Questions for experts Task 3, Post 16

Expert questions, media

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Questions for experts Task 3, Post 16

Page 2: Expert questions, media


For our expert interviews we will be talking to Media teacher, Nick, and PE teacher Gavin and football referee Dan.

Being a media teacher, questions we asked to Nick were specific to his field.

Questions asked to the PE teacher and football referee were, likewise specific to their field.

Page 3: Expert questions, media

Questions asked to Nick

1. In your opinion, what are the pros of technology in sport and why?

2. And the cons and why?

3. How do you think different types of technology have evolved in sport?

4. Do you feel the level of technology currently used within sports is of sufficient standard?

5. Where do you see technology in sport heading in the future? Stopping, stagnating or growing even bigger?

6. What sporting possibilities can technology create for players, spectators?

7. Do you feel that technology is used in one particular sport more than any other?

Page 4: Expert questions, media

Questions asked to Gavin and Dan

1. In your opinion, what are the pros of technology in sport and why?

2. And the cons and why?

3. Do you feel sport needs technology or not?

4. How do you think technology impacts upon athletes' performances (e.g gym equipment)

5. Can you give us a real-life example of when you've been involved in a situation where technology has had an effect on sport, whether it be the outcome, player performance, spectator performance or even your own performance?

6. Do you think the success of the British Cycling team was attributed to their use of technology at the 2012 London Olympics?

7. Can it be argued that using technology in sport is just another form of cheating?