Sponsorship Contact: CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson. [email protected]/ @Chaun19 The Community Project A YoPro Global Project SPONSORSHIP DECK 75 Cities, 45 Countries, 5 Continents, 1 Mission August 26 th , 2014 March 10, 2016

YoPro Global's Community Project: 75 Cities, 45 Countries, 75 Communities, 78 Weeks, 1 Documentary

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Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

The Community ProjectA YoPro Global Project


75 Cities,

45 Countries,

5 Continents,

1 MissionAugust 26th, 2014 – March 10, 2016

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

The Community Project itself is described simply as the launch of 75

communities over 2 years, spanning the Americas, Europe, Middle East,

Africa, Asia and The Pacific. This represents a hands-on approach by the

Founders of YoPro Global, to establish teams within each community, execute

creative and engaging events for specific target market, for specific partners and

organizations that align with YoPro Global. An additional eight months are

added on to complete the editing and production of a documentary tied to the

project, in effect, making it just a little over two years.

There are several considerations that make this project revolutionary and a creative exercise

in its own right, including:

• The nature of the project and its mission to build communities of decision-makers and

driven young professionals seeking change

• The team being formed: the CEO of YoPro Global himself, the Head of Communities, an

established and successful young professional, Brett Torina, and the addition of support

personnel along the way to serve in administrative functions and marketing roles

• The drive to move from city to city each week for the next two2 years. As one city is

launched, the team will move to the next city and launch that city before continuing on their

journey, while planning eleven other cities during their downtime, in between events

• The blending of multiple common interests, from start-up young professionals, to career-

driven young professionals and passionate young professionals

• The diversity of events and activities throughout the course of the project, and the life

lessons the founders, the team and the community will engage in as the project grows and

• The awareness of the mission, the growth of the single global community and the birth of a

unified voice for young professionals to speak out and be heard.

About the Community Project

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

The Community Project is:• A focus on helping graduates and young professionals enter the


• Disrupting the Social Media industry by creating an offline social


• Telling a story of entrepreneurship and the perseverance of building

a start-up with a cause

• The lead up to a global gala and conference that celebrates

achievement and growth amongst youth

• A groundbreaking global branding opportunity (great P.R.)

Why Sponsor the Community Project:• Focused reach of your target market

• As early consumers, and future decision-makers

• As job seekers

• A constantly growing access to consumers over a two year period

• Online and in-person opportunities to represent your brand

• Local and global opportunities to represent your brand

• Posterity based on your participation in the documentary

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

The Community Project at a Glance

• 75 cities

• 45 countries

• 2 years

• 429 flights

• 2,106 nights away from home

• 38,313 event attendees forecasted

• 45,976 new members directly from the project

• 229,878 new members indirectly online

• 45,975,600 impressions for the life of the


• 149,000 jobs filled

• 18,390 new relationships formed

• 2,584 startups engaged

• $37,408 donated to charity

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Destinations CoveredWest Central East

Montreal Dublin Moscow

Toronto London St Petersburg

Boston Manchester Mumbai

New York Glasgow Delhi

Washington DC Lisbon Dubai

Miami/ Fort Lauderdale Paris Abu Dhabi

Atlanta Barcelona Istanbul

Dallas/ Fort Worth Madrid Tel Aviv

Las Vegas Zurich Tokyo

Houston Milan Osaka

Chicago Rome Beijing

Seattle Venice Shanghai

San Francisco Amsterdam Guangzhou/ Shenzhen

Denver Stockholm Hong Kong

Los Angeles Oslo Kuala Lumpur

Mexico City Frankfurt Jakarta

Port of Spain Munich Seoul

Havana Berlin Singapore

San Jose, Costa Rica Vienna Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Panama City Warsaw/ Krakow Hanoi, Viet/ Cambodia

Buenos Aires Prague Bangkok

Santiago Johannesburg Sydney

Sao Paulo Cape Town Melbourne

Rio de Janeiro Nairobi, Kenya Auckland

Bogota Madagascar Fiji

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

West Central East All Regions

Number of Launches 25 25 25 75


No. of Start-Up/ Entrepreneurs engaged 890 758 936 2,584

No. local VIP/ Influencers engaged 2,474 1,925 2,266 6,665

No. of Students engaged 1,320 1,082 1,221 3,623

No. of Employers and Sponsors engaged 710 493 634 1,837

No. of Professionals engaged 2,050 1,772 2,222 6,044

YoPro Launch Event Tickets Members 2,040 2,035 2,475 6,550

YoPro Launch Event Tickets Non-Members 207 177 260 644

YoPro Launch Event Tickets VIP 269 230 338 837

Event Attendee Forecast

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

The Community Project: A Source of Talent and

Revenue for Sponsors

Driven, ambitious graduates and young professionals,

with the right attitude and skills for their next career.

• The perfect match if you’re seeking professional, temporary

or entrepreneurial talent

Graduates and young professionals seeking their first

consumer brands to engage with and use as they build

their professional careers and live their lives.

• Sales, marketing and business developers can benefit from

early exposure to these consumers, soon to be decision-


Young professionals who are innovators, disruptors and

purveyors of creative and critical thinking• Any organization interested in advancing their process or product, or

investing innovation will find talent and ingenuity (whether for

acquisition or integration) in this process.

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19


The community project appeals to graduates and young professionals at

the early stages of their career. Their interests will be varied and their

focus divided between personal, professional, social and charitable.


60% Males

40% Females

Age Profile:

18-21: 24%

22-25: 28%

26-30: 20%

31-40: 16%

40+: 12%

Income Level (eqvl. USD):

$0- $10,000: 20%

$10,001- $25,000: 25%

$25,001- $50,000: 35%

$50,001- $75,000: 15%

$75,001+: 5%

Career Status:

College Student: 18%

College Graduate: 15%

Working YoPro: 28%

Mid-level Manager: 14%

Senior Leader/ Executive: 5%

Start-Up Founder/Interest: 10%

Unemployed: 10%

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19


Examples of the attendees and members who will participate and be marketed

to as part of The Community Project:

• College students preparing to graduate and are determined to be successful

• Recently graduated students who have not found a job and have to soon

• Start-up founders seeking assistance and support (financial or otherwise)

• Talented individuals interested in entrepreneurship and looking for a start

• Young people who are passionate about meeting people and networking

• Local VIPs, Influencers, Media professionals (and bloggers)

• Investors and decision-makers of companies interested in the project

• Military returning from deployment, re-integrating into society

• Professionals who wish to reinvent themselves and their careers

• Young professionals seeking advance up the corporate ladder

• Those seeking to improve their job searching skills and tool box

• New residents to a geographic area looking to make friends

• Young professionals looking to learn a new skill in a risk-free environment

• Young professionals looking for a leadership role in a community org.

Key trends include:

Driven; ambitious; experienced with leadership (or desirous of a

leadership role); focused; innovative; future decision-makers; networked

and peer-oriented, creative, desirous of learning and action-oriented.

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Partnership & Sponsorship Opportunities

Partnership and sponsorship opportunities will be tailored

to the specific needs of individuals and brands wishing to

engage. Each package will cater to:

• Supporting your company’s objectives and resources

• Integrating your brand, image, products and services within

our increasing membership and the marketing efforts we


• Align your brand with key elements of the project

• Personalize your brand, and where possible, your

participation in the project

All of the partnership and sponsorship opportunities

presented in this presentation are available for

customization based on your budget and your needs.

Please contact Ty Richardson at [email protected] to

discuss your specific needs and requests.

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Item Average Cost Sample Ideal Partner

Airline Tickets $650 USD/per person Airline, Travel Club,

Local Accommodation $110 USD/per night Airbnb, VBRO, B&B, Hotel

Local Transport $50 USD/ per day Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, Zipcar

Local team meals $160USD/per day (3ppl) Chain restaurant, Bank

Blogging $35 USD/per hour Content firm, Blogger

Advertising and P.R. $2,000 USD/ per city Ad firm, Freelancer

Social Media Marketing $35 USD/ per hour Ad firm, Freelancer

Virtual Accelerator Not applicable Online Incubators etc.

Angel Investors Not applicable Start-up Investors

Speakers Not applicable Executives, Experts

Promoters Not applicable Networked Individuals

Partnership Opportunities

These are opportunities to partner with the Community Project

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Qty Global/Multi-City In-Kind Avail

∞ The Community Project Cash Sponsor N

4 x 75 Team Accommodation Y

4 x 75 Team Transport Y

75 Per Community Sponsorship N

75 x 5 Event Venues Y

4 x 75 Event Catering Y

75 Flagship Start-Up Demo Sponsor N

75 Flagship VIP Event Sponsor N

75 Flagship Workshop Sponsor N

75 Flagship Launch Party Sponsor N

Opportunities for Sponsorship

Global Opportunities: These amounts represent the total cost for each line

item for the life of the project. We’re seeking sponsorship for any part thereof.

Sponsorship received between 8-18 months will be at a lower rate than 0-7 months as we anticipate

an increase in traffic, public relations, in the last campaign months.

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19


In-Kind Avail

4 x 6 days Local Team Accommodation Y

4 x 6 days Local Team Transport Y

5 Event Venues Y

4 Event Catering Y

10 Start-Up Prize (product or service) Y

1 Start-Up Networking session N

200 VIP Event Complimentary Cocktail Y

125 VIP Event Canapes Y

20 VIP Event giveaways and prizes Y

2 VIP Event entertainment Y

1 VIP DJ, AV and Equipment Y

Opportunities for Sponsorship

In-Country Opportunities: We are seeking one or more partners

(small or large) to collaborate with to achieve these funding goals

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Opportunities for Sponsorship

In-Country Opportunities: We are seeking one or more partners

(small or large) to collaborate with to achieve these funding goals


In-Kind Avail

100 Career Workshop Lunches Y

2 Career Workshop Speakers Y

20 Career Workshop Giveaways Y

250 Launch Party Food & Beverages Y

250 Launch Party Complimentary drinks Y

2 Launch Party DJ, AV, Entertainment Y

50 Launch Party Auction Items Y

25 Launch Party giveaways, prizes Y

1 Launch Party Decorations Y

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Opportunities for Sponsorship

Online Opportunities: We are seeking one or more partners (small

or large) to collaborate with to achieve these funding goals

Online In-Kind Avail

Online Radio Channel Y

Marketing- Social Media Y

Marketing- Blogging Y

Marketing- Online Advertising Y

Website Development (Ruby on Rails) Y

Further sponsorship and online advertising opportunities may be available throughout The

Community Project. These can be discussed with the Sponsorship team upon consultation.

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Opportunities for Sponsorship

Special Project Opportunities: We are seeking one or more partners

(small or large) to collaborate with to achieve these funding goals

Special Project Items In-Kind Avail

Marketing Sponsor- Banners/ T-Shirts Y

Marketing Sponsor- Flyers Y

Marketing Sponsor- Promotion Y

Overall Documentary Sponsor N

Filming- Production Y

Filming- Editing (sound, film, score) Y

Film Distribution Y

Volunteers Y

Ambassadors Y

Excursions- local special events (50) Y

Stationary Y

Mobile communication costs Y

Security (required in certain countries) Y

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Sponsor Packages

The following custom sponsorship packages are available. For custom

rates, please contact Ty Richardson ([email protected])

• Title Sponsor- The Community Project

• Film Sponsor- The Community Project Documentary

• Team Sponsor- The Community Project team

• Video Sponsor- EYP Live (http://www.eypglobal.com/eyp-live.html)

• Title Marketing & PR Sponsor- Marketing, Advertising & PR

• Travel Sponsor- Flights & Accommodation

• In-Country Title Sponsor- Launch Week

• Title Career Sponsor- Global Career Fair Events in every country

• Title Start-Up Sponsor- Global Start-Up Demo Days in every country

• Title Passion Sponsor- Global P&P Meetups in each location

• Title Student Sponsor- Global Seminar Event in each location

• Title Launch Party Sponsor- Global Launch Parties in each location

• Support Packages- Banner, Flyers, Meals, Drinks, giveaways

• Product Sponsors- Beverage, Media, Airline, Music etc.

• For Cash Sponsors, minimum sponsorship amount is $1,000.00 USD

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Sponsorship BenefitsSponsors will have the ability to work with our sponsorship team to customize

sponsorship packages that include the following:

• Premium Membership (one or many) to YoPro and/or its partner brands

• Event marketing through press releases, social media, advertising, flyers

• Direct promotion through our social media channels for 30-60 days

• Advertising on the Community Project TV channel, during peak and off-peak times

• Speaking time at select events; Guest spots at workshops and seminars if applicable

• Giveaways and premium gift bag inserts for each event, local or multi-city

• Your brand highlighted as the Title: “Acme presents, the Launch of YoPro of Boston”

• Your team/staff/ambassadors as hosts of the event, welcoming and engaging with guests

• Custom media campaigns with your brand highlighted (including giveaways)

• Representation at local events in one or multiple cities

• Leads generated from events where attendees opt in

• Direct Mail and/or newsletter marketing with YoPro and it’s partners

• Online marketing on YoPro Global, Passion & Purpose, OneGlobal.Community,

Globetrotters, Gourmet Adventures, EscapeArtist and EYP Global (300,000+ members)

• Customized experiences to participate in one or more launch week of activities

• Customized packages to attend local events including accommodation and travel (global


• Personal endorsements done and completed by Ty &/or Brett &/or local VIP partners

• Invitations to private VIP/Media events locally

• Event tickets to one or more events for Launch Week

• Prominent representation at the Annual YoPro Gala in 2016

• Inclusion in the Documentary film credits, before and after

• An invitation to participate in the promotion and launch event of the Documentary

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

Past Sponsors

Sponsorship Contact:

CEO, YoPro Global & The Community Project: Ty Richardson.

[email protected]/ @Chaun19

President & CEO, YoPro Global, Passion & Purpose & EYP Global- Dr. Ty Richardson,

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 347-974-3970

Director of Group Marketing, YoPro Global & Passion & Purpose- Bambi Weavil

Email: [email protected]

Market Consultant, Passion & Purpose: Amy O’Connell

Email: [email protected]

Director, Community Operations, YoPro Global & EYP Global- Brett Torina

Email: [email protected]

Support Services: YoPro Global

Email: [email protected]

Here’s who’s on the team & Who to contact: