“Life is all about energy, renewable energy…” Jan-Joost Schouten 23 juni 2015

DSD-NL 2015, Delft-FEWS Gebruikersdag, 3 Meteo Dashboard DSS Offshore Wind farms

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“Life is all about energy, renewable energy…” Jan-Joost Schouten

23 juni 2015

23 juni 2015

Meteo Dashboard a decision support system for planning operation and maintenance activities @ offshore wind farms

P201406 001 DEL - Meteo Dashboard Validation Phase Delft-FEWS Gebruikersdag, Deltares

FLOW Programme

23 juni 2015

Introduction to offshore wind

23 juni 2015

Introduction to offshore wind

23 juni 2015

23 juni 2015

Offshore Wind Farm Concessions in the North Sea

Source: 4COffshore.com

Offshore wind in Nederland

• 2015 windgebied Borssele 700 MW • 2016 windgebied Borssele 700 MW • 2017 windgebied Zuid-Hollandse kust 700 MW • 2018 windgebied Zuid-Hollandse kust 700 MW • 2019 windgebied Noord-Hollandse kust 700 MW

• (1 turbine = ~5 MW)

23 juni 2015

23 juni 2015

Focus on O&M. Relevant?

• Operations and maintenance (O&M) make up 25% of the cost of an offshore wind farm – almost as much as the wind turbines themselves, and about as much as construction and installation

Presently more than 1500 offshore wind turbines (4.3GW) installed in the North Sea, Irish Sea and the Baltic Sea. EWEA: “1,503 offshore wind turbines are fully grid connected in 56 wind farms across 10 countries, with a total capacity of 4,336 MW, as of 30 June 2012.” In 2020 >8000 wind turbines (40GW) will be constructed in these seas In 2030 >18000 wind turbines (150GW) are envisaged to be constructed in these seas (Source EWEA)

23 juni 2015

Introduction to offshore wind

Operational conditions: Maximum wave height ~1.5m?

23 juni 2015

23 juni 2015

Meteo Dashboard

The objective: is to develop a decision support system for operation and maintenance activities of offshore wind farms, in order to minimize costs of MWh from offshore wind.

1. Forecasting System: a high-resolution hydrodynamic modelling system that provides

forecasts of waves, currents and water levels at each wind turbine location in the offshore wind farm, on the basis of meteo- and offshore boundary conditions from various sources

2. Meteo Dashboard: an integrated software system that collects, stores and presents all relevant measured and forecasted meteo- and hydrodynamic data, in support of the decision making process of installation and maintenance activities at the OWP

Pilot project: Tromp Binnen, concession of RWE Current project: RWE’s offshore wind farms in the Irish Sea

June 23, 2015

Meteo Dashboard

Automated data error corrections


offshore measurements (metmast, ADCP, lidar)

forecasts overall model (DCSM, ECMWF)

Detailed calibrated Wind Park model

Data assimilation & Uncertainty bands

Operational Forecasting


Weather windows

other …

p.e. Scour predictor

Model Application


models… models…

Web interface

validated measurements

Meteo Dashboard

detailed forecasts

Meteo Dashboard Ierse Zee

23 juni 2015

RWE’s offshore wind Farm in the North Sea: •Rhyl Flats •North Hoyle •Gwynt y Môr

Components and work in progress

23 juni 2015

1. Forecasting system •Setup Hydrodynamic model (water level, current magnitude, current direction) •Setup Wave model (wave height, wave period, wave direction)

• Model calibration • Model validation • Data assimilation • Improve accuracy of the forecast • Determination of uncertainty band

2. Meteo dashboard •Database •Dashboard •Coupling of:

• Measurements • Forecast (hydrodynamic and wave model)

•Tools (determination of weather windows, measurement data validation, vessel movements?).

* items in red are currently under consideration, construction or partly finished / operational

23 juni 2015

Forecasting system I: Hydrodynamic model

DCSM • Grid size: 1.5’ by 1.0’ (~2 km) • Grid dimensions: 1120 x 1260 cells • Bathymetry based on NOOS gridded data set • Tidal constituents from global tidal model (GOT00.2) on open

boundaries > 8 main constituents > 16 smaller diurnal and semi-diurnal constituents > Annual constituent Sa

• Tide Generating Forces (TGF) included (amplitude of effect TGF about 10 cm)

red line: DCSM v5 model boundary every 10th line plotted


23 juni 2015

DCSM grid - Delft3D FM - Distance net nodes:

1500 m – 80 m (near windparks)


23 juni 2015

North Hoyle

Gwynt y Mor

Rhyl Flats


23 juni 2015

Measurements RWE - 2 to 10 m resolution

Hydrodynamica results

23 juni 2015

GyM waveradar: - RMSE = 0.19m

Wave model

23 juni 2015

TIS grid - SWAN - Size grid cells: 2800 m

Wave results

Wave rider at GyM

23 juni 2015

23 juni 2015

Forecasting system: Validation

• Validation of parameters during non-storm period of the year: • Water level • Currents • Wave height • Wave period

• Forecast period: spring & summer 2013

• Compare with measurements, a.o. Tromp Binnen Met Mast

Meteodashboard: measurements & data

23 juni 2015

Most of the relevant data for the project is contributed by RWE •Installation of a new AWAC •Provide historical data of RWE’s measurement stations (bathy, wave & current measurements, etc.)

• Met masts • Buoys • Two wave radars

•Provide access to real-time data of RWE’s measurement stations •Provide access to real-time forecast data being used now by decisions makers

23 juni 2015

MeteoDashboard: Delft-FEWS and DDV

MeteoDashboard consists of a back-end system based Delft-FEWS, and a web-based front end based on the Delta Data Viewer (“the MeteoDashboard”)

Delft-FEWS runs the forecasting system and processes all data. It also has an (more expert) thick-client application. The DDV is a web-based front end tailored to the need to the end-user, using a selection of data available in the Delft-FEWS system.

MeteoDashboard RWE

Live demo

23 juni 2015

Windpark, parameter and turbine selection

23 juni 2015

Viewing measured and forecast time series

Live demo

23 juni 2015

Showing different parameters

Live demo

23 juni 2015

Summary reports

Live demo

23 juni 2015

Operational tab

Mention times for morning, afternoon, etc

Operational tab, O&M possible

Mention times for morning, afternoon, etc

Operational tab, O&M not possible

Mention times for morning, afternoon, etc

Operational tab, around O&M threshold

Mention times for morning, afternoon, etc

Correction methods

23 juni 2015

Uncertainty info

23 juni 2015

Methodology can easily be extended

Example of a similar MeteoDashboard for Borssele wind farm:

23 juni 2015

FEWS offshore – the way forward!

23 juni 2015

FEWS offshore – the way forward!

23 juni 2015


23 juni 2015

Questions ?

Contact details:

Jan-Joost Schouten

[email protected]