BULLET RESPONSE Facebook AI BOT Gives you Unlimited Leads and Sales from Facebook FanPages on 100% Autopilot! Visitors or potential costumer can come on your facebook page at anytime, what if they come to your page while you are sleeping? Or while you are cannot access your facebook immediately? If you don’t grab your facebook quickly you will lost your potential costumer that will bring you money. It is impossible for you to keep watching your facebook page 24 hours in 7 days, you need to go out or when you need to do your private stuff away from your facebok page. What will you do if your potential customers come to your facebook page while you are not available? Will you let them go? No! Never do that. But, how? Bullet Response is the answer, a technology that generates leads and sales from your facebook fanpages on 100% autopilot! They offer you with:

Facebook BULLET RESPONSE Review - Best Facebook AI BOT

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Facebook AI BOT

Gives you Unlimited Leads and Sales from Facebook FanPages on 100% Autopilot!

Visitors or potential costumer can come on your facebook page at anytime, what if they come to your page while you are sleeping? Or while you are cannot access your facebook immediately? If you don’t grab your facebook quickly you will lost your potential costumer that will bring you money. It is impossible for you to keep watching your facebook page 24 hours in 7 days, you need to go out or when you need to do your private stuff away from your facebok page. What will you do if your potential customers come to your facebook page while you are not available? Will you let them go? No! Never do that. But, how?

Bullet Response is the answer, a technology that generates leads and sales from your facebook fanpages on 100% autopilot! They offer you with:

Simple 5 Minute Setup, just follow their videos.

100% automated, set and forget software

Uses the Official Facebook API for everything.

What will you get through Bullet Response? They have built it with several ultimate features inside, here they are . . .

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Your Leads/Customers Get Instant Replies

No more waiting – your leads get an instant reply no matter what time of day it is and where they are. Customers get help immediately and get relevant replies automatically

Reply with Text Messages, Images and even LINKS

Not just text messages but Bullets Response chatbots can reply with images like product samples, options that users can pick from and even helpful website links that redirect the user to another page.

ChatBot that Closes that SALE for You!

Intelligent chatbot learns about the customer and with good timing, helps in closing the sale, sends them order links, buy button images and even discount codes to help entice the user into closing the sale.

Structured Smart Messages that appear human-like!

You can design your own complex cases and replies based on that. Users will get more accurate responses & messages at the right time. This will help in increasing your conversions & sales.

BULLET BRAIN Artificial Intelligence Technology that learns.

This is the most important module of the software, the main brain behind the software that borrows from Facebook’s artificial intelligence engine and learns from customers and improves its accuracy of replies. A STELLAR FEATURE!

100% Autopilot LIST BUILDING – Stores User Info too!

Not only does the smart chatbot reply to users, it also stores users info and subscribes them to messages. Details like Name, Photo, Location and Gender are stored for every subscriber

1-CLICK to Send Mass Messages Straight to INBOX

What is better than Email marketing? Sending someone a message on Facebook chat. That’s exactly what you can do in 1-CLICK to all your users and get 100% inboxing, means users will actually see your messages every single time.

You can even create SEGMENTS!

Now it’s the time for you to have 100%autopilot facebook pages that work 24/7 for you, no more time wasted, no more energy wasted, no more customers wasted, and no more money wasted!

Get it now for only $34.00 (10 FanPage License) and only $37.00 (Unlimited FanPage License)

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They also give you 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. Ask all of your money back if your unsatisfied with this product with no hassle!

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