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Intro to DevOps

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Ops Team

Scrum Team: Focus on Delivery and Speed

Source – Dana Pylayeva, http://www.bookmetrix.com/detail/book/5c5e07b6-7993-4cb8-9712-79295d14a87e#downloads

Max 30 days


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On-call supportMonitoringUpgrades

Security PatchingBackups

Ops Team: Focus on Stability and Reliability

Source – Dana Pylayeva, http://www.bookmetrix.com/detail/book/5c5e07b6-7993-4cb8-9712-79295d14a87e#downloads

Page 4: Intro to DevOps

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And the frustration continued…1. Chaos at production because of frequent deliveries

2. Lot of manual work resulting in deployment issues and downtime

3. Still works in silos, no end-to-end ownership

4. Lead time between development completion to customer delivery

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DevOps is NOT

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Its Not No Ops


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Its Not Just Tools


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Its Not a Job Title


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Its Not Just Dev and Ops


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DevOps is1. Continuous Development, Integration and Testing

2. Continuous Delivery and Deployment

3. Continuous Operations and Monitoring


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Three Ways Approach1. System Thinking

2. Amplify the feedback loop

3. Continuous experimentation and learning


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1st Way – System Thinking


Understand and increase the flow of work, from left to right

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1st Way – System Thinking1. Make work visible – Kanban or Sprint board

2. Limit WIP – context switching and multitasking

3. Reduce the batch size – annual vs monthly release schedule

4. Reduce the number of handoffs – horizontal and vertical both

5. Continually identify and elevate our constraints1. Environment creation2. Code deployment3. Test setup and run

6. Eliminate Waste in the value stream1. Partially Not Done work2. Extra processes3. Extra features4. Manual work

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2nd Way – Amplify the feedback loops

Create short feedback loop that enables continuous improvement, right to left

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2nd Way – Amplify the feedback loops1. See problems as they occur – GM car manufacturing

2. Swarm and solve problems to build new knowledge – Andon cord

3. Keep pushing quality closer to the source – testing, approvals, deployments etc.

4. Enable optimizing for downstream work centres – internal customers

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3rd Way – Continuous Experimentation and Learning

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3rd Way – Continuous Experimentation and Learning

1. Enabling organizational learning and a safety culture

2. Institutionalize the improvement of daily work – Technical debt, Alcoa case study

3. Transform local discoveries into global improvements – reinventing the wheel

4. Inject resilience patterns into our daily work - RBS

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