Artist and Costume

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Page 3: Artist and Costume


• I Decided to take on the role of makeup artist on any actors/actress (myself in this case)use in our production. I’ve had previous experience working on photo-shoots and fashion shows as a make up artist.

• We decided to use two different types of make up looks as this video is based on two types of personalities, The “Classy Heart Breaker” and The “Hopeless romantic”.

• The Music video is based on a girl named “Jennifer” by The Little Comets. We decided to perpetuate Jennifer with different personalities, this was actually inspired by girl Band groups such as the Spice girls which is a great example of multiple personalities but we decided to depend this role on one person but two personalities e.g. scary, sporty, baby, ginger and posh spice.

Page 4: Artist and Costume


• The Classy look is all dependant on its simplicity to stand out, so I decided to keep the eye’s to a black winged cat eyeliner, however the major contrast are the bold siren red lipsticks (Russian Red By Mac) for years this it has been a iconic look and some may even say it looks like its inspired by Marilyn Monroe, a Iconic Beauty.

• The Second look which is based on a Hopeless Romantic, the look is to be innocent and not feature to much dark tones, we associate the Innocent look with light tones of eye shadows and a simple little liner, but we also decided to have a light girly pink/hot pink to represent this so feminine other side of “Jennifer” as this cute lady/girl. I found inspiration for this look from was from Katy Perry’s “Roar” music video as she had a natural yet subtle make up look.

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• The Costume use for the “Class Heart Breaker” is a quite a simplistic appearance and we wanted to associate with the look itself. The choice of a black motor jacket brings out this fierce yet strong look for the character yet we paired it with this turtle neck shirt which is use often to give a sophisticated look which is we thought would relate more to a classy makeup/look.

• The second costume picked for the “Hopeless romantic” was a soft and flowy turquoise top which was one of the original outfit however we had changed it to a look that’s more modern and to associate with young girls of today which was a black and white babydoll styled shirt with a white scarf/faux fur leather collar.

• We did decide to add in the development of our filming a causal/sporty girl as a extra representation.