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Miles "The Web Tools Guy" Austin on Repurposing Your Content

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Re-purposing Content–Notes from NSA Northwest Event

As a speaker, you have a possession that most others covet – Great Content. You possess depth

of understanding, expertise and wisdom valuable to others. Sharing this knowledge and passion

with others should not be limited to your speaking.

In this post I will share a dozen ways that the content from your most recent speech can be re-

purposed and transformed to reach audiences around the world. Individually, each of these

activities can have an impact on your success. Combining all of them into a full package can

truly change your life.

I hope to expand and alter your thinking. To have you look at yourself as a media company that

distributes valuable content to others in any platform that they prefer.

What do I mean by re-purposing content? I am using the term re-purposing to describe using the content created for one specific purpose

and platform, and modifying it so that it can be delivered on other platforms, using other media

and to other audiences.

Why re-purpose? It is the smart thing to do. I believe that each of us is an expert in something. I have learned in

life that my expertise is valuable and desired by others. It can be just what they need to

accomplish more in their life. I want to share my ideas and experiences with as many people, in

as many locations as I can. We do not all learn in the same way. I am a visual learner, but I also

need hands-on experience to cement my understanding. How about you?

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There is no set order to follow These activities can be completed in any order you prefer. I will use a flow that works for me,

starting with a speech that I am asked to give. Sometimes it starts with a blog post, and

sometimes it begins with a book. Feel free and use any of these activities as a starting point.

Let’s jump in.

My workflow How do you begin creating your speeches? Do you write it out? Create an outline, or perhaps a

Mind map?

I usually start out by speaking my core thoughts into Dragon Dictation on the most convenient

device – iPhone, laptop or desktop. If the idea is still unstructured in my mind, I will fall back on

creating a mind map to bring some early structure to my thinking.

I want to get my ideas out fast and without worry for punctuation or structure, just want to get

them into text form, and Dragon does just that for me.

This isn’t for everyone but I have found my brain works faster than my typing or writing, and I

am able to capture more of my ideas and flow in a natural way by just talking them out. I used

to just think them through – without the verbalization – but was never able to capture the full

flow of my ideas at a later time.

After working through the edits and cleaning the text up a bit, I have a structure in my notes

that works for me.

Once I am done with the written structure of my notes, the magic and power of re-purposing

begins. These are not in any specific order; I do them as I have time or as an opportunity pops


Here is where my re-purposing begins.

1) Strip down to the core points of your presentation to create a slide deck appropriate for

the topic, audience and the venue. By utilizing the text in my speech, I am able to

structure each slide with a key phrase or message. I copy and paste from my

presentation directly into the speaker notes.

Now that I know what my key phrases are for each slide, I go looking for graphics that fit

my message. I have a large collection of photo and image sites that I use, in addition to

my own library that I have assembled over the years. I use free sites like Gratisography

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or Unsplash or my go-to site for affordable licensed graphics – Fotolia. I assemble all the

images I need into a folder and then add the images to my slides as needed. This folder

will come into play in our re-purposing so keep it handy on your desktop of cloud


2) Done with your slide deck? Time to upload your completed deck to SlideShare. One of

the most over-looked yet productive places to share your most powerful customer-

facing information is on Slideshare. It is the world’s largest community for sharing

presentations. It also supports video, PDF’s and even recorded webinars. Do not

underestimate the potential of having your information published for all to see on

Slideshare. This not only gives your ideas exposure to a different audience, it also serves

as an effective way to share your presentation to those that attend your presentation at

the event. Slideshare is owned by LinkedIn, and you have the ability to add your

presentation directly into your personal profile.

The analytics available from SlideShare are helpful, and you might be very surprised by

the number of viewers your presentation receives.

An important modification to make to your slide deck before uploading it to SlideShare

is to add a slide at the end with your email, phone number, website, Twitter, Facebook

and other important contact information so that viewers will be able to reach you if


3) Save your slides as a PDF. If you ever have the request or need to distribute your

presentation in hard copy or over email, but you do not want it to be modified, saving

your presentation as a PDF is the way to go. I usually provide my presentation to the

conference organizer in this format so that no one tampers with the layout or content. It

also has saved me many times when the conference has a different version of software

than I use, or fonts that are missing, turning my masterpiece into a piece of junk. This is

also a great way to share your presentation to smartphone viewers who might not have

the appropriate slide software on their phone. The same recommendation of adding a

Contact Slide at the end is smart when creating your PDF.

4) Before we move on from your slide deck, let’s add some audio. You will hopefully

rehearse your presentation many times. When you are at that point where you are

pleased, do another run through, use the record audio feature of your software that is

built-in to capture not only your slides, but the timing of your slides and your audio.

Now save your recorded deck to a Video format from your control panel. And just like

that you now have a video with audio of your presentation.

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**Keep your eye out for a new technology called Video Sales Letters. They make the

creation of slides and audio extremely fast and painless if you have already created your

presentation in a word document.

With these tools, you literally import your Word doc, put comma’s where you want each

slide to end, then record your audio, and save it as a video file. Very powerful for the

right environment and extremely quick.

5) Upload your completed video to your YouTube channel. YouTube isn’t ideal for every

situation but the reach and engagement is hard to beat. Make sure that you take

advantage of the built in ability to add keywords and tags to get the most from your

efforts. This also provides a method to embed your video on your blog/website and to

share the link via Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other social platforms you work with


In the same vein, I am starting to upload the same video to Facebook directly. I don’t

have enough experience with this yet but Tracey and others might be able to give

additional information on its merit.

6) An eBook is a very powerful next step. A combination of your presentation text, along

with your images used for your slide deck can be combined into an effective and great

looking eBook format. Based on the length of your presentation, you can take out or

add additional information so that the eBook provides the right level of information for

its intended purpose. eBooks are valuable to use as an incentive to have website

visitor’s sign up for your newsletter, or to register for an upcoming webinar or seminar.

7) Expand and publish your work on Kindle. You have already done the hard work, and

putting in some extra effort to go deeper and with examples and resources of your topic

can result in a product that can not only build and strengthen your reputation, but also

add a few dollars to your bank account. Consider 15,000 to 20,000 words for an

effective Kindle book length. Remember to make sure that you include all the

appropriate contact information in your Kindle book, and remember that links to

important resources are very popular, including to your own site.

8) Take this to the next step and publish a physical book. I recommend that you take your

eBook and/Kindle version even further and deeper into the topic. Remember the

guideline of 300-330 words equals one page in the typical trade-sized printed book. If I

know in advance that this is part of my plans for a specific topic, I will choose images

and graphics that convert well into black and white for print. CreateSpace provides a

very affordable service and the results will be worth it if your content is deep enough.

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Remember that you are THE expert, and many others can learn from your expertise.

Each of us has our own preferences on Kindle or physical books, and sometimes both

formats are desired, especially if your content is a teaching or training format.

9) Remember when you recorded your voice-over for your slide deck? That Audio is a

valuable asset that you can put to good use. By using one of the many editing tools

available, like Camtasia or ScreenFlow, you can strip out the audio from the video and

save it as a separate file. Or if you do not have one of those tools, you can just record

the audio again on your smartphone or desktop using an installed app or free software

like Audacity.

Sometimes the power of the spoken word is more effective than a bunch of pretty

pictures or video. This service will store and make available for search and replay any of

your audio content. I have coaching clients that get more leads from SoundCloud than

any other social media sites. Your experience will vary based on your industry and

prospect pool, but the ability to listen to your message from their computer,

smartphone or iPad or even from iTunes can get your message delivered in completely

new ways.

Once you have your audio file available, upload it to a service like SoundCloud. You can

also embed your file on your website and also share the link on the social media

platforms of your choice.

10) Blog Posts are a very effective way to share your content and build future business.

There are times when my presentation begins with a blog post and other times when a

post comes about based on the content of a presentation. Either way, take advantage of

the following you have built on your blog and share your ideas with your readers.

This is also an ideal place to embed your video, audio, SlideShare, or even offer your

eBook for those that want to learn more about the topic.

11) Webinars have become my #1 platform to share and distribute my content. I now

average over 6,000 viewers per month between all of my public and private sessions.

These are people that I never would have reached in the past. You already have your

presentation ready, and hopefully have eBooks, books, and videos ready to go.

Webinars are a very powerful, dynamic platform to get your information into the eyes

and ears of decision makers. Most of my speaking opportunities now come from my

webinar audiences.

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12) Training Courses – This is an opportunity that is exploding right now. Within the last

week, LinkedIn acquired Lynda.com for 1.5 BILLION dollars. Udemy now has over 6

million students with over 25,000 courses and 14,000 instructors. And they are making

MONEY doing it.

You are the EXPERT. Others want to learn what you know. Use your knowledge and create

training courses using the very tools and techniques we’ve talked about tonight to create

your own training courses. Online learning is on the verge of revolutionizing how adults

learn. The educational system we have known in the past is on the edge of massive change.

Why not claim your spot in the revolution and teach the rest of us what you already know.

If you have 90 minutes of recorded video, you should be able to break it down into 4-5

minute segments on your topic, resulting in 20 +/- video classes on your topic. You also have

the foundation of course outlines, study guides and even tests with your ebooks, speaker

notes, and more. You would be surprised at how much you already have available as a

result of following my suggestions here tonight.

In conclusion – we have truly only scratched the surface on this topic. We haven’t discussed

podcasts, Hangouts, Live Streaming Video, Instagram, Pinterest or the latest broadcasting

capabilities from Meerkat or Periscope. The platforms and possibilities are coming out at an

incredible rate. I have the largest backlog in my 8 years of running FilltheFunnel, with over

80 new tools in my backlog to test and review.

By using these suggestions, sharing your expertise in these ways, your audience, your

reputation and your bank account will all benefit.

When you step back and look at each of these activities, you realize that you are truly a

media company, distributing information to others on multiple platforms worldwide, for

free or for a fee. Embrace the new reality that we live in.

There is a lot to digest here. The most important action is to begin with one and keep going

down the list until you look back and see that you have covered all the bases.

To learn more about how to successfully use these tools and integrate them into your

business, contact Miles @ 206-660-0006 or email him at [email protected]