Make Money With a Shopping Cart (An Idea For ThriveCart) Matt Wolfe - GetThrivecart.com

How To Make Money With A Shopping Cart - Using Thrivecart

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

One of the most common questions that we receive when it comes to a

shopping cart tool like ThriveCart is, “Do I need a cart? I don’t have a product


It’s pretty easy for us to say that ThriveCart is just so cheap that you might as

well grab it for when you do need it.

However, we know that’s not a great philosophy…

I’m sure every person reading this has bought some course or tool “just in

case” and, to this day, has still not even looked at it (we’re all guilty of this).

Instead of trying to sell you on the price and the fact that ThriveCart today

will always be a better deal than ThriveCart in the future, I’ll walk you

through how you can use it and have something selling online by this time


How To Make Money With A Shopping


1. Create a Product

First off, you need something to sell. A shopping cart does you absolutely no

good if you don’t have a product.

The quickest route to having a product online is a simple video course.

I can make an hours worth of video training in, oh… about an hour.

Pull out your phone and record yourself in front of a whiteboard or showing

people how to do something specific to your niche.Make Money With a Shopping Cart (Like ThriveCart)

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

Alternatively, you can use a screen capture tool to record your computer

screen. Record your a powerpoint presentation or a technical tutorial on how

to do something on your computer.

If you’re on a Mac, Quicktime is free and you can record your screen with it.

If you’re on a PC, you can download CamStudio for free and it will do the

same thing.

Quicktime (on Mac):

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

CamStudio (on PC):

Update: OpenTest (Mac or PC)

I just discovered another free screen capture tool called Opentest that works

on both Mac and PC. I’ve spent a little bit of time playing with it and it

definitely has a few more features than the above mentioned free options.

Find a topic that you can teach and record away…

I like to pick a niche, hunt down a popular forum in that niche (using The

Googles), and look for common questions to create some videos out of…

2. Put Videos in a Membership

Don’t overcomplicate this. There’s a ton of membership scripts and

WordPress plugins out there. I ditched them all.

I now use a platform called Teachable and it has a FREE tier to it!

Create a free Teachable account and load your training into the platform.

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

It will store your videos, protect them so that only members can access them,

and organize your training in an easy to consume way.

Teachable Course Creation:

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

What Customers See:

3. Link Teachable to ThriveCart

Now, ThriveCart does not integrate with Teachable out of the box (yet).

However, there’s a little “hack” / workaround that we discovered in order to

link the two.

Josh (creator of ThriveCart) told me that the direct integration is almost

ready and will be available soon but, for now, this little workaround is


It requires you to give customers of your product a special coupon code to

your product in Teachable. However, it’s seamless and buyers don’t even

realize that they are using a coupon or are moving away from your site.

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

One of our bonuses for people who grab ThriveCart through our link is a

tutorial that walks you through this process.

4. Create a Blog Post

I rarely even bother creating old-fashioned sales pages anymore.

These days, I’ll simply write a blog post that talks about all of the benefits of a


I’ll walk through why the product is exciting, what they will get when they

purchase, and all of the benefits that each of those things provide.

My favorite way to sell is through bullet points.

I’ll create a TON of bullets of what the customer will learn when they

purchase and then attach a benefit to each of the things listed.

It’s pretty simple actually.

If you don’t have a blog already, create the blog post on a free blogging

platform like Medium or Tumblr… I’ve even seen Frank Kern using Tumblr

to sell his products.

It’s simple but it works. (Most people over-complicate this kind of stuff)

5. Drive Traffic

The easiest and fastest way that I know to drive traffic is to use a simple

Facebook “Boost Post” or “Promoted Post”.

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

Simply create a post on a Facebook Fan Page that links to the blog post that

you just wrote.

Write up a little description of what people will get from the course and

explain the benefits.

Then simply click the “Boost Post” button:

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

Select “Create New Audience”:

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

Then pick an interest that you think is relevant:

Set a budget of $10/day or whatever you feel comfortable with, and you’re

ready to rock-n-roll.

Simple as that…

A note on pricing strategy:

When it comes to pricing, people always struggle to put a price tag on what

they create.

It’s truly up to you to decide the value of what you just created.

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

However, I have a personal rule of thumb.

I like to charge about $50 per hour of recorded training.

A 10 hour training course from me will cost roughly $500.

An hour of training from me will cost roughly $50.

It’s simple and it takes the thinking out of it for me.

Of course with ebooks, live training, software, or physical products, pricing

can be quite different. For recorded training, I stick to that rule of thumb.

More detailed tutorials:

I put together several additional tutorials on ThriveCart, creating rapid

products, funnel case studies, interviews, and more, totaling over 3 hours of

additional training, with more being added as I discover cool new tips, tricks,

and hacks…

By my own valuation strategies that I mentioned above, it’s valued at roughly


However, I am constantly adding to it.

I am a ThriveCart evangelist and educator and will constantly add new

training and ideas to the members area…

Think of it as additional support and tutorials for ThriveCart on an ongoing

basis that most people would charge a recurring monthly fee for…

I’m throwing it in just for grabbing ThriveCart through our special link.

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Make Money With a Shopping Cart

So, even if you don’t have a product yet, you don’t know how funnels work, or

you’re not techie, YES, ThriveCart is for you!

…And with our special bonus package, we’ll make sure that you’re as

profitable as possible right out of the gate!

Grab Thrivecart Today!

Thrivecart is the ultimate checkout tool. Create high-

converting checkout pages with testimonials, bullet points,

countdowns, coupons, one-click upsells, bump offers and

much much more. Plus, it integrates with all of your

favorite marketing tools and works with Stripe, Paypal, and

Apple Pay. This is the must-have tool in every marketer's


Click Here To Learn More About Thrivecart

Make Money With a Shopping Cart (Like ThriveCart)