?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How did you do?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• Becomes withdrawn

• Starts wetting the bed

• Is reluctant to go to school

• Is tearful• Temper

tantrums• Loss of

appetite• Restless at


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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Suggest ways in which Jack’s parents could reassure and support him to enable him to revert to his age and stage of development?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• Parents should discuss new routine with Jack and give him opportunity to discuss his fears.

• Parents could allow Jack to take some games / toys from home to childminder’s house to help him settle in.

• Parents could make some extra time for Jack when he comes home from childminder’s.

• Parents could spend some extra time on bedtime routine.

• Parents should give Jack hugs and praise.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Stephen is eleven years old and will soon be moving on to secondary school. His parents have just split up and Stephen and his nine year old sister now stay with their mum during the week and spend every second weekend at their dad’s flat with him and his girlfriend.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How might this change to his lifestyle affect Jack’s behaviour?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

How did you do?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• Becomes aggressive

• Becomes withdrawn• Is getting into

trouble at school• Sitting moping

around house• Refuses to go to

bed at night

• Sleeping pattern is disrupted.

• Becomes anxious• Refuses to do

homework• Is reluctant to go

to school.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Suggest ways in which Jack’s parents could reassure and support him to enable him to revert to his age and stage of development?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• Stephen’s parents should discuss the situation with him and give him the opportunity to discuss his fears and anxieties.

• Stephen’s parents should listen to any suggestions he may have to improve the situation for all concerned.

• Parents may wish to inform school of changes so that they have a better understanding of Stephen’s change of behaviour.

• Parents should reassure him that they both still love him.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

Discuss with the person beside you what you remember about regressive behaviour.

How did you do?

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• I have a good understanding of regressive behaviour and could tell someone else about it.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• I have some understanding of regressive behaviour but need to revise some of the points covered.

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Promoting Positive Behaviour

• I am having difficulty understanding regressive behaviour and need to revise all of the points covered.