You ARE Irresistible! Learn to Love Your Value by Beating the 4 Most Common Challenges to Your Success http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

You ARE Irresistible! Learn to Love Your Value by Beating the 4 Most Common Challenges to Your Success

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You ARE Irresistible! Learn to Love Your Value

by Beating the 4 Most Common Challenges to

Your Success

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Challenge #1: Doubt

Am I sure enough of what I have to offer?

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Learn and love YOU first.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Solution #1:

What are your strengths?

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What are your weaknesses?

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Assess yourself: What DO you have to offer?

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Be authentic and transparent about yourself.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Know what makes you tick, and leverage your uniqueness.


http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Encourage yourself.

Mentally and aloud.


Get honest feedback.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Surround yourself with the right people and get their honest opinion of you.

The Loveable Value You Bring:


http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

How do I deal with prospects who challenge my credentials or values?

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Challenge #2: Critics

Position yourself as an expert.

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Solution #2:

Learn your industry intimately.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Know the numbers and trends, and where you fit in.

Beat them to the punch.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Look for the loopholes in your offer on your own first, and find solutions for them.

Perpetually sharpen yourself.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas



Courses & Certifications


Books & Ebooks Blogs & Podcasts


Say what you mean and mean what you say.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Integrity is so rare now, it’s become a SHOCKER…and an advantage.

Foresight and problem solving

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

The Loveable Value You Bring:

Challenge #3: Invisibility

How do I create my platform?

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Research where your target audience hangs out…and make yourself at home there.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Solution #3:

Pick TWO of your target customer’s most frequent platforms, learn them, and utilize them.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Blogs Social Media



Interact with your target customer and learn his or her pain points.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Ask and answer questions.

Create content that connects your expertise with meeting that need.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Blog posts & guest posts

Ebooks & reports


Video series Articles (Newspapers and/or Magazines)

Diligence, discipline, patience, and service

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

The Loveable Value You Bring:

Challenge #4: Roadblocks

What if I don’t get the outcome I want?

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Breathe deeply and embrace change.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Solution #4:

Breathe. It’s not always personal.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

In fact, most times it’s not.

Not getting the desired outcome = change.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Change is constant.

But it can be mastered.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Have a Plan B, C, and D ahead of time.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Look for the lesson, focus on it, and apply it.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

If necessary, return to it and reassess your strategy or offer.

Never fear the drawing board.

Adaptability, forgiveness, and resilience

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

The Loveable Value You Bring:

Your Loveable Value in Summary:


http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas




Problem solving






The Great News?

These are already within you.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

What’s not to love?

Many thanks to these awesome image providers.

http://mellissathomas.com by Mellissa Thomas

Pixabay.com (great source for public domain images)


Robert Bejil Richard Foster Caitlinator Roderick Eime Celestine Chua Nolan O’Brien Rick Harris Victor Bezrukov Vassilis Online Brandon Grasley Frits Ahlefeldt

(all Flickr images used with permission under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License)


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