Embrace the Angular 2 Ethos in Angular 1.x

Embrace the Angular 2 Ethos in Angular 1.x

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Page 1: Embrace the Angular 2 Ethos in Angular 1.x

Embrace the Angular 2 Ethosin Angular 1.x

Page 2: Embrace the Angular 2 Ethos in Angular 1.x

Ethosthe distinctive character, spirit, and attitudes of a people, culture, era, etc

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Page 7: Embrace the Angular 2 Ethos in Angular 1.x

Angular 2 is not only a framework…

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…but a set of very useful patterns.

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essence details

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A Brief History of Angular

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tiny app == tiny view + tiny controller

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Growing Application

Growing View

Growing Controller

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Realistic Application

Growing View

Growing Controller

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Uh oh!

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Large 1.x Application

Named Route

Named Route

Named Route

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Large 1.x Application




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Any Angular 2 Application




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Still one small problem…

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Let's step back a moment...

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The Big Picture






service directive

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It has gotten even simpler...

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The Simplified Picture






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Angular 1.x Application




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The best way to become a great Angular developer

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is to focus on becoming a great developer

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Common sense

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Established practices

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Hello Progression

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angular.module('app') .controller('CategoriesListCtrl', function($scope, CategoriesModel) { CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(function(result){ $scope.categories = result; }); $scope.onCategorySelected = function(category) { CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); } });

Classic Controller

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<div ng-controller="CategoriesListCtrl"> <!-- categories list markup --></div>

Classic View

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angular.module('app') .controller('CategoriesListCtrl', function(CategoriesModel) { CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(function(result){ this.categories = result; }); this.onCategorySelected = function(category) { CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); } });

Moving to controller as

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<div ng-controller="CategoriesListCtrl as categoriesListCtrl"> <!-- categories list markup --></div>

Moving to controller as

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function CategoriesListCtrl(CategoriesModel) { CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(function(result){ this.categories = result; }); this.onCategorySelected = function(category) { CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}angular.module('app') .controller('CategoriesListCtrl', CategoriesListCtrl);

Extract the controller function

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function CategoriesListCtrl(CategoriesModel) { CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(function(result){ this.categories = result; }); this.onCategorySelected = function(category) { CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}var CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'CategoriesListCtrl' }angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Convert to component

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Convert to component

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class CategoriesListCtrl { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}const CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl'};angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Convert to ES6

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class CategoriesListCtrl { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}const CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl'};angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Use lifecycle hooks

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@Component({ selector: 'categories-list', template: `<div>Hello Category List Component</div>`, providers: [CategoriesModel]})export class CategoriesList { constructor(CategoriesModel: CategoriesModel) { this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } ngOnInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}

Angular 2 equivalent

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@Component({ selector: 'categories-list', template: `<div>Hello Category List Component</div>`, providers: [CategoriesModel]})export class CategoriesList { constructor(CategoriesModel: CategoriesModel) { this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } ngOnInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}

class CategoriesListCtrl { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}const CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl' };angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Similar shapes

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@Component({ selector: 'categories-list', template: `<div>Hello Category List Component</div>`, providers: [CategoriesModel]})

export class CategoriesList { constructor(CategoriesModel: CategoriesModel) { this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } ngOnInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}

class CategoriesListCtrl { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}const CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl' };angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Component configuration

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@Component({ selector: 'categories-list', template: `<div>Hello Category List Component</div>`, providers: [CategoriesModel]})

export class CategoriesList { constructor(CategoriesModel: CategoriesModel) { this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } ngOnInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}

class CategoriesListCtrl { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}const CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl' };angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Component controller

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@Component({ selector: 'categories-list', template: `<div>Hello Category List Component</div>`, providers: [CategoriesModel]})export class CategoriesList { constructor(CategoriesModel: CategoriesModel) { this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } ngOnInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}

class CategoriesListCtrl { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); }}const CategoriesList = { template: '<div><!-- categories list markup --></div>', controller: CategoriesListCtrl, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl' };angular.module('app') .component('categoriesList', CategoriesList);

Entry point into the application

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Use ES6 for classes and modules

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import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';@Injectable()export class MessageService { private message = 'Hello Message'; getMessage(): string { return this.message; }; setMessage(newMessage: string): void { this.message = newMessage; };}

Simple Angular 2 service

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class MessageService { constructor() { this.message = 'Hello Message' } getMessage() { return this.message; }; setMessage(newMessage) { this.message = newMessage; };}export default MessageService;

Simple Angular 1.x service

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import angular from 'angular';import BookmarksModule from './bookmarks/bookmarks';import CategoriesModule from './categories/categories';const ComponentsModule = angular.module('app.components', [ BookmarksModule.name, CategoriesModule.name]);export default ComponentsModule;

Importing in Angular 1.x

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Create a top-level component

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import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({ selector: 'app', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']})export class AppComponent {}

Top-level component

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import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';import { AppComponent } from './app.component';@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]})export class AppModule {}


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import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';import { environment } from './environments/environment';import { AppModule } from './app/';if (environment.production) { enableProdMode();}platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);


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<body> <app>Loading…</app></body>

Entry point

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import template from './app.html';import './app.styl';const AppComponent = { template};export default AppComponent;

Top-level component

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import angular from 'angular';import appComponent from './app.component';import CommonModule from './common/common';import ComponentsModule from './components/components';angular.module('app', [ CommonModule.name, ComponentsModule.name]) .component('app', appComponent);


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<body ng-app="app" ng-strict-di ng-cloak> <app>Loading...</app></body>

Entry point

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Organize your application with subcomponents

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Directives vs Components

Components are simplified Directives

Components have a MUCH simpler configuration object

Components will generally accomplish everything you need

You still need directives when you need to do DOM manipulation or create a class based directive

Advanced functionality such as terminal, priority, etc require a directive

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Basic Component Structure

The basic structure for a component is module.component('name',{});

Notice that unlike a directive, component takes a configuration object and not a function

The most common component configuration properties will be controller, template, templateUrl and bindings

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Component Driven Architecture

Components only control their own View and Data

Components have a well-defined public API aka Inputs and Outputs

Components have a well-defined lifecycle

A well architected application is a tree of components

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import {Component} from '@angular/core';@Component({ moduleId: module.id, selector: 'items', templateUrl: 'items.component.html', styleUrls: ['items.component.css']})export class ItemsComponent {}

Parent component

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import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';import {Item} from '../shared';@Component({ moduleId: module.id, selector: 'app-item-details', templateUrl: 'item-details.component.html', styleUrls: ['item-details.component.css']})export class ItemDetailsComponent { @Input() item: Item; addItem(): void { this.item.count += 1; };}

Child component

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<div> <div> <h2>{{ title }}</h2> </div> <div> {{ body }} </div></div><item-details *ngFor="let item of items" [item]="item"></item-details>

Parent component

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import template from './categories.html';import controller from './categories.controller';import './categories.styl';const categoriesComponent = { template, controller, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl'};export default categoriesComponent;

Parent component

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import template from './category-item.html';import './category-item.styl';const categoryItemComponent = { bindings: { category: '<', selected: '&' }, template, controllerAs: 'categoryItemCtrl'};export default categoryItemComponent;

Child component

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<ul class="nav nav-sidebar"> <li ng-repeat="category in categoriesListCtrl.categories"> <category-item category="category" selected="categoriesListCtrl.onCategorySelected(category)"> </category-item> </li></ul>

Parent component

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<div class="categoryItem" ng-click="categoryItemCtrl.selected({category:categoryItemCtrl.category})"> {{categoryItemCtrl.category.name}}</div>

Child component

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Create a component controller in ES6

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import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';import {MessageService} from '../shared';@Component({ moduleId: module.id, selector: 'home', templateUrl: 'home.component.html', styleUrls: ['home.component.css']})export class HomeComponent {}

Basic component

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export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { title: string = 'Home Page'; body: string = 'This is the about home body'; message: string; constructor(private messageService: MessageService) { } ngOnInit() { this.message = this.messageService.getMessage(); } updateMessage(m: string): void { this.messageService.setMessage(m); }}

Basic component class

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import template from './categories.html';import './categories.styl';const categoriesComponent = { template};export default categoriesComponent;

Basic component

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class CategoriesController { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(result => this.categories = result); } onCategorySelected(category) { this.CategoriesModel.setCurrentCategory(category); } isCurrentCategory(category) { return this.CategoriesModel.getCurrentCategory() && this.CategoriesModel.getCurrentCategory().id === category.id; }}export default CategoriesController;

Basic controller class

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import template from './categories.html';import controller from './categories.controller';import './categories.styl';const categoriesComponent = { template, controller, controllerAs: 'categoriesListCtrl'};export default categoriesComponent;

Basic component with controller

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Refactor controller logic to services

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class CategoriesController { constructor() { this.categories = [ {"id": 0, "name": "Development"}, {"id": 1, "name": "Design"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Exercise"}, {"id": 3, "name": "Humor"} ]; }}export default CategoriesController;

Basic controller

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class CategoriesModel { constructor() { this.categories = [ {"id": 0, "name": "Development"}, {"id": 1, "name": "Design"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Exercise"}, {"id": 3, "name": "Humor"} ]; }}export default CategoriesModel;

Basic service

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@Injectable()export class CategoriesModel { private categories = [ {"id": 0, "name": "Development"}, {"id": 1, "name": "Design"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Exercise"}, {"id": 3, "name": "Humor"} ]; getCategories() { return this.categories; };}

Basic service

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Dependency injection in ES6

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class CategoriesModel { constructor($q) { // $q is scoped to the constructor only this.categories = [ {"id": 0, "name": "Development"}, {"id": 1, "name": "Design"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Exercise"}, {"id": 3, "name": "Humor"} ]; } getCategories() { return $q.when(this.categories); // wont work! }}export default CategoriesModel;

Scoped to function

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class CategoriesModel { constructor($q) { 'ngInject'; // ng-annotate ftw this.$q = $q; // constructor assignment this.categories = [ {"id": 0, "name": "Development"}, {"id": 1, "name": "Design"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Exercise"}, {"id": 3, "name": "Humor"} ]; } getCategories() { return this.$q.when(this.categories); // now we can use $q }}export default CategoriesModel;

Local assignment

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class CategoriesModel { constructor($q) {}}

var CategoriesModel = (function () { function CategoriesModel($q) { } return CategoriesModel;}());

Exhibit A: TypeScript

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class CategoriesModel { constructor(private $q) {}}

var CategoriesModel = (function () { function CategoriesModel($q) { this.$q = $q; } return CategoriesModel;}());

Exhibit B: TypeScript

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Initialize components with lifecycle hooks

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Component Lifecycle Hooks

Components have well defined lifecycle hooks that allow us to perform specific operations during the lifespan of our component

We can use $onInit to know when our controller has been has been constructed and its bindings initialized

We can also use $onInit to know when a dependent component is available

We can use $onDestroy to perform clean when our component is removed

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class CategoriesController { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(categories => this.categories = categories); }}export default CategoriesController;

Logic in constructor

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class CategoriesController { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } $onInit() { this.CategoriesModel.getCategories() .then(categories => this.categories = categories); }}export default CategoriesController;

Logic in lifecycle hook

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export class HomeComponent implements OnInit { message: string; constructor(private messageService: MessageService) { } ngOnInit() { this.message = this.messageService.getMessage(); }}

Logic in lifecycle hook

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Container and presentational components

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Isolated Scope

Isolated scope secures the perimeter of your component so that you can control what goes in and out

Isolated scope is great for defining an API to your directive

There are now four ways to interact with isolated scope: via an attribute, one-way binding, two-way binding or an expression

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Inputs and Outputs

Inputs are denoted with an < or @ symbol

Outputs are denoted with an & symbol

@ indicates an attribute binding which is one-way and string based

< indicates a one-way binding that is object based

& is an expression binding which fires a callback on the parent component

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bindings: { hero: '<', comment: '@'},bindings: { onDelete: '&', onUpdate: '&'},

Inputs and outputs

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<editable-field on-update="$ctrl.update('location', value)"></editable-field><button ng-click="$ctrl.onDelete({hero: $ctrl.hero})"> Delete</button>


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import template from './category-item.html';import './category-item.styl';let categoryItemComponent = { bindings: { category: '<', selected: '&' }, template, controllerAs: 'categoryItemCtrl'};export default categoryItemComponent;

Inputs and outputs via bindings

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<div class="categoryItem" ng-click="categoryItemCtrl.selected({category:categoryItemCtrl.category})"> {{categoryItemCtrl.category.name}}</div>

Inputs and outputs in child template

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<ul class="nav nav-sidebar"> <li ng-repeat="category in categoriesListCtrl.categories"> <category-item category="category" selected="categoriesListCtrl.onCategorySelected(category)"> </category-item> </li></ul>

Inputs and outputs in parent template

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class CategoriesController { constructor(CategoriesModel) { 'ngInject'; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; } onCategorySelected(category) { console.log('CATEGORY SELECTED', category); }}export default CategoriesController;

Parent controller

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import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';import {Item} from '../shared';@Component({ moduleId: module.id, selector: 'app-item-details', templateUrl: 'item-details.component.html', styleUrls: ['item-details.component.css']})export class ItemDetailsComponent { @Input() item: Item; addItem(): void { this.item.count += 1; };}

Inputs in child component

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<div> <div> <h2>{{ title }}</h2> </div> <div> {{ body }} </div></div><item-details *ngFor="let item of items" [item]="item"></item-details>

Inputs in parent template

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Create lightweight controllers by binding to models

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class BookmarksController { //... $onInit() { this.BookmarksModel.getBookmarks() .then(bookmarks => this.bookmarks = bookmarks); this.getCurrentCategory = this.CategoriesModel.getCurrentCategory.bind(this.CategoriesModel); // Lexical scope! :( }}export default BookmarksController;

Bind to model in controller

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<div class="bookmarks"> <div ng-repeat="bookmark in bookmarksListCtrl.bookmarks | filter:{category:bookmarksListCtrl.getCurrentCategory().name}"> <button type="button" class="close">&times;</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> </button> <a href="{{bookmark.url}}" target="_blank">{{bookmark.title}}</a> </div></div>

Transparent in template

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Isolating state mutations in components

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import template from './save-bookmark.html';import controller from './save-bookmark.controller';let saveBookmarkComponent = { bindings: { bookmark: '<', save: '&', cancel: '&' }, template, controller, controllerAs: 'saveBookmarkCtrl'};export default saveBookmarkComponent;

Child component

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<div class="save-bookmark"> <form ng-submit="saveBookmarkCtrl.save({bookmark:saveBookmarkCtrl.bookmark})" > <div class="form-group"> <label>Bookmark Title</label> <input type="text" ng-model="saveBookmarkCtrl.bookmark.title"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Bookmark URL</label> <input type="text" ng-model="saveBookmarkCtrl.bookmark.url"> </div> <button type="submit">Save</button> <button type="button" ng-click="saveBookmarkCtrl.cancel()">Cancel</button> </form></div>

Child template

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class SaveController { $onChanges() { this.editedBookmark = Object.assign({}, this.bookmark); }}export default SaveController;

Lifecycle hook FTW!

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<div class="save-bookmark"> <form ng-submit="saveBookmarkCtrl.save({bookmark:saveBookmarkCtrl.editedBookmark})"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Bookmark Title</label> <input type="text" ng-model="saveBookmarkCtrl.editedBookmark.title"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label>Bookmark URL</label> <input type="text" ng-model="saveBookmarkCtrl.editedBookmark.url"> </div> <button type="submit">Save</button> <button type="button" ng-click="saveBookmarkCtrl.cancel()">Cancel</button> </form> </div>

Updated template

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Communicate state changes with an event bus

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class CategoriesModel { constructor($q, $rootScope) { 'ngInject'; this.$q = $q; this.$rootScope = $rootScope; this.currentCategory = null; } setCurrentCategory(category) { this.currentCategory = category; this.$rootScope.$broadcast('onCurrentCategoryUpdated'); }}export default CategoriesModel;


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class BookmarksController { constructor($scope, CategoriesModel, BookmarksModel) { 'ngInject'; this.$scope = $scope; this.CategoriesModel = CategoriesModel; this.BookmarksModel = BookmarksModel; } $onInit() { this.BookmarksModel.getBookmarks() .then(bookmarks => this.bookmarks = bookmarks;); this.$scope.$on('onCurrentCategoryUpdated', this.reset.bind(this)); } reset() { this.currentBookmark = null; }}export default BookmarksController;


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Testing components with $componentController

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describe('Categories', () => { let component, $componentController, CategoriesModel; beforeEach(() => { window.module('categories'); window.module($provide => { $provide.value('CategoriesModel', { getCategories: () => { return { then: () => {} }; } }); }); }); beforeEach(inject((_$componentController_, _CategoriesModel_) => { CategoriesModel = _CategoriesModel_; $componentController = _$componentController_; })); describe('Controller', () => { it('calls CategoriesModel.getCategories immediately', () => { spyOn(CategoriesModel, 'getCategories').and.callThrough(); component = $componentController('categories', { CategoriesModel }); component.$onInit(); expect(CategoriesModel.getCategories).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });});

Testing a component controller

Page 119: Embrace the Angular 2 Ethos in Angular 1.x

describe('Categories', () => { let component, $componentController, CategoriesModel; beforeEach(() => { window.module('categories'); window.module($provide => { $provide.value('CategoriesModel', { getCategories: () => { return { then: () => {} }; } }); }); }); beforeEach(inject((_$componentController_, _CategoriesModel_) => { CategoriesModel = _CategoriesModel_; $componentController = _$componentController_; })); describe('Controller', () => { it('calls CategoriesModel.getCategories immediately', () => { spyOn(CategoriesModel, 'getCategories').and.callThrough(); component = $componentController('categories', { CategoriesModel }); component.$onInit(); expect(CategoriesModel.getCategories).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });});

Testing a component controller

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