Beauty care tips and tricks Beauty care, face care, beauty care tips, beauty care tricks, skin care, salon, parlour, beauty parlor, beauty parlor

Beauty care tips and tricks

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Page 1: Beauty care tips and tricks

Beauty care tips and tricks

Beauty care, face care, beauty care tips, beauty care tricks, skin care, salon, parlour, beauty parlor, beauty parlor

Page 2: Beauty care tips and tricks

Women want to look beautiful all the time. Whether it’s their work life or family functions. To look presentable it is quite important to have a flawless skin .With the availability of various beauty care salons and parlors, it has become easy to look beautiful. Women can book beauty care services and beauty salon services to get the desired services. But apart from going to salons and parlor, there are some beauty tricks and tips which every woman should know. Some of these tips are:-

Remove makeup: - Women all over the world like applying makeup. But when it comes to removing makeup they tend to become lazy. It is really important to remove makeup before winding up the day. Sleeping with make on can cause excessive damage to the skin. Skin needs to relax, but makeup hinders this process. When makeup gets accumulated in the skin, the skin can’t breathe, this results in clogged pores, blackheads, acne, and blemishes. Therefore To remove makeup effectively oils like olive oil, castor oil and other facial oils can be used. Nowadays various makeup removers are available like makeup removing wipes, oil based cleansers, makeup removing, makeup removing clothes and makeup removing water. Choose any one of them and remove your makeup.

Page 3: Beauty care tips and tricks

Protection from the Sun: - Sun is probably the biggest enemy of the skin. Excessive Sun exposure can cause various skin relates problems like tanning, pre- mature aging, sunburn and skin cancer. To protect your skin from the sun use water-resistant sunscreen with broad spectra like SPF 30 or SPF 50. Sunscreen is helpful in protecting the skin from Harsh UVA and UVB

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The damage from the sun is cumulative therefore sunscreen need to be applied each and every day of the year. Also, avoid sun exposure as much as possible because prevention is always but then cure.

Keep Skin Hydrated: - The human body contains 90% of the water. Water keeps our body function properly. According to dermatologist drinking water helps in maintaining the thickness and density of the skin. It also increases blood flow to the skin. The mechanism in which water help our skin to look younger and glowing is that it Is that it flushes out the toxins from the skin and the body which helps in preventing acne, face bloating and many other skin related issues. Apart from drinking water, vegetables and fruit high in water content can also be consumed to provide the required level of hydration to the skin.

CTM Routine: - Cleansing, Toning and moisturizing these three steps are must have a beautiful skin. Cleansing is the process of removing dirt and makeup from the skin, toning is the process which helps to restore skin pH balance after cleansing. Moisturizing help to provide required hydration to the skin. Follow these 3 steps religiously to get a youthful and flawless skin.

Page 5: Beauty care tips and tricks

Eat Right: - Just like drinking water, eating right play a major role in how the skin looks. Make sure to eat a lot of green vegetables and fresh fruits. These are rich in antioxidants. Avoid eating junk food like pizza and burger. Vitamin C is one of the required vitamins for glowing skin so make sure to eat a diet rich in vitamin C. For vitamin C citrus fruits need to take. Next required thing for beautiful skin in proteins. To get a daily dose of protein add protein rich food in every meal of the day.

Exercise: - Exercising is important for total well being. Jogging, Yoga running or any other kind of exercise is important for blood circulation. When blood circulates in the boy blood and oxygen start flowing through the skin, which helps to flush toxins out of the body, this includes toxins that clog pores.

Take that beauty Sleep: - For a youthful skin, 6-7 hours of sleep is required. Lack of sleep can cause dark circles and sagging skin. Sleep helps our body to repair and recover. According to dermatologist sleep can help you get a glowing complexion, fewer wrinkles, brighter and less puffy eyes.