Intel® RealSense™ Technology | Intel® Software Kevin Arthur, Senior User Experience Researcher Meghana Rao, Developer Evangelist Augmented Reality with the Intel® RealSense™ SDK and R200 Camera User Experience and Development Best Practices

Augmented Reality with the Intel® RealSense™ SDK and R200 Camera

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Page 1: Augmented Reality with the Intel® RealSense™ SDK and R200 Camera

Intel® RealSense™ Technology | Intel® Software

Kevin Arthur, Senior User Experience Researcher

Meghana Rao, Developer Evangelist

Augmented Reality with the Intel® RealSense™ SDK and R200 Camera

User Experience and Development Best Practices

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Part 1, Kevin

•  Overview of R200 camera and tablet augmented reality use cases

•  User experience guidelines highlights

Part 2, Meghana

•  SDK overview

•  Sample code and demos

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New R200 Depth Camera For Tablets, Peripheral Dev Kit Available Now

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R200 View Volume and SDK Features

R200 with Intel® RealSense™ SDK

•  Scene Perception Module, enables scene-aware AR

•  Camera tracking and localization

•  Mesh reconstruction

•  Other Modules

•  3D capture

•  Depth-enhanced photo and video

•  Measurement

•  Face detection and tracking

•  Speech (Windows SDK only)

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Use Cases for R200 Mixed and Augmented Reality

Gaming and Play Education and Training Visualization

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Video – ToyZ Game

Shows real-time scene perception for collision and occlusion (no pre-scan)

Try it at the Intel booth

By Shachar Oz, Omek Studio at Intel

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Video – Procedural Island

Shows scan as part of “capture and play”

Illustrates procedural shaders and set dressing

By Eddy Ortega, Garrett Stevens, Perceptual Computing at Intel

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UX Guidelines for R200 Tablet ARDesigning real, usable apps for a mass market

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Lesson 1: Give People a Reason to Move, or They Won’t

Tablet as window into a virtual space vs. tablet as fixed screen

Address with motion hints

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Motion Hints – Explicit

Registered with scene

Or registered with window

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Motion Hints – Implicit, Part of Experience

Lead the user with content

Example: “Windy Day” (Google Spotlight Stories)

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Lesson 2: But Let People Relax Too

Support bothActive Camera Mode

•  Tiring

Inactive Camera Mode

•  Less tiring

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Active-Camera and Inactive-Camera Modes

Active Camera Mode

•  Touch interaction less comfortable, less precise

Inactive Camera Mode

•  Touch interaction more comfortable, more precise

Make the main controls easy to reach with the thumbs during Active Camera modes .

During Inactive Camera modes, placing controls elsewhere is acceptable.


Make the main controls easy to reach with the thumbs during Active Camera modes .

During Inactive Camera modes, placing controls elsewhere is acceptable.


Touch Zones Touch Zones

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Two Styles of Mixed-Reality Games

Augmented Reality Capture and Play

Active Camera

Inactive Camera

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Lesson 3: Plan for the Scene

•  Consider size of play space, and use appropriate voxel resolution

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Game Design Considerations

•  What objects does the user need?

•  Level design has more unknowns

•  Enhance and transform everyday objects in interesting ways

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Procedural Set Dressing

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Plan for the Scene

•  Understand the camera limitations. Depth data is less accurate on

•  Very bright areas

•  Clear glass

•  Black surfaces

•  Give relevant feedback

•  Fail gracefully, don’t prevent play

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More UX Guidelines


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Developing Augmented Reality applications with R200

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What is Scene Perception?•  Provides Augmented Reality experiences through

•  Adding virtual content in real time to live camera feed

•  Handling occlusions of virtual objects with physical objects

•  Providing motion estimation and metric measurement

•  Intel® RealSense™ SDK library for Scene Perception

•  libPXCScenePerception

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Scene Perception in Action

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Augmented Reality in Action

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Metric Measurements in Action

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Requirements for Scene Perception•  The scene being captured has to be static

•  Works within the bounds of a close object / cubicle space/ living room

•  You can track camera movement in 3D space along six degrees of freedom

-courtesy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_degrees_of_freedom

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Modalities you will learn about ( R200 )•  Using Scene Perception for Augmented Reality

•  Configuring Scene Perception

•  Setting Initial Camera Pose

•  Setting Meshing Threshold

•  Setting Voxel Resolution

•  Starting Scene Quality

•  Checking Scene Quality

•  Enabling Scene Reconstruction

•  Tracking Data

•  Camera Pose

•  Volume Preview

•  Mesh Data

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Guidelines for using Scene Perception

•  Works best in the depth camera working range

•  The observed environment is assumed to be containing some visual texture and/or having some 3D structure:

•  Tracking may be inaccurate when tracking reflective or monotonous surfaces, flat walls, dark black areas or scene with limited geometric structure

•  Using appropriate VoxelResolution::XYZ_RESOLUTION settings:

•  VoxelResolution::HIGH_RESOLUTION for object size use cases

•  VoxelResolution::LOW_RESOLUTION for room sized environments

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Intel® RealSense™ Front-Facing 3D Camera (F200) and Augmented Reality Usages

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Augmented Reality apps can make use of:

•  Contour Mode

•  Hand Data

•  Joint Data

•  Finger Data

•  Extremity points

•  Hand Openness

•  Usages

•  Nail Salon

•  Virtual Shopping – Jewelry

•  Games

AR Usages Using Hand Module

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Augmented Reality apps can make use of:

•  Landmark

•  Pose detection

•  Eye Movement

•  Expression Detection


•  Face Makeup

•  Virtual Shopping for glasses

•  Games/Entertainment

•  Plastic Surgery

AR Usages using Face Module

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[email protected], @karthur

[email protected], @RaoIntel

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