Blue Dress® is TOP 1% Ranked in the World For Internet Mktg & Social Media Mktg Knowledge!

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Page 1: Blue Dress® is TOP 1% Ranked in the World For Internet Mktg & Social Media Mktg Knowledge!


Page 2: Blue Dress® is TOP 1% Ranked in the World For Internet Mktg & Social Media Mktg Knowledge!

Ingrid Gee, CEO and Founder of Blue Dress® Inc., a small boutique agency located in Knoxville TN has just been scored against a Global World of 80,000 Internet Marketing Gurus and has ranked in knowledge in the TOP 1% for Internet Marketing & Social Media Marketing.

Page 3: Blue Dress® is TOP 1% Ranked in the World For Internet Mktg & Social Media Mktg Knowledge!

A PERSONAL NOTE FROM INGRID BELOW... For the past 9+ years I have been immersed in the Internet and Online "Of Things". I call it A.T.i. (my little shortened code for All Things Internet). The journey has been an exciting one and also a bit painful at times, but a lot of knowledge, insight, and understanding has been gained. It is absolutely the best thing that ever happened to me (besides my precious little girl).

Page 4: Blue Dress® is TOP 1% Ranked in the World For Internet Mktg & Social Media Mktg Knowledge!

I've been working and loving All Things Internet just 2 years after Google went public. I've been in the founding "fires" and got my a#@ "burned" a bit, so to speak. However, with that came seasoning, knowledge, and a beautiful skill and talent that I can now use to help others share their messages/brands/products online. In a nutshell, to make it easy to swallow (not like one of those horrible 'horse pills' you get from the pharmacy), let me explain What I Do:

I take what is complicated (online marketing) and turn it into simplicity.

Page 5: Blue Dress® is TOP 1% Ranked in the World For Internet Mktg & Social Media Mktg Knowledge!

One of my favorite quotes: "....You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But, it's worth it in the end, because once you get there you can move mountains!"-Steve Jobs This hard work, focus, determination, a dash of obsessive compulsiveness, a great support team, and a big heap of just a general LOVE for A.T.i. has come to fruition. And it's time for YOU to reap the "fruits" of my labor!

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SURE, BLAH BLAH BLAH, RIGHT.... WHAT DOES ALL THAT MEAN? It means I can help you! And YOU matter. And what you love matters too. It means I've spent 9+ years 'figuring it out'. You may just now be 'waking up' to this digital world and just now trying to 'figure it out'? What are you going to do online? Let me save you some heartache, some time, and make it easy for you online.

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My passion is helping others. Talk with me, consult with me and let me help you come up with an Internet Marketing Strategy! If you just want to read at your leisure, feel free to do that to. At least, I will still be helping you make sense of this crazy digital world. Below are two of my main blogs, in them I've written numerous blog articles, please feel free to visit them and soak up some of my recent internet tips: www.bluedressinc.me www.bluedressinternetmarketingcompany.blogspot.com

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And if you need even more of tidbits and tips, you can visit and find me on over 100+ online channels online. All flawlessly maintained. OR just type in "powerful online marketing" into your Google search, You'll probably find us in the Top 3 out of 40+ million entires (and no we don't pay Google to be there).

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CALL ME anytime I would LOVE to help you with any of your online needs! -Ingrid Y. Gee Just a Southern Girl from Tennessee 865-951-5887 my cell