Edited photgraphy

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• This picture was one of my favourites because of the mystery it creates. All that can be seen is a dimly lit street that is out of focus. It shows no characters and is very vague on the setting it shows as well. I feel that this picture will be very effective in a film poster for my film as it uses the one of the last scenes where the stalker is shown in the film linking it strongly to the film. I also think this leaves a lot to the imagination of the audience which would increase their interest in viewing the film. To edit the picture I didn’t want to change it too much because I think the original image is already effective. I cropped the size to make it easier to work with and then focused mainly on changing the temperature. I think the cool, blue tone to the image gives the idea of something cold and heartless which emphasises the genre of horror and provides an idea of the film for the audience. I also added more darkness to the edges t increase the mystery and make the overall setting slightly harder to see. I think the edited piece will work well as a poster because it doesn’t give anything away to the audience and I think these types of film poster work best.

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• I also think this second image may work well as another option for a film poster. This is very different to the first image and gives a lot more of the film away. It shows and extreme close up of the main character with the stalker in the background so the audience know all of the characters and their roles before seeing the film. This gives a lot of information about the plot to the audience but that will entice fans of this type of film to view the short film. In editing I decided to change the image quite a lot. As the original appears quite normal in colour and setting I wanted to add so more effects which connote horror. I added focal soft focus so the girl appears clear and the stalker is out of focus keeping his identity a mystery for the audience which links with the film as his identity isn’t fully revealed until he enter the house. As the image was fairly bright I changed the contrast and saturation to make is appear more dull with darkened edges to emphasise this. Taking away the brightness and saturation is important as these things signify happiness and joy which I don’t want my film to be associated with. Then I added a texture with the scratches. To do this I found an image of scratches from google and then layered it over my image and blended it by softening the effect. I think this work really well and gives audiences a clear indication that this film is of the horror genre if use din a film poster.

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• I think this image will be effective in the double page spread of the film review. As I want one main image covering a whole page I wanted t choose one with a big impact in readers and I think this image achieves that. I shows a close up of the victim with a look of fear as the stalker holds his hand over her mouth. This doesn’t give any of the film away as it is not a scene that feature sin the film but I think it captures the overall narrative well. The look of fear will also make the reader empathise with the character while the image is dark so the focus is on her expression. In editing I cropped the picture making it easier to use and added stringer highlights to emphasise her face and stronger shadows to keep the rest of the image very dark. Adding to the darkness I darkened the edges creating a mystery of where the character is. Then I brightened the blue of the girls eye’s as this is the only bright colour in the image making her eyes stand out. I also think the eyes tell a lot about someone's emotions and this is what I want the reader to see. They will focus directly on her eyes and see instant fear and worry making them interested in the film as they become connected to the character aided by the intimate shot type.