Word cloud of the Hip Hop genre

A2 media - Genre research

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Word cloud of the Hip Hop genre

History of the Hip Hop genre

1970’s - Hip Hop formed due to the young African-American and Puerto Rican people living amongst rural districts within New York City. Most unemployed, few working as DJ’s at discos and neighbourhood parties. Which, DJ’s would typically ask someone to become their MC (Microphone Controller), introducing the DJ and encouraging a positive vibe. Additionally, few MC’s spoke in sync with music patterns rhythmically, to suit the means of being entertaining. 1979 - Hip Hop single: Rapper’s Delight was released by The Sugarhill Gang, becoming a top-ten single on a global scale. After such release, many other Hip Hop records were released. 1982 - Hip Hop single: The Message was released by Grandmaster Flash and Furious Five. Which, was based upon socially conscious Hip Hop; highlighting social issues such as poverty and crime. 1980’s (Golden Age) - Rappers began to integrate memorable melodies into Hip Hop singles. Hip Hop beats were becoming made in studios with musical instruments such as drum machines, synthesizers and audio samples of older funk and disco records. Politically styled Hip Hop become apparent, which popular groups began to demand for political alternation; discarding injustice and racism. 1990’s - Hip Hop producers began to incorporate audio editing software and digital effects; forming alternations of Hip Hop such as Jazz Rap. Furthermore, rapping figures began to construct socially conscious Hip Hop, featuring political and social problems; rapped over music played by Jazz and Funk musicians. Notably, hardcore rap, gangsta rap and G-Funk were the most successful music styles. Los Angeles gangsta rap had developed via various rapping artists, whom began to induce funk rhythms whilst rapping about the consequences of crimes, drugs and leaving school. Whereby, their lyrics incorporated into the music featured explicit language, controversially attracted media attention; such albums were apparent to be top of the charts. The rapping figures: hardcore, gangsta and G-Funk adopted gangster ideals and appeals, including explicit language and disrespect to women within their music. Which, many teenaged boys become fond of such style, enough to become a representative of mainstream Hip Hop. 2000’s - Hip Hop become a highly populated genre of music, where singles and albums become top of the charts on a global scale. In which, inspired many people to become local Hip Hop artists in various countries, some now mainstream musicians. Furthermore, Hip Hop had influenced Pop music, whereby many Pop songs integrated Hip Hop elements. 2010 - Alternations of Hip Hop and Underground Rap had been founded by independent music artists, whom utilised social networking to obtain a founding fan base.

Artists deemed to be significant within the development of Hip Hop

DJ Hollywood (Anthony Holloway) was the founding figure of the Hip Hop genre, which he distinctively incorporated rhythmical narration with the timing of the mixes beats, in the form of rhyming. Other DJ’s only adopted narration in an emotionless manner, which was not spoken in any rhythmical or systematic manner.

DJ Kool herc (Clive Campbell) was renowned for originating Hip Hop in New York. His practise consisted of isolating the instrumental sections of hard funk music records. Which, the rhythmical beating pattern become emphasised; easily heard.

Schoolly D (Jesse Bonds Weaver Jr.) was renowned for being the original creator of gangsta rap, by the publicly proclaimed original creator rapper Ice-T. Whereby, Schoolly D’s lyrics revolved of violence, sexual activities and urban realism; founding the criteria of gangsta rap. Later, Schoolly D introduced an Afrocentric vibe and culture to the Hip Hop genre.

N.W.A. (Niggas Wit Attitude) was a American Hip Hop group, which were one of few earliest publicising figures of the Hip Hop sub genre: gangsta rap; which has now become mainstream, N.W.A. are considered to be one of the greatest and influential groups within the Hip Hop genre.

RUN-D.M.C. is renowned as being one of few most influential acts in the history of the Hip Hop genre and most well-known acts in the 1980’s. Furthermore, alongside LL Cool J, Public Enemy and The Beastie Boys introduced the new addition of ‘new school Hip Hop music’.

The Sugarhill Gang is an American Hip Hop group, first to release a Rap single (Rapper's Delight) which featured Top 40 within the Billboard Hot 100. Further inspiring other artists to produce and release Hip Hop records.

Grandmaster Flash (Joseph Saddler) is an American Hip Hop DJ and recording artist, considered as a pioneer within Hip Hop via DJing, cutting and mixing. Moreover, studied the techniques used by previous DJ figures to found what was the three innovations, known to be the basic techniques of DJ’s today which techniques are: Quick-mix theory, Clock theory and Scratching.

DJ Hollywood DJ Kool Herc Schoolly D N.W.A.

RUN-D.M.C. The Sugarhill Gang The Grandmaster Flash

Word cloud of the Hip Hop subgenres

Music videos considered to be the ideals of a Hip Hop genre music video

Hip Hop within music videos is generally assumed as relating to wealth and dominance. In which, wealth is generally portrayed via the implication of brand-expensive clothing, jewelry, new technological devices and money in a paper-form. In addition, dominance in a general perspective is usually illustrated via low angled camera angles, close up camera shots and a centralised positioning within the frame. Other connotations of dominance can consist of vibrant scenarios (high-key lighting) whereby the artist is highlighted amongst their environment. Music videos that provide a general concept of the conventions implicated within the Hip Hop genre are:

Industries significant to the Hip Hop genre

Def Jam Recordings - Def Jam Recordings is an American record label which focuses upon the hip hop and urban genres of music. In which, the label has experienced early Hip Hop founding, Hip Hop dominance within commercialisation and popularised to become a mainstream music genre.

Cash Money records - Cash money records is an American record label which is recognised for associating with popular Hip Hop artists. Cash Money records experienced a sudden success within 1998, whereby signed a $30 million pressing and distribution deal with Universal, in addition to the $3 million contract advancement. Cash Money records obtained 85% of Universals royalties and was further entitled to possess all their published work and 50% of their publishing revenue. In following of success, Cash Money’s release of the album ‘400 Degreez’ in 1998 enhanced the labels appeal as a Hip Hop label upon a national scale. Furthermore, numerous publishings of albums within 1999 allowed the label to become reputable, via their publishings chart status.