Dime App Sam Aggarwal | Hasnain Bukhari | Jan Hussein

Dime App Pitch Deck

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Dime AppSam Aggarwal | Hasnain Bukhari | Jan Hussein


Dime App to the Rescue!

Set a savings target

Sync your bank securely

We’ll round up your transactions

Reach your target and buy through us

Opportunity57% of the population use online banking

35% of those people are within the age range of 18-25 years old

12 million perspective users in the UK alone

Large expected user base

High quality user data

Premium targeted ads

High Profit Potential++ =


Affiliate links to the goals users set

Highly Targeted Advertising with the Holy Grail of Data

Challenges which are used to create new behaviours in customers



Not a savings app but an investment app

US only

No savings goal

Facing tough competition from other apps like Betterment

No mobile or web application

User’s complain about a lack of control

Money taken out of accounts unexpectedly

No savings goal

Time consuming sign up

Funding£500 for App Design

All of our Marketing, PR and Fund Raising strategy revolves around Screenshots &

App Design.
