Ways to Reduce Wrinkles to Achieve Youthful Appearance #Beauty care #skin care #skin treatment #parlour #wrinkles

Ways to reduce wrinkles to achieve youthful appearance

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Page 1: Ways to reduce wrinkles to achieve youthful appearance

Ways to Reduce Wrinkles to Achieve Youthful Appearance

#Beauty care #skin care #skin treatment #parlour #wrinkles

Page 2: Ways to reduce wrinkles to achieve youthful appearance

Aging brings a lot of changes in our body. Heart rate become slower, blood vessels and arteries become stiffer. Along with the body organs in our skin goes through a complete transformation during the natural aging process. The sun exposure, gravity, poor diet, environmental pollutants, stress and the sleeping position have a great impact on the ageing process. Skin begins to sag and becomes sensitive to the sun, wrinkles are developed with the decrease in the collagen level and the hair graying process begins. Women strive to look younger and beautiful at every stage of womanhood. But the aging process impacts their beauty. According to a recent newspaper report, a woman in the UK has not smiled in 40 years so that she doesn’t get wrinkles. This is enough evidence to prove that women fear what ageing process does to their skin and beauty. This is becoming a fad among youth and celebrities. They don’t smile often so that they don’t develop wrinkles. Although, it is important to look good but smiling itself brings a great joy on social, physical and mental well being of a person. Women nowadays can visit various skin treatment centers or book online parlors to keep skin healthy and beautiful.

There are a variety of clinical and medical procedures available to treat ageing signs such as Dermabrasion, botox, laser, chemical peels, facelift, and fillers. In Dermabrasion the superficial skin is removed with a rapidly abrasive tool.

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This is the process which is helpful in removing fine lines, wrinkles, tattoos.moles and acne scars. This treatment helps in achieving a youthful appearance. Botox treatment is used to cure muscles related conditions and remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles. It is one of the most popular treatments in cosmetic surgery. According to a recent report, 6 million Botox treatments are administered in each year. In laser treatment, the outer layer of the skin is destroyed with a laser beam while the underlying skin is heated up. This triggers the development of new collagen fibers. The skin feels smoother and firmer after few laser treatments. In chemical peels, a chemical solution is applied to the area having wrinkles this causes the dead skin to shed and eventually peel off. A facelift is a whole different thing. It is one of the best procedures in the field of cosmetic surgery. In this procedure excess, facial skin and fat are removed.

Apart from Various Clinical treatments, there are some tips which can be followed to prevent wrinkle formation. Such as washing the face with face wash instead of soap. It strips away the natural oil, which is required by the skin to get a healthy glow. A moisturizing cleanser or face wash should be used followed by toner and moisturizer. Also, limit the frequency of washing face up to 2 times a day. The tap water also has a lot of chemicals which can

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strip away the natural oil from the face. Exfoliation of the dead skin is equally important as cleansing, therefore, exfoliating the skin wisely is of great importance. Alpha Hydroxyls Acid is the most efficient exfoliator. Various AHA acids are applied to the skin to remove dead cells and acne scars. A skin lacking moisture is far more prone to damage. Hence, applying right moisturizer is required. A moisturizer which is lightweight as well moisturizes the skin. All natural are quite rich in moisturizing our skin. Whether it's coconut oil, argan oil or avocado oil. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants and proteins like eggs chicken salmon, tuna regenerates strong healthy skin cells. Protecting your skin from sun exposure is the first step towards from protecting your skin from developing wrinkles. The sun is the main reason behind premature ageing. Creams rich in Vitamin e and Retina A should be used during the night. While sleeping at night make sure to sleep on your back instead of sleeping with your face buried in the pillows. Women should not worry about ageing as the stress itself causes wrinkles and fine lines. The main idea is to live happily .It is important to cherish and enjoy every stage of life.

Summary:- Ageing is a natural process, the formation of wrinkles, graying of hair, low cardiovascular endurance all becomes a part of life. Women fear of

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ageing, therefore, wrinkles is their biggest nightmares. There are various clinical and medical treatments available to treat wrinkles for eg, botox, dermabrasion, laser, chemical peels, facelifts and fillers. But we should develop healthy habits to prevent our skin from wrinkles.

Know more : - http://www.femaleadda.com/beauty-care