SECRET GUIDEBOOK TO MAKING AN EXTRA INCOME ©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved. “Secret Guidebook To Making an Extra Income!” V2.0

Secret Guidebook To Making an Extra Income

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©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

“Secret Guidebook To Making an Extra




©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Disclaimer This guidebook is not intended to guarantee your success nor income in any way. You’re also advice not to try out all the methods or strategies highlighted here if you intend to get results. Besides, you’re not allowed to modify the content or post the content from this report onto any article directories or to resell it for a profit. The links found in this report are of the date it was written and reader are advice to check out the latest url from the main site itself Permission must be granted for any form content to be produced from this report. But you intend to forward to your close friend, feel free to do so.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Hi everyone,

I am supposed to deliver to you a guidebook on how you can make an extra income. (while you’re still holding on to a full time job I hope) Whether you’re new to Internet Marketing or have been on the Internet for awhile, you’re welcome to read this short report by me. I am Adwin. Well, you might not have heard of me, you just need to know the rules to the game. Most of you from Facebook SNFC know me.

This guidebook is intend to show you some of the possibility of using online media and web traffic generation strategies used by most marketers (including myself) and some least use but effective strategies that I came across to make some $ online.

You are welcome to implement the methods and strategies but please, do not go out and try all of them. Reason: You need to understand your business model and apply the strategy that best suit your business.

I do understand most newbie like to know as much as possible on a secret strategy or is there a blue pill out there. Heck it!

But let me repeat here, do not buy every any e-books that guarantee you traffic. There isn’t a magic pill. You need to build your own traffic for your own website(s). One visitor at a time. Period.

I will be sharing with you why the methods, so-called guru shared with you on his/her latest e-book don’t work for you at all. You will get ZERO traffic. Yes, this is a COLD-Hard fact. Admit it now. Else there is no chance for you to succeed in Internet marketing. (You’re better off selling physical products)

Besides, this report is for people who will take action at any point. (You can scroll right to the bottom and see me at the other side).


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Again, please do not read this like a story book. This is not Harry Porter. You are take action once your instinct struck you. (Something like “This is what I wanted to do”). Trust it and stick to it. Give yourself a month for one method to start working. Have patience. Do not attempt everything you read without going to the last page of this guide book. But who am I to teach you all this? Some advertisement here, I have been online doing marketing since 2006. Check out my blog since 2006. Can money be made online? If you’re still reading this far the answer it yes! Personally generated 5 figure income monthly, (No you can’t do it tomorrow or by next month or next year just to be honest). Those who promise you, are SCAMMER! Again, I would like to emphasize, you and I have the same amount of time each day. The question is how we use it in a way to achieve our goals.

I would like to make this guide a valuable gift to you and let’s be friends. It’s easier to share secrets with friends than stranger right.

See you after the last page. To Your Ultimate Destination in Life,

P.S : Are you trying to sell me anything? No. Because I believe we’re here to learn and share experiences. Feel free to give this report to your friends. But don’t make it sellable. I know it’s difficult to resist the temptation. ;)


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Identify the threat out there I feel that this is what many Guru never shared with you. But as a friend, I need to tell you. Most of the videos you watch on Youtube, read on Internet are just marketing campaigns. YES! To get people on board so that the guy sitting behind make all the money. In the world of money there are many ways you can package the same products, some call it network marketing, some call it MLM, some call it hybrid system, blah blah… all are B.S!!! Source. You need to verify the source whenever you buy something. Google the product name and search the “product name” + “scam”. There you have the answer in less than 1 minute. But many have fallen into such trap to buy on impulse. Don’t do it. I will share with you a resource which up till today I am still using at the end of this guide. (Of course!) Again, I admitted many times when I first started I have fallen into such trap. But I found out the hard way, the quickest way to make money online is to have your “virtual real estate”. In our context, a blog/a website.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Your BIG PICTURE This is a good infographic which you need to always remember when trying to monetize online. Nothing else.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Your Next Question/Questions Could be the follow:- I am not technically trained how do I start a blog? I don’t like to write, what should I do? I love to write but can I run out of content? How do I know I can make money? Blah… Blah… Blah… This is not mean to be a Q&A session. I do have a very good resource at the end of this guide. And to tell you a secret, people inside want you to succeed. They are the experts and I have never never seen such an active community out there. Oh, the secret part is you can get in Free. I promise your 1001 questions are all answered there.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Choosing Your Niche What is a niche? Forget about the term. Put it that way, what do you enjoy doing most, what are your hobbies, who inspire you, what movies do you like to watch. Sometime you have great interest. *Remember to do the action blueprint before you proceed to the last page. Personal experience I have great result running a cufflink blog and turning it into a cufflink ecommerce store. But have I know it would turn out to be this way? No. It’s by following your heart. This is the first steps and most important step you need to do. Forget about traffic strategy, social media marketing…blah blah blah…you’re trying to get yourself confused further. (Forget about it for now, for a while) More confusion lead to no action lead to where you are in the past, now and future. If you already have business, good for you. You can start a business blog. If you have a product, you can start talking about it and set up a ecommerce store. It’s not hard really. If you don’t think ever you going to have a hobby, well congratulations! You’re with most of the 80% of the world population. Start to find one and take action.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Mindset Sorry to disappoint you. I don’t have any training on this topic. If you need training, I can introduce someone inside my inner circle to you. But all successful people have a certain level of mindset to execute their task or work daily. I would say plan your day and your time daily. Do not touch the computer until you plan what to do for every day. No not even your mobile phone. I switches off all my mobile apps message notification. I know you have a hard time getting me. (Yes, yes and I apologies.) Plan to get the result you wanted. How much you really need extra every month? Write it down and this remind you why you’re doing some crazy hard work and it’s not for the fun of wasting time. Success is simple. A person who does what need to be done every day by doing goal specific actions. After a period of time will experience success! This is the formula.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Getting Group Support When you’re starting out to make your first dollar online, you need to be supported. And where can you find such a community? I am not saying about Facebook group or forum. It’s a laser focus community that help each other out. Get all things you need to do settle for you and to push you to get it done. (Warning: This is not for everyone!) Well, you can be sure I am there to support. Action: Go to the last page and check it out (support is 24x7)


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Conclusion There are many ways which a person can start to embark on the journey to making his/her extra income. I welcome those who are interested and willing to put in the extra work to join me and my inner circle team members. Making an extra income is not difficult but NEVER easy. I wish I have a support group 10 years ago to speed up my progress. With this, see you on the other side.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

INTERNET MARKETING BLUEPRINT Question: What can I achieve if I focus on the task I need to do? Answer: You should be getting 80% of your result from 20% of the work you focus on, and eventually achieve your Ultimate Lifestyle.

Please take 15 minutes of your time to answer the important questions below:

Q1. What is the core business I have chosen for Internet marketing? (1 only)

Q2. What is my long term goal? (3 to 5 years’ time achievement)

Q3. What is my short term goal? (1 week to 1 year)

Q4. How many hours can I commit myself to my part-time business?

Q5. Do I see myself managing staff once my business takes off? How many staff?

Q6. Do I want to do physical product or digital product? Services?


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Q7. Do I want to talk to my customer?

Q8. Where do I want to do my work from? Home or Office or Beach?

Q9. What is my strength that I can help people in my industry?

Q10. What activities am I doing every time/every day when I am online? (List down) Put a Tick beside the activity which is income generating.

Note: Answering these questions will help you focus towards your journey to making that extra income you desire. Remember if you don’t market your own business, no one will.


©copyright 2016, adwinang.com, all rights reserved.

Continuous Learning Resource:

Join me and my inner circle friends in this vibrant community and embark on a LEARN and EARN journey. All I ask you to do is to TAKE ACTION and it’s FREE. DO NOT BUY another course/another ebook/any other online products without understanding the BIG PICTURE. I have seen so many Scam, so called-Guru teaching rubbish to students.

Click here -> Chat with you when you’re inside!

*P.S: Since it’s free access, I am going to limit to 19 people only to have complete access to me. Yap, me….So it’s up to you to take action now!