Search Engine Optimization How to Rank Your Site #1 on Google

SEO - April 2011

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Search Engine OptimizationHow to Rank Your Site #1 on Google

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Let Me Answer Some of Your Questions

• What the Heck Happened to Your Leg?– I broke it playing rugby on Sunday

• What’s Wrong With You? Why Aren’t You at Home Resting Instead of Here Teaching a Seminar?– Not sure. I need to research the answer and get back to you on this


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7 Things I Learned From Breaking My Leg

• I have amazing friends and the best wife in the world.

• It gave me perspective.

• It gave me more empathy.

• When you can’t shower for a week, your wife will be less affectionate towards you. Not sure why.

• When a doctor tells you he has “the good stuff” and winks at you when he brings you the painkillers, he likes drugs and he’s probably high at that moment.

• If you say something really stupid or inappropriate during a seminar, you can blame it on the drugs.

• Not breaking your leg is better than breaking your leg.

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About Me

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About Today’s Seminar• Understanding the SEO process – Part I (30 min) – Q&A

• Break / Food / Networking (15 min)

• Understanding the SEO process – Part II (30 min) – Q&A

• Break / Food / Networking (15 min)

• My Proven Step-by-Step SEO System (5 min) – Q&A

• How to Monetize Your SEO Traffic (5 min) – Q&A

• More Q&A If We Have Time

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Understanding theSEO Process

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Align Your Goals with Google’s

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Assumptions TestingProjections

Keyword Research

Competitive AnalysisSite Optimization

Content Creation

Local SEOLink Building Analytics

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Step #1: Run Your Projections

1. Use the Google Keyword Tool to calculate search volume. Select “exact match”.

2. You can expect to get 25% of the available traffic for global terms and 40% for local terms.

3. Multiply by your conversion rate (0.5-5%)

4. Multiply by your average order amount/customer lifetime value (CLV).


40% of 2,700 = 1,080

1,080 visitors at a 3% conversion rate = 32 leads (8 new clients)

If every new client is worth $3,500, 8 clients are worth $28,000

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Step #2: Test Your Assumptions

• Use Google AdWords

• Write great ads and set your bids as high as you can

• Run the campaign for at least two weeks

• Are you getting…– … as much traffic as you expected?– … the conversion rate you expected?– … the closing ratio you expected?

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What To Do If Your Traffic Isn’t Converting

• Ask for feedback (GetSatisfaction.com)

• Surveys (KissInsights.com)

• Offer live chat and a toll free number

• Read this: http://bit.ly/jetQnT

• CALL your customers a week after their purchase

• Ask people what they don’t like about you

• Are you doing this to make a few bucks or to change the world?

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Step #3: Keyword Research

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The Keyword Research Process

1- Discovery 2- Analysis

100 – 1,000

5 - 15

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Google Keyword ToolYour home page

Other pages

Your competitor’s site

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The Keywords on Your Mind

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Other Keyword Research Tools

• KeywordDiscovery.com• WordTracker.com

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Spy on Your Competitors

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Spy on Your Competitors

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Spy on Your Competitors

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Dig Deeper

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Some Ideas to Find Keywords

• What your business is (“Internet marketing agency”)

• How you help your clients (“Rank first on Google”, “Romantic getaway”)

• Products you sell (“Search Engine Optimization”)

• Similar or competing products (“vacuum cleaner”, “XM-100”)

• Attract the right audience (“how to increase productivity”)

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Search Volume

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Current Ranking


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• Use common sense

• Think about the buying cycle:“best 2011 cars” > “2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee” > “Jeep dealerships in Los Angeles”

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ChoosingThe RightKeywords

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Choosing the Right Keywords

• Primary Keywords (5-15)– 50% Broad 50% Long-Tail– 1 page per keyword

• Secondary Keywords (100-500)– 100% Long-Tail– Up to 10 related keywords per page (e.g. “black

electric guitar”, “Taylor acoustic guitar”, “buy a Taylor guitar in Oklahoma City”)

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Step #4: Competitive Analysis


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Step #5: Website Optimization

Website Optimization



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Architecture Optimization

• Content can be accessed by Google• Effective linking structure• No duplicate content• Read this:


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Page Optimization• Page title (1 at the beginning)

• Meta description (1)

• URL (1)

• H1 Headline (1)

• Possibly H2, H3 headlines (1)

• Image ALT tags (1)

• Image filenames (1)

• Body text (once for every 100 words – no hard rule)

• Anchor text of links pointing to that page

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Let’s Take a Break and Have Some Fun

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Step #6: Content Creation

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Why Is Content Creation So Important?

1. More content = More traffic2. More content = More links

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A 2-Step Process

Content Creation Content Promotion

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Content Creation

• GIVE away the farm (The “HC Test”)• Have your website designed by a professional• Ask people to share your content• Be controversial. Be yourself.• Be TRULY unique (content and product)• Learn what works and what doesn’t. Ask your audience.• Are you REALLY an expert?• Become a great writer/speaker• Attract the right audience• Be MUCH more generous

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Content Promotion

• Your Blog• Your Subscribers• Forums / Discussion Boards• LinkedIn Groups• Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn• Joint Ventures / Guest Blogging (Pick up the


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Step #7: Link Building

• Links = Votes

• Link Building Rules– Rule #1: The More, the Merrier

– Rule #2: Links from High Authority Sites Are More Valuable

– Rule #3: Topical Relationship Matters

– Rule #4: The Page the Link Is Pointing to Matters

– Rule #5: Link Text is Everything

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Step #7: Link Building

– Rule #6: Context Matters

– Rule #7: Internal Links Count

– Rule #8: Not All Links Last Forever

– Rule #9: Make It Look Natural

– Rule #10: Beware of NoFollow Links

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Three Ways to Get Links

• Earn them• Ask for them• Build them

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Watch this Webinar


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Social Signals Are Becoming Really Important

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Step #8: Analytics

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What You Need to Analyze

1. Visits per Keyword2. Conversion Rate per Keyword


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Step #9: Local SEO


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Let’s review the SEO process again…

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Assumptions TestingProjections

Keyword Research

Competitive AnalysisSite Optimization

Content Creation

Local SEOLink Building Analytics

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My ProvenStep-by-StepSEO System

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My Proven Step-by-Step SEO System

1. Run your numbers (2 hours)

2. Run an AdWords campaign for 2-4 weeks (setup time: 3 hours)

3. After that, do your keyword researcha) Find 100-1,000 keywords (1 day)b) Choose 5-15 primary keywords and 100-500 secondary keywords (2


4. Create one page for each of your primary keywords. Apply the page optimization tips you learned in this seminar. Link to these pages from your home page and three other pages on your site (1 week).

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My Proven Step-by-Step SEO System

5. Find architectural issues and fix them (a developer can normally do this in 1 week)

6. Perform a competitive analysis for your primary keywords (3 days)

7. Build a blog. a. Post twice a week using your secondary keywords (up to 10 per page)b. Promote your content

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My Proven Step-by-Step SEO System

8. If you own a local business, take care of your local SEO campaign (1 day to set everything up + 1 hour a week to ask for reviews)

9. Spend 40 hours a month on link building. You might need 2x-10x these many hours if your industry is somewhat competitive.

10. Check your Analytics once a month and make any necessary adjustments

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How to MonetizeYour SEO Traffic

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Learn Where Your SEO Traffic Is Arriving to Your Site

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Learn Where Your SEO Traffic Is Arriving to Your Site

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How I Monetize My SEO Traffic

100% Content

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Have RealisticExpectations

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Have Realistic Expectations• It’s VERY time-consuming

• It requires a lot of dedication to become great at it

• If you want someone else to do it for you, it’s not going to be cheap (although you’ll likely `make several times your investment back). You’ll get what you pay for.

• You’ll need to get out of your comfort zone.

• It takes time to rank on the first page of Google.

• It takes even more time to build a loyal audience.

• BUT… the rewards are huge and this is, by far, one of the best ways to get more clients and grow your business.

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Thank You!

Zeke Camusio503-367-7561

[email protected]




Facebook: Facebook.com/ZekeCamusio

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