Why CASL isn’t as bad as you think How to profit with email marketing (legally)

Why CASL isn't as bad as you think: how to profit with email marketing (legally)

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Looking for a positive spin on the new Canadian anti-spam law? This is it! Find out how asking for permission is a marketing opportunity. Also: cartoons!

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Page 1: Why CASL isn't as bad as you think: how to profit with email marketing (legally)

Why CASL isn’t as bad as you thinkHow to profit with email marketing (legally)

Page 2: Why CASL isn't as bad as you think: how to profit with email marketing (legally)

In this presentation

• Quick overview of CASL• Permission as a marketing opportunity?• Why smaller = better (for lists!)• How to entice people to join (and

continue to read)• Brief look at MailChimp

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• Canadian• Anti• Spam• Law

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Applies to

• Commercial messages• Sent electronically:

email, instant message, SMS (text)

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You need consent to email

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You can’t simply “add people to your list”

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Implied Consent

• You have an existing relationship• The recipient displayed or disclosed

their email address (without saying: “don’t email me!”)

• The message is relevant

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Express Consent

• They said “yes”• They knew they were

saying “yes”• They knew what they were

saying “yes” to• They knew who they were

saying “yes” to

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You need to identify yourself

• Your (business) name

• Your address• Contact: phone or

email or website

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You need to make it easy to unsubscribe• A message saying they

can unsubscribe • A way to unsubscribe

• Unsubscribe link• Manual system (do it right


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“HOW are we supposed to market now?”

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Email marketing is dead!

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Is this really marketing?

• Don’t want it• Don’t read it• Not interested• Irritates• Interrupts

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I’m making millions with this spam!

Do we really believe this is happening?

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Seth Godin


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“Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them.”~ Seth Godin

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Listen to Seth Godin!

CASL makes permission marketing the LAW

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Stop emailing me!Go away!

Go from this…

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Thank you!

To this!

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I got your email…

Even this!

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Want express consent?Ask permission.

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You will lose people

How many depends on a number of factors

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List size

Bigger list = bigger loss.

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Age of your list

• People move on – sometimes physically

• Change interests• Go out of business• Change or abandon

email accounts

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Who’s on it? (And how you built it)

Relationships? Smaller loss.Card collecting? Big loss.

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How often you kept in touch

CASL confirmation your first contact in months? They may have forgotten you.

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Unsubscribe option?

List may have “self-cleaned” to an extent.

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The quality of your content – in the eyes of the person receiving it

Good stuff? They’ll want to keep getting it!

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Reality check

• If they don’t want it• If they’re not reading • You’re not actually

reaching them anyhow

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Your new, smaller list

• More responsive• More engaged• More likely to share• More likely to invite others• More likely to buy something from you!

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It’s not about size (really!)

Would you rather send to 100 people who WANT to hear from you…

…or 1,000 who will think “SPAM!” and delete/unsubscribe?

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Focus on the yeses

• They WANT your content

• They responded (they’re reading)

• This is an opportunity to engage

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CASL forces better systems

You need to keep track of your clients and contacts

No system? Good time to implement one!

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Better system = better information• Reality about the size of

your list• Engagement: Who is

reading? Opening? Clicking? (Buying?)

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CASL forces better marketing

• Creating something people WANT to subscribe to

• Keeping in touch regularly • Valuing your list

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How to attract subscribers (and keep them reading)

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Use opt-in gift to get permission

• Opt-in Gift (free report, video, audio, online course, checklist, discount, etc.)

• In exchange for email address

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Do this in your CASL request!

Already sent the request? Send an unexpected gift of appreciation to the people who opted to stay!

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Growing your list

Promote the gift!

Email signature, social media, business cards, networking events, etc.

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What radio station do your potential customers listen to?

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What’s In It For Me?

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What’s In It For Me?

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Example from Toastmasters conference

Would you like to be 3x better speaker one year from today?

Sign up for my weekly audio lesson!

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This wouldn’t work as well!

Would you like me to send you 52 emails?

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Set expectations

• WHAT will you send• How OFTEN will you send it• WHY they should tune in (WII FM)• Reassure: no sharing, no spamming,

unsubscribe any time

Not just the law – this is good marketing.

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No engagement = waste of time

• Open• Read• Respond

• Click• Share• Reply

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How to keep people reading

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Don’t do this!

• The corporate boiler plate

• Throwing something together

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Or this

Sell, sell, sell

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What’s In It For Me?

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All about your customer

• What are they interested in?

• Why are they on your list?

• What do they want?

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Before you send, ask: would they welcome this email?

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• Be YOU• Be personal• Be conversational

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• Where are people confused?

• What do they ask about?

• Why do they need you?

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Who is this from??

• Keep “From” address consistent

• Identify your business (or newsletter)

• Provide contact info (per CASL)

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Subject line is the most important part• Bad subject = no open

• Newsletter Edition #234• Super Hypey Spammy Headline• Deceptive/Bait & Switch

• Tell, don’t sell• Experiment and track

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Write to one person!

• Be conversational• Show your


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Use text (write an email!)

Some people (like me) have images turned off

Some people won’t open attachments

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Keep it short!

• More to say? Link to your blog

• Link to sales page

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Use separate lists or segment

Keep information relevant to the people you’re sending it to!

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MailChimp can make all of this easier

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Now is a good time to set up a program for email!• If you don’t have a system• If you’re not happy with your system

(or don’t really know how to use it)• If you have a list you need to “clean

up”• Now is the time to implement or switch

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Double opt-in sign up

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Or add manually

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CASL contact info

unsubscribe link

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Email templates

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Personalize your emails

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Schedule emails

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Reports – opens, clicks, who’s reading

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