Social Network Analysis With Python @ PyCon APAC 2014 David Chiu

PyCon APAC 2014 - Social Network Analysis Using Python (David Chiu)

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PyCon APAC 2014 - Social Network Analysis Using Python (David Chiu)

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Social Network Analysis WithPython

@ PyCon APAC 2014David Chiu

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About Me

Co-founder of Ex-Trend Micro Engineer



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Social Network


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Human Nature


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What do we want to know?Who knows whom, and which people are common to their socialnetworks?How frequently are particular people communicating with oneanother?Which social network connections generate the most value for aparticular niche?How does geography affect your social connections in an onlineworld?Who are the most influential/popular people in a social network?What are people chatting about (and is it valuable)?What are people interested in based upon the human language thatthey use in a digital world?

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Explore Facebook

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OAuth2 FlowOpen standard for authorization. OAuth provides a method for clients to

access server resources on behalf of a resource owner

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Connect to Facebook


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Get Access Token


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User Permission

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Permission ListUser Data Permissions:


Friends Data Permissions: friends_hometownfriends_locationfriends_interestsfriends_likesfriends_relationships

Extended Permissions: read_friendlists

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Copy Token

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Social Network Analysis WithPython

Let's Hack

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Get Information From Facebook

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Test On API Explorer

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Required Packagesrequests

Sending HTTP Request to Retrieve Data From Facebook

jsonFor Parsing JSON Format

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Facebook Connectimport requestsimport json

access_token="<access_token>"url = "https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=%s"

response = requests.get(url%(access_token))fb_data = json.loads(response.text)print fb_data

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Who Likes My Post The Most?

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Get Likes Count of Postsaccess_token = '<access_token>'url="https://graph.facebook.com/me/posts?access_token=%s"response = requests.get(url%(access_token))fb_data = json.loads(response.text)count_dic = {}for post in fb_data['data']: if 'likes' in post: for rec in post['likes']['data']: if rec['name'] in count_dic: count_dic[rec['name']] += 1 else: count_dic[rec['name']] = 1

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Simple Ha!

Ask Harder Question!

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What's People Talking About

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Take Cross-Strait AgreementAs Example

keyword_dic = {}posts_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/%s/posts?access_token=%s'post_response = rs.get(posts_url%(userid, access_token))post_json = json.loads(post_response.text)for post in post_json['data']: if 'message' in post: m = re.search('服貿', post['message'].encode('utf-8')) if m: if userid not in keyword_dic: keyword_dic[userid] = 1 else: keyword_dic[userid] += 1

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Text Mining


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Sorry! My Facebook FriendsSpeak In Mandarin


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Using Jieba For WordTokenization

import jiebadata = post_json['data']dic = {}for rec in post_json['data']: if 'message' in rec: seg_list = jieba.cut(rec['message']) for seg in seg_list: if seg in dic: dic[seg] = dic[seg] + 1 else: dic[seg] = 1

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How to Identify Social Groups?

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Required Packagesnetworkx

Analyze Social Network

communityCommunity Detection Using Louvain Method

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Social NetworkMan As , Connection As Node Edge

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Build Friendship Matriximport networkx as nxmutual_friends = {}

for friend in friends_obj['data']: mutual_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/%s/mutualfriends?access_token=%s" res = requests.get( mutual_url % (friend['id'], access_token) ) response_data = json.loads(res.text)['data'] mutual_friends[friend['name']] = [ data['name'] for data in response_data ]

nxg = nx.Graph()[ nxg.add_edge('me', mf) for mf in mutual_friends ][ nxg.add_edge(f1, f2)for f1 in mutual_friendsfor f2 in mutual_friends[f1] ]

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Draw Network Plotnx.draw(nxg)

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Calculate Network Property


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Community Detectionimport communitydef find_partition(graph): g = graph partition = community.best_partition(g) return partition

new_G = find_partition(nxg)

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Draw Social NetworkCommunities

import matplotlib.pyplot as pltsize = float(len(set(new_G.values())))pos = nx.spring_layout(nxg)count = 0.for com in set(new_G.values()) : count = count + 1. list_nodes = [nodes for nodes in new_G.keys() if new_G[nodes] == com] nx.draw_networkx_nodes(nxg, pos, list_nodes, node_size = 20, node_color = str(count / size))nx.draw_networkx_edges(nxg,pos, alpha=0.5)plt.show()

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Community Partitioned Plot

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GephiGephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software

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One More Thing

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To build your own data service

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jsnetworkxA JavaScript port of the NetworkX graph library.

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