Social Change Agents – a Career Study August 2014

Social Media Today's Change Agent Survey

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Social Media Today produced this online survey of 347 industry members, as well as interviewing four key individuals who self-identify as social change agents. It was inspired by Susan Scrupski’s pioneering work starting in 2009 with The 2.0 Adoption Council, which led to the founding of Change Agents Worldwide, a network of forward-thinking social champions around the world. The survey focused on the impact a social skill set has on individual career performance and options. These skills include collaborative and network technologies, storytelling, crowd-sourcing across geographies and companies, as well as personal values placed on transparency and authenticity.

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Social Change Agents – a Career Study

August  2014  

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Study Synopsis

Social Media Today conducted an industry study to identify the career implications for high profile "Social Change Agents." Whether working externally as the face and voice for a large corporate brand, or as an internal catalyst and advocate for enterprise-wide social collaboration, the study examined how this new, highly visible professional role is impacting long-term career opportunities. The study focused on the impact a skill set that includes collaborative and network technologies, storytelling, crowd-sourcing across geographies and companies, as well as personal values placed on transparency and authenticity, is having on individual career performance and options. The on-line web survey ran from July 17 to July 28, 2014. In addition, qualitative interviews were conducted with four key individuals who self-identify as social change agents.

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Key Findings

•  The majority of survey respondents are passionate about the values of Social. It’s not just a job for many. Many survey respondents shared their personal stories on how they took career risks to stand up for their convictions.

•  By an overwhelming majority, survey respondents see the social career occupation as positive, leading to greater visibility and opportunities internally and externally.

•  Those who indicated that they saw themselves as Change Agents were more likely to be the face of their brand, found Social to be a career boosting asset, and reported they are part of a team dedicated to social initiatives.

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Who responded - #s

•  410 respondents answered the survey •  63 were disqualified* •  245 answered every question •  102 responded partially, but didn’t

finish the survey

* Agency personnel, Vendors, and Industry/Financial analysts were disqualified

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Who responded - by Gender


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Who responded - by Income


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Who responded - by Income and Gender


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Who responded - by Age


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Who responded - Company Size

Employees Revenue


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Demographic Insights

•  Female: More likely to work for an agency working in Advertising or Arts & Entertainment

•  Male: More likely to be involved in Banking, Finance, and Technology (may account for pay discrepancies)

•  Women were twice as likely to have “Social Media” in their title than their male counterparts. This could indicate that women are more likely to be considered as “social media” marketers versus marketers in general. Women were also five times LESS likely to be considered an “analyst.”*


•  Age: •  $100k+ range dominated by 30+

respondents •  21-29 most likely to have “social

media” in their titles •  30+ more likely to have

Manager, Director, or C-Level title

•  65+ More likely to be a consultant

*Marketing Analyst or Data Analyst, not Industry or Financial Analyst which were disqualified.

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Bryce Williams - Pharma


Photo:  Stephen  Brashear  

“Timing was everything. I had gotten to a point I was an IT guy for ten years. I wanted to do something bigger. Had visions I wanted to help the broader audience across the company. I wanted to go from being a guy who does it to being a guy who teaches others how to do it themselves. We had a vision Jam. One of the themes emerged that people wanted an online interactive community all the time vs. just that 2-week window. I wanted to be a key champion to make that real. They created a role, and I went after it. Even though a lot of people at the time, my bosses even, said, “You shouldn’t do this. It’s a bad career move. This is a fad. You’re going to be redeployed into something you don’t like.” But, I took the risk and went ahead, and took it against a lot of people’s advice. It felt like stepping out on a ledge, but it felt right at the same time. On the positive side, it’s all about the relationship.  I talk to so many people on a daily basis. I walk around the halls here and I go to lunch, and there may be names I don’t know, but I recognize faces.  I get personal reward every day from things that I have no involvement in by watching these things go by online, and that we’re helping facilitate these connections and people getting answers. The positive is definitely being able to see the return and feeling it in terms of the networks I’ve built and the people I know.”

Work Experience

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Years Experience

Work Experience

Majority (75%) of respondents have been working in a social occupation for more than two years. And nearly a third (27%) have been working in social for over five years.

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Brand Identity

Work Experience

Nearly half (47%) of the respondents function as the public face of the brand they represent.

Do you function as the public face of your brand?

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Personal Identity

Work Experience

Larger percentage than we predicted (16%) have melded their personal brand identity with their corporate brand identity.

Are you known personally as the voice of your brand? (e.g., Scott Monty for Ford)

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Work Experience

Contrary to popular opinion, most respondents got into the role because of its attractiveness as a new field, as well as the opportunity to align personal values and make a difference. NOT to become “web celebs.”

What drew you originally to a social occupation?


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Richard Binhammer - Tech


Photo:  Adelina  Wong  

“I was an old time PR and Public affairs guy.  I media trained executives and ran Michael Dell events.  When I got this assignment, I had to look up in Wikipedia what a blog was.  It was baptism by fire with the whole Dell Hell thing.  Dell was symbolic of every corporation who was a bad boy on the web.  Dell was the cause celeb for any F500 company.   Communications teams are one of the last bastions of the old command and control systems. Comms teams think they’re social because they put a YouTube video up and tweet the latest news release. My view is Social upends the communications process. You can actually start with what people are saying about you on the web, and instead of deciding what our messages are based on what the CEO and Marketing want, you can actually listen to what people on the web are saying, learn what people are talking about and what resonates with them. Second, you can learn who those people are. As far as taking a career risk… I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did.”


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Social Values - Peers


Overwhelming majority (71%) of respondents reported they definitely had been in a situation or situations where they had to defend the values of social with colleagues.

Have you ever had to defend the values of social with a peer colleague?

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Social Values - Superiors


Similarly, a large percentage (62%) reported they had to defend the values of social to a superior. The verbatims where respondents described the incidents are classic.

Have you ever had to defend the values of social with someone in the organization at a higher rank than you?

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Social Values - Conviction


The respondents who said “Yes” surprised us – 20%! Again, look at the verbatims to better understand these responses.

Has there ever been a time that you felt you’d be willing to lose your job rather than compromise your convictions about social?

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John Stepper – Banking


Photo:  Adelina  Wong  Photo:  Stephen  Brashear  

“There is no natural home for what we do.  Everyone’s case is kind of different.  For me, I was either going to do something else at the company or I was going to work somewhere else. That’s what led me to pitch a bigger idea, a more ambitious plan to introduce the social network, and go all in for that.  And if it didn’t work, they’d get rid of me.  That’s meant a tenuous couple of years.  I’d ask myself, “Will they get rid of me this year?”   What we’ve managed to do, is take gradual steps that would have blown our minds years ago.  But, step by step… we have more and more interesting use cases.  With organic growth, next thing you know, there are 50K people in the community. What it opens up internally is a set of jobs that don’t exist yet. Because you are so visible, you rally a bunch of people.  And there is a strength in that.  It’s still a big machine, but it gives the company pause.  It would be tough to get rid of this guy and this “thing,” because there would be this big tribe of people who would be pissed off.  And, it didn’t give me immunity, but the more I was wasn’t righteous, but helpful and positive, and always good for the brand, and not an irritant – boy, was that a strategy that worked out really well.  Creating that positive, constructive culture allowed me to stay as long as I have.”


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Visibility - Internally


Interesting, although many respondents reported they were not drawn to social for personal visibility, most (71%) reported increased visibility as a byproduct of the job.

How has your position as a social champion impacted your general visibility in your organization?


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Visibility - Externally


Regardless of where the individual fit in the organizational hierarchy, the majority (65%) of respondents reported being a social champion had a positive impact on their career visibility.

How has your position as a social champion impacted your public visibility?


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Visibility - Communications


As a primary channel for communications, social opens up several opportunities to “boundary span.” This is true especially within the organization where a majority (76%) reported their position gave access to new areas within the company.

Has your position afforded you the opportunity to do any of the following?


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Jeremiah Owyang - Tech

“There was a lot of rhetoric and discussion about how this would disrupt PR and customer care. At the time I was a full-time employee at Hitachi Data Systems, a hundred-year-old company with over 300K employees, a massive conglomerate. I helped to craft a business case, I brought in speakers like Shel Israel, I bought books… I even remember printing out the thesis from the Cluetrain Manifesto and dropping it on the marketing manager’s desk [anonymously]. I helped to educate executives, and was fortunate to get executive support to bless it. Many colleagues thought it was a fad, it wasn’t real or didn’t matter. They were so focused on analyst relations, press/media relations, advertising, white papers, email marketing, but I said, “This is two-way; it’s gonna come!” So I had to do an incredible amount of evangelism, and I did receive some pushback. Corp. Comms was uncomfortable giving up control in a classic sense, but in the end they came around and took part in it. But it was certainly change agency. They could see and feel control shifting and comments opened up and actual customers could talk back to executives.”

2006, STIRR tech mixer Photo:  Brian  Solis  



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Career Impact - Future


Overwhelming majority report either they feel social has increased their job security, or their role in social has set them up well for future work inside and outside the company.

Does having a profile as a social thought leader make you feel more or less secure about your career prospects?


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Career Impact - Internally


Understandably, most report a positive impact. Those few who reported a negative impact point to the newness of the position impacting predictable career paths.

How do you feel making the choice to focus on Social has impacted your career trajectory at your company?


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Career Impact - Access


How often do you interface with executive management in your company?

Do you feel your position in Social has provided you with greater access to senior leadership?

Across the board, most respondents report easy and regular access to Sr. Mgmt.

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Career Impact - Mobility


Overwhelming majority (74%) believe social has increased their personal career mobility. Most who responded, “Can’t say…” either it was their first job (ever) or their first position in social and career mobility was yet to be determined.

How do you feel the skills you’ve learned as a social professional have impacted your career mobility?


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Career Impact - Commitment


The values of social are important to social professionals in a deeply personal way. Over half (57%) of respondents self-identify as Social Change Agents.

Please select which of these sentences describes you best.


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•  Additional data included for large companies over $100M in revenue

•  Select verbatims

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Large Company Insights >$100M

•  6.6% of Respondents stated that working in Social has limited their career trajectory/mobility because there is not a career path at their company in social.

•  39.3% stated it made a neutral impact. •  59% stated it had a positive impact. •  19.7% stated that social has NOT given them greater access to higher ups

(these individuals were more likely to state that there was no real career path in social at their company and/or that social isn’t valued).

•  21.3% can’t say whether they have more access to upper management (more likely to state that social was now a necessary component of the job, and that as “social becomes more important” they believe they will be valued more).

•  63.9% stated that they DO have greater access because of social (more likely to state that learning new skills invigorates them, that learning new skills always increases your value, and that opportunities outside of their company are good, too).

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Large Company Insights >$100M

Salary distribution by gender

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“Several  partners  in  the  organisa<on  have  refused  to  accept  that  social  technologies  are  not  a  fad,  rather  that  it  is  important  that  both  organisa<ons  and  individuals  need  to  learn  about  them,  to  learn  about  the  social  landscape  and  opportuni<es  which  are  presented  to  all.  It  took  two  years  of  solidly  having  one  on  one  conversa<ons  with  each  to  get  to  a  point  where  they  acknowledged  they  were  ready  to  consider  the  viability  of  u<lising  social  technologies  both  within  the  business  and  external  to  the  business.  My  adop<on  of  social  technologies  for  use  within  the  business  has  been  done  by  stealth  and  informally.  In  2013  we  reached  a  point  where  it  was  agreed  that  the  senior  partners  would  par<cipate  in  educa<onal  programmes  to  learn  more  about  the  opportuni<es  and  risks  of  not  engaging  with  social.  Hence  a  formal  programme  has  begun  and  trac<on  among  a  small  percentage  has  been  obtained,  the  others  are  coming  along  slowly.  We're  currently  prevailing.”    “I  con<nually  have  to  inform  members  of  my  organiza<on,  peer  agencies,  and  business  leaders    I  meet  of  the  value  and  credibility  of  Social  Media  in  both  business  and  public  health.  My  track  record  for  success  is  roughly  50/50.  I  have  given  presenta<ons  to  local  business  leaders  on  how  SM  can  impact  their  boPom  line  ($),  and  that  seems  to  generate  most  interest.  However,  convincing  others  in  my  own  agency,  even  our  PIO,  of  the  importance  of  crea<ng  a  community  of  like-­‐minded  individuals  through  this  medium  took  facts,  figures,  a  power  point  and  impassioned  ar<cula<on.  She's  now  on  board,  as  is  our  Director.  However,  I  con<nue  to  aPempt  to  pursued  peers  within  the  agency  to  join,  follow,  tweet,  and  like.  It  is  daun<ng.”    

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“Yes.  While  working  for  a  consul<ng  firm,  the  client  asked  for  help  with  a  "social  media  problem"  that  was  plaguing  them.  We  had  to  convince  the  consultant  AND  the  brand  that  the  problem  was  actually  a  PRODUCT  problem  (carcinogenic  substance  in  a  product;  consumers  were  not  happy),  and  that  once  they  fixed  the  PRODUCT  problem,  then  we  could  fix  the  social  media  problem  (and  PR/media/investor  problem).”    “Senior  staff  thought  it  was  a  waste  of  <me,  but  with  the  right  objec<ves  and  strategies  in  place  I  proved  them  wrong.  I  had  to  educate  them  about  social  and  explained  the  full  benefits  through  real  campaigns.”    “The  CEO  of  a  company  I  worked  for  wanted  me  to  post  under  the  guise  of  a  consumer  in  order  to  help  promote  a  product  and  provide  posi<ve  reviews.  I  informed  the  CEO  of  the  fact  that  I  cannot  do  that,  and  we  argued  for  a  bit  un<l  I  basically  put  my  foot  down  and  said  that  I  refuse  to  post  that  way  and  if  he/she  wanted  to  proceed,  he/she  does  so  only  with  a  no<ce  by  me  that  the  prac<ce  is  not  allowed.  -­‐-­‐-­‐  Luckily,  he/she  ended  up  backing  down  and  did  not  proceed.”    “Many  do  not  feel  the  need  for  social  since  it  is  difficult  to  determine  ROI  and  doesn't  always  bring  in  direct  sales.    Many  <mes,  social  has  been  reduced,  or  in  one  case,  even  cut  completely.  I  fought  back  with  sta<s<cs,  studies,  and  our  own  metrics  to  show  the  value  of  social.  I  did  prevail.”    “Also  have  had  to  defend  social,  especially  to  tradi<onal/legacy  brands  that  s<ll  think  of  the  Internet  as  a  place  where  a  bunch  of  people  with  too  much  <me  on  their  hands  hang  out  to  bitch/gripe.  Had  to  explain,  through  examples,  that  these  online  consumers  are  influencers,  reputa<on  makers,  etc.,  and  poten<ally  valuable  ambassadors  who  should  be  treated  as  any  other  consumer,  regardless  of  the  channel  they  use  to  communicate  with  a  firm/company/brand.”            

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“We  are  moving  form  a  "modern  toy"  point  of  view  to  "communica<on  channel"  aftude.  It  really  maPers  -­‐    the  more  people  know  about  value  I  bring  to  my  company,  my  impact...  the  higher  they  es<mate  my  efforts.  I  show  them  new  ways  to  highlight  our  messages,  new  formats.  I  experiment  and  work  hard  on  building  trust  with  key  audiences  (correct  and  up  to  date  info,  quick  response  to  their  requests  and  so  -­‐  followers  can  see  that  we  are  open  to  them...  and  they  react  posi<vely,  sharing  their  feedback  with  my  colleagues,  who  work  with  them  (IR,  HR  and  so  on).  So  my  colleagues  can  feel  that  I  support  them  in  their  efforts  -­‐  and  get  ready  to  share  their  ini<a<ve  for  mutual  promo<on  (e.g.,  simultaneously  via  IR  and  social  media  tools).”    “There  is  a  skill  to  social  and  an  ability  to  understand  its  constant  ebb  and  flow  that  not  all  have.  Senior  leaders  who  understand  this  value  what  social  professionals  bring  to  the  table.  It's  ohen  lacking  in  organiza<ons  who  have  yet  to  make  a  substan<al  investment  in  their  social  presence,  making  an  ac<ve  social  professional  more  desirable  and  knowledgeable.”    “Social  skills  and  knowledge  have  elevated  my  exis<ng  skills  and  exper<se  in  my  profession  as  a  change  agent  and  an  L&D  professional.  By  being  an  early  adopter,  I  have  been  able  to  set  myself  apart  to  a  certain  extent  within  my  organisa<on  and  can  take  a  leadership  role  in  something  that  is  s<ll  considered  to  be  rela<vely  new  for  the  business  and  by  combining  these  new  skills  with  my  exis<ng  skills  and  experience  I  can  support  and  guide  in  a  much  more  effec<ve  way  than  could  an  external  consultant.”    “For  the  last  11  years  that  I  was  working  at  a  major  corpora<on  all  along  all  of  the  different  projects  in  mul<ple  divisions,  business  units  and  organisa<ons,  all  of  them  came  through  social  technologies  whether  my  corporate  blog,  my  social  interac<ons  or  the  work  I  have  done  over  the  course  of  <me  around  adop<on  and  enablement  of  Social  Networking  /  Business  principles.  Without  social  technologies  I  wouldn't  have  been  even  capable  of  living  where  I  have  been  living  last  10  years,  i.e.  remote,  about  6.000  km  away  from  my  first  line  manager.  In  fact,  for  a  good  number  of  years  I  have  been  having  my  HR  manager  in  Europe,  my  project  manager  in  the  US  and  myself  being  located  in  Africa.  Social  made  that  possible.  Every  <me..”