Building Hermetic Systems (without Docker) Will Farrell @wkf

Building Hermetic Systems (without Docker)

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Building Hermetic Systems (without Docker)

Will Farrell @wkf

Who am I?

I’m the Lead Software Architect at MojoTech in Providence, RI, that’s who.

We’re a software consultancy, and we’ve built many web and mobile apps.

What can you expect to learn?

• How hermeticity is an example of functional design thinking

• How to identify “leaks” in not-so-hermetic systems

• How to leverage Clojure to build and manage hermetic systems

What are hermetic systems?



Why is hermeticity desirable?;; ...

(ns determinism (:require [hermeticity]))

(defn system [well-defined-input] well-defined-output)

;; ...

–Every Developer Ever

“It works on my machine.”

What about Docker?

–Every Developer Ever

“Let’s use Docker.”

–Every Developer Ever, Eventually

“Let’s never use Docker again.”


Why are there leaks?

• The JVM

• The operating system

• The electricity

• …you get it

Which leaks can we fix?

External Libraries

What’s wrong with libraries?(defproject motrics "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "Mojotech Metrics" :url "https://github.com/mojotech/motrics" :license {:name "Eclipse Public License" :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"} :repositories {"elasticsearch-releases" "https://maven.elasticsearch.org/releases"} :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"] [com.stuartsierra/component "0.3.1"] [com.taoensso/timbre "4.2.1"] [com.taoensso/carmine "2.12.2"] [com.github.kstyrc/embedded-redis "0.6"] [org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch "2.2.0"] [org.elasticsearch.plugin/shield "2.2.0"] [environ "1.0.2"] [tentacles "0.5.1"] [suspendable "0.1.0"]] :main ^:skip-aot motrics.core :target-path "target/%s" :test-paths ["src/test"] :source-paths ["src/main"] :min-lein-version "2.0.0" :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all} :dev {:jvm-opts ["-Xmx300m"] :source-paths ["src/dev"] :repl-options {:init-ns motrics.repl} :dependencies [[reloaded.repl "0.2.1"]]}})

Remember these?

External Services

What’s wrong with services? $ ping api.github.com ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve api.github.com: Unknown host

Should we rewrite everything?(No)

What are components?(defrecord ExampleComponent [options cache database scheduler] component/Lifecycle

(start [this] (println ";; Starting ExampleComponent") ;; In the 'start' method, a component may assume that its ;; dependencies are available and have already been started. (assoc this :admin (get-user database "admin")))

(stop [this] (println ";; Stopping ExampleComponent") ;; Likewise, in the 'stop' method, a component may assume that its ;; dependencies will not be stopped until AFTER it is stopped. this))

What are systems?(defn example-system [config-options] (let [{:keys [host port]} config-options] (component/system-map :db (new-database host port) :scheduler (new-scheduler) :app (component/using (example-component config-options) {:database :db :scheduler :scheduler}))))

What about embedding?

Embed Elasticsearch(defrecord EmbeddedElasticsearchServer [config] component/Lifecycle

(component/start [this] (update this :node #(or % (-> (:elasticsearch-server config) (update :settings (partial merge default-node-settings)) (elasticsearch/new-node) (elasticsearch/start-node)))))

(component/stop [this] (some-> this :node elasticsearch/stop-node) (dissoc this :node))


(suspendable/suspend [this] this)

(suspendable/resume [this that] (if (= (-> this :config :elasticsearch-server) (-> that :config :elasticsearch-server)) (assoc this :node (:node that)) (do (component/stop that) (component/start this)))))

REPL namespace

(ns my-app.repl (:require [reloaded.repl :as repl :refer [system start stop go reset reset-all]] [com.stuartsierra.component :as component] [my-app.elasticsearch :refer [new-embedded-elasticsearch-server]] [my-app.core :as my-app] [my-app.config :as config]))

Manage services(def config (merge config/config {:elasticsearch-server {:settings {"cluster.name" "elasticsearch" "http.enabled" "true" "http.host" "" "http.port" "9200" "transport.host" "" "transport.tcp.port" "9300"}}}))

(repl/set-init! #(-> (component/system-map :worker-service (my-app/new-worker-service config) :embedded-elasticsearch-server (new-embedded-elasticsearch-server config)) (component/system-using {:worker-service [:embedded-elasticsearch-server]})))

Embeddable Services

• datomic

• zookeeper

• h2

• kafka

• elasticsearch

• rabbitmq

• postgresql

• redis

• neo4j

• and more!

What about embedding?

What about embedding?

What about embedding?

Are we done?


What’s wrong with entropy?

(str/reverse “entropy”) ;; That was easy!

Where do we get entropy?


How do we reproduce random?(defn random-seq "Generate a lazy sequence of random numbers based on an intial seed." [seed n] (let [r (java.util.Random. seed)] (repeatedly #(.nextInt r n))))

(take 5 (random-seq 1 10)) ;;-> (2 5 7 1 8)

(take 5 (random-seq 1 10)) ;;-> (2 5 7 1 8)

(take 5 (random-seq 2 10)) ;;-> (3 6 5 5 9)

Can randomness be a service?

So, can randomness be a service?


What’s wrong with time?

What’s wrong with time?

Can’t we just use Datomic?

How can we model time?(defn application [from-tick to-tick] “Run our important application.” (let [clock (new-clock from-tick to-tick)] ;; ... ))

;; Run from tick 0 to 100 (application 0 100)

;; Run from tick 0 to 200 (application 0 200)

;; Run from tick 200 to 300 (application 200 300)

But how do we design a system?

–Will Wright (he made SimCity)

“Reticulating splines.”

So now our system is perfect?

What did we learn?

• How to evaluate systems and find leaks

• How to plug leaks when you find them

• How to make good trade-offs when building hermetic systems


Thanks!Will Farrell
