www.Writania.com The Top 4 Types of Point of View for Writing a Novel

The Top 4 Types of Point of View for Writing a Novel

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Page 1: The Top 4 Types of Point of View for Writing a Novel


The Top 4 Types of

Point of View for

Writing a Novel

Page 2: The Top 4 Types of Point of View for Writing a Novel


Does your reader know “Who’s talking now?”

What are the top POVs usedin novel writing?

Page 3: The Top 4 Types of Point of View for Writing a Novel


First Person Point of View

Allows only 1 perspective -

The story teller’s. They can reveal only their

own thoughts

and feelings.

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It’s often used when the motives of anyone but the narrator need to

be kept from the readers.

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Third Person Subjective POVThis allows more characters to reveal what they think and feel. Can be used with either a

3rd person singular or multiple perspective.

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It adds richness to the story because other characters are heard from. The writer must be clear on “who’s talking now”.

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Third Person Objective POV Narrator can

only describe things that can be outwardly

heard or seen.

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This allows the narrator to stand back and tell the story.

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The story is told by a third person who knows everything

about the story but is not part of it.

Omniscient Observer POV

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A writer must be careful to keep the reader oriented to whose perspective they’re reading.

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What matters is that readers can always discern who is speaking

and thinking; if that fails the entire novel


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For more tips and information

on writing novels,