Welcome to the Conversation Social Media

Welcome To The Conversation

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Welcome to the Conversation

Social Media

Fun Intro

Positive or Negative: News Travels Fast

People will spread information with or without traditional means.

Fun Intro

The “Call” happened in early June of 2006. Blog Insignificant Thoughts: June 20 The Consumerist and DIGG: June 21 The New York Post: June 23 The New York Times: June 24 The Today Show: June 26 NightLine: July 14

Part 1: What is Social Media?

Very old Method: The Apple Cart that still Runs

Part 1: What is Social Media?

Find the Pain.

Part 2: How can we use it?

Free Service: www.google.com/alerts

Some Listening Devices:Pay Service:

ORM, Bozell offered service that tracks and sorts all instances of client mention online.

Free Services: Blog Searches

www.blogsearch.google.com www.technorati.com

Part 2: How can we use it?

Part 2: How can we use it?

Free Service: www.Backtype.com

Part 2: How can we use it?

Free Services: Story Searches

www.digg.com www.reddit.com

Part 2: How can we use it?

Microblogging: provides real-time responses

We can search this: http://search.twitter.com

Part 2: How can we use it?

Free Service:


Part 2: How can we use it?

Free Services: Groups Searches

www.group.google.com www.group.yahoo.com www.facebook.com www.myspace.com www.linkedin.com

Part 2: How can we use it?

Free Services: Evolving Theme Searches

www.blogpulse.com Keyword Search


Part 2: How can we use it?

Google Alerts Get RSS feeds from

useful bloggers and sites www.bloglines.com www.feedbucket.co


Part 2: How can we use it?

What do I do now?

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