Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

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Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First


Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

First impressions are very important and when it comes to marriage decisions, these first impressions become even more crucial. Therefore, when a guy goes to meet a girl for the first time to discuss the prospect of their arranged marriage, it is very important that the topics for conversation he chooses are carefully thought out, so that he is able to impress the girl and at the same time get to know her better as well. 

Below are a few topics which can be considered to be good topics for the first meeting between a girl and a boy. 

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Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

Breaking The Ice

While both the boy and girl would be nervous about meeting a complete stranger for the first time and discussing future marriage prospects with each other, it is the responsibility of the guy to break the ice between both of them and make the girl feel more comfortable. Therefore, to begin the conversation, the questions should be kept general and no topic, which can make the girl feel even more uncomfortable, should be brought up. If the guy gets the feeling that the girl is shy and does not want to talk about herself, the boy …

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Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

should start telling her about himself. This can make the girl feel really comfortable. 

Try To Get To Know Her Professional Side First

Girls are generally more open to discussing about their professional life, than they are about discussing about their personal life. Therefore, you should show interest in her career goals and achievements. You should ask her questions about her education, current job status and what her dreams for the future are with respect to her career. These questions are not only easier for

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Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

the girl to answer, but also important when it comes to your marriage decision as you too need to be comfortable with her future goals. 

Try To Find Out About Her Expectations from the Marriage

It is common for the girls to ask guys about their expectation from the marriage. The guys need to do the same and ask the girl about her expectation from the marriage. This will help you in getting to know the girl better and you will also be able to better judge if both of you want the same …

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Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meeting

things in life or not. If the difference is too much, the alliance may not be a very good idea. 

Find Out About Her Responsibilities towards Her Parents

As the meeting progresses and the girl starts to open up about herself, you can take the conversation to the next level and start to ask her more important questions like if she has any financial responsibilities towards her family and parents which she would be required to fulfill even after marriage. This may sound like a big and bold thing to ask at

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Arranged Marriage - What to Ask A Girl in the First Meetingthe very first meeting, but knowing about the responsibilities of your future partner is important since you have to decide whether you want to share those duties with her or not. 

The first meeting should be all about finding out about the lifestyle of the girl and how she wants her life to be after marriage. 

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