Gender Bias

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1. ASSALAMU ALAEEKUMPEACEBEUPONYOU 2. GENDER 3. WHAT IS GENDER BIASES ? UNEQUAL TREATMENT OF MEN OR WOMEN BECAUSE OF THEIR GENDER. FAVOURITISM TOWARDS ONE GENDER OVER ANOTHER. ONE GENDER IS OF HIGHER POWER THAN THE OTHER GENDER. 4. THE STATUS OF WOMEN PRIOR TO ISLAM Women were treated like animals and household goods. No choice in the matter of marriage. Silently accept the highest bidder. Permissible for men to bury their daughters alive. If a lady was murdered then her murderer could not be punished in any way. When a man dies, his wife has to burn herself to death. 5. THE PROPHET REGARDING WOMEN For men to fulfill the rights of women. Just as it is necessary for them to fulfill the right of men. He freed women from the slavery of man. A woman was granted the ownership of her life and property. No man not even a father/grand father could force a mature woman to marry against her wishes. No person has the right to use her wealth without her permission. To spend upon ones wife and to keep them happy within the 6. The Holy Prophet SALLALLAHUALAYHIWASSALLAM has stated : The best amongst you is the one who is the best towards his wife. (Tirmidhi, Ibne-Majah, Dasimi.) On another occasion the Prophet SALLALLAHUALAYHIWASSALLAM stated: Paradise lies under the feet of mothers. PROPHET WORDS REGARDING WOMEN 7. THE FIRST PERSON TO ACCEPT ISLAM The first person to accept Islam was not a man, but it was a woman. Hazrat Khadija RADHIALLAHUANHA the wife of the Prophet SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WASSALLAM. 8. ANCIENT WORLD According to Peter Sterns, women in pre-agricultural societies held equal positions with men, it was only after the adoption of agriculture and sedentary cultures that men began to institutionalize the concept that women were inferior to men. Definitive examples of sexism in the ancient world included written laws preventing women from participating in the political process, for example, Roman women could not vote or hold 9. GENDER BIAS AND CULTURE/SOCIETIESGENDER INEQUALITY AROUND THE WORLD 10. EARLY GENDER SOCIALIZATION Early gender socialization starts at birth. Boys and girls are treated differently by the members of their own environment. Selection of gender-specific toys. Children start facing norms that define masculine and feminine from an early age. 11. FETICIDE AND INFENTICIDE You'll often hear expectant parents say that they don't care if they have a boy or a girl. China and India, a male child is more valuable than a female child. Thanks to advances in genetic testing. China's one child policy may have led to many sex-selective abortions. 12. EDUCATION ATTAINMENT Women make up more than two-thirds of the world's illiterate adults. Girls may be kept out of school to help with household chores. They may be pulled from school if their father deems it's time for them to marry. Enough money to educate one child from the family, and the boy assumes the responsibility. It's addressing the inequalities in education that may solve many of the 13. GENDER BIASES IN THE CLASSROOMS The socialization of gender within our schools assures that girls are made aware that they are unequal to boys. Every time students are seated or lined up by gender, teachers are affirming that girls and boys should be treated differently. 14. ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE A pregnant woman in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, one woman dies in childbirth every minute of every day. That's more than 500,000 deaths every year. Another example is the growing number of women infected with HIV/AIDS. Reason for this growth is their husbands are adulterous and engaging in 15. FREEDOM TO MARRY AND DIVORCE Love may not enter the discussion at all when it comes to marriage. Young girls are forced to marry men two or three times their age. More than one-third of women aged 20 to 24 were married before they turned 18. The chance of complications in childbirth and the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. When a woman wants out of a loveless marriage, her options are 16. VIOLENCE One in every three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Violence against women in the form of rape, spousal abuse, child abuse or spousal killing. In conflict zones, rape of women and children is increasingly used as a 17. RESTRICTED LAND OWNERSHIP In some countries, such as Chile and Lesotho, women lack the right to own land. All deeds must include the name of a man, be it the woman's husband or father. If one of those men were to die, no legal claim to land that she may have lived on all her life. Widows are left homeless because the deceased man's family will 18. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Women hold only 15.6 percent of elected parliamentary seats in the world. They're missing from all levels of government, local, regional and national. Why is it important that women take part in politics? Some countries have experimented with quota systems to increase 19. LIMITED MOBILITY Saudi Arabia provides the most extreme example of limited mobility for women. In that country, women are not allowed to drive a car on public roads. The women are allowed to own cars, but they are not 20. GENDER INEQUALITY IN PAKISTAN Gender and cultural bias is a very common phenomenon all over the world. But the biases and differences are twice in developing countries as in comparison with the developed nations. Let us not go so far and take the example of our own country Pakistan. 21. The literacy rate of females in Pakistan is at 39.6 % compared to that of males at 67.7 %. Physical and mental violence against girls within and outside of schools. Girls have to specialize in domestic skills to be good as mother and wives. 22. GENDER INEQUALITY IN WORK PLACE Women participation rate in labour force in Pakistan is only 28 percent. Job offers and hiring based on gender. Sexual Harassment. Not Equally Paid. 23. GENDER INEQUALITY IN HEALTH SECTOR The health indicators of women in Pakistan are among the worst in the world. In Pakistan, we are losing three women per hour because of pregnancy associated complications. More than 30,000 young women die during pregnancy every year in Pakistan. More than 80% women are delivered at home in the presence of 24. GENDER INEQUALITY IN SPORTS SECTOR In 1996, sisters Shaiza and Sharmeen Khan first tried to introduce women's cricket in Pakistan. The government refused them and ruled that women were forbidden from playing sports in public. Pakistani women's cricket team played its first recorded match on 28 January 1997 against New Zealand in Christchurch. Shazia Hidayat, the second woman to ever represent Pakistan in an 25. CAUSES OF GENDER BIASNESS 26. According to Human Rights, Inc., one of the main causes of gender discrimination is religion. Many religions place women below men, and create a patriarchal society. 27. Family laws that force arranged marriages often lead to gender discrimination. The women in these marriages are often abused both physically and sexually. 28. WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION Gender discrimination is caused by the sense that certain occupations are a 'man's job' or a 'woman's job'. While there are laws against this type of discrimination, it is still often a determining factor when hiring someone. 29. PHYSICAL FACTOR Often because women are physically weaker than men, they are more easily abused and discriminated against. FACT: One in every three women has survived an act of violence caused by gender discrimination. Most often, it has been caused by a member of their family. 30. SOLUTIONS FOR GENDER 31. Several state and federal laws prohibit gender discrimination and offer remedies for such behavior in employment as well as in education and financial institutions. The Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. The Equal Pay Act promotes equality between men and women who perform the same job duties in the same workplace. Diversity and inclusion policies also help to remedy gender discrimination by promoting equality between the sexes. SOLUTIONS 32. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women. Muhammad Ali Jinnah 33. Ayesha Farooq, 26, Pakistan's only female war-ready fighter pilot. 34. Samina Baig, 21, became the first Pakistani woman to conquer Mount Everest. 35. Zahida Kazmi, Pakistans first and only known female taxi 36. The first Pakistani female athlete to participate at the Olympics, when she competed in the womens long jump at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. 37. The 22-year-old became South Asias fastest woman by winning the 100-metre in the 11th South Asian Federation Games (SAF) in Dhaka on February 8th 38. ARFA KAREEM (1996 2012) At 9 years of age Arfa become the forts Microsoft professional (MCP) in the world. 39. ROLE 40. THANK YOU