OpenESB Tutorial Simple HL7 Sender and Receiver

LogiCoy OpenESB HL7 Example

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OpenESB Tutorial

Simple HL7 Sender and Receiver

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LogiCoy incorporated in February 2009.

Headquarters in Los Angeles, California with 24/7 offices in US, and India, is a Global Information Technology and Services company providing products and services in integration and middleware across various industries including financial, healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, and government.

We are the original architects, developers and engineering managers and directors for Seebeyond eGate, ICAN, Sun Java CAPS, Mural MDM,Open/GlassFish ESB products from inception to end and know the code inside and out.

We are active committers of the OpenESB codebase in the OpenESB Open source repository and actively working on the enhancements and new versions of OpenESB.

We have augmented our product development with very seasoned SOA/EAI Technical Leads and Architects for integration solutions with field implementation experience using Sun Java CAPS, GlassFish ESB, eGate and other integration tools in healthcare integration projects.

Contact us at: [email protected]


Fred Aabedi is the Chief Technology Officer at LogiCoy. Prior to LogiCoy,

he was the Senior Engineering Director for the Sun Java CAPS, GlassFish

ESB components, and SeeBeyond ICAN, and eGate 4.5 Suite of adapters,

addons, and messaging libraries. He also held Chief Technical Advisor role

for healthcare and financial and government sectors in the Sun SOA

Business Integration Engineering group. He was the OpenESB Community

lead from inception to near the end of Sun acquisition by Oracle and

currently very active in many aspects of the OpenESB community.

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Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Create HL7 Sender BPEL Project ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Create WSDLs for the HL7 Sender Project ................................................................................................................... 5

Create HL7 Sender Composite Application Project ................................................................................................. 14

Deploy HL7 Sender Composite Application Project ................................................................................................. 17

Create HL7 Receiver BPEL Project................................................................................................................................ 18

Create WSDLs for the HL7 Receiver Project.............................................................................................................. 19

Create HL7 Receiver Composite Application Project ............................................................................................... 25

Deploy HL7 Receiver Composite Application Project .............................................................................................. 27

Test HL7 Sender and Receiver Projects ....................................................................................................................... 28

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Introduction This document describes how to create a simple HL7 Sender and Receiver


I am assuming you have done some basic OpenESB projects. If you have

not, you may want to try a HelloWorld example in OpenESB first to get

familiar with OpenESB.

The HL7 Sender project polls for files on a file system containing HL7

messages and sends them over MLLP to an HL7 external using the HL7

Outbound port and then writes the acknowledgement back to the file


The HL7 Consumer (Receiver) project connects up the HL7 interface over

MLLP (port 4040) and receives the HL7 messages, converts to XML and

writes the data out to a file in XML format.

To create or use these projects you need an OpenESB installation.

There are other articles for installing OpenESB. I recommend installing

OpenESB V2.3 from the community site:


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Once installed and running, please use the GlassFish admin console to

install the HL7 Binding Component runtime jar from:


Choose directory where the HL7 BC jar is, click Open Next Finish

If you would like to import and use the projects instead of creating them

from scratch, please download the zip file from the link below and unzip to

your netbeans project folder:


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Create HL7 Sender BPEL Project First, we create the HL7 Sender BPEL project!

Run the OpenESB Netbeans IDE.

Select Projects tab and New Project SOABPEL Module- Enter project

name HL7MsgSender and click Finish

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Create WSDLs for the HL7 Sender Project For this HL7 Sender project we need a File and a HL7 WSDL.

HL7MsgSender_FileReceive WSDL:


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For the File Inbound, file-address, you can specify a File Binding

Component Application Variable instead of hard coding the directory path.

This is a good practice and allows for defining the value to be determined

based on your environment settings on the GlassFish admin server. The

variable name is: ${hl7MsgPollDir}.

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Please set an appropriate value for it on the GlassFish admin console.

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HL7MsgSender_HL7Send WSDL:

This is the outbound HL7BC WSDL and you need to set appropriate

host/port values, for hl7:address

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and hl7:protocolproperties

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Now you can edit your HL7MsgSender BPEL process and drag and drop

the FileReceive WSDL to the left side of the BPEL editor and HL7Sender

WSDL to the right.

You can then add partner links!

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Assign1 activity


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Create HL7 Sender Composite Application Project

Click File New ProjectSOAComposite Application

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Project name: HL7MsgSenderCA

Click Finish.

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Add the BPEL module HL7MsgSender and click Build Project.

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Deploy HL7 Sender Composite Application Project

Click on Deploy Project button

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Create HL7 Receiver BPEL Project

FileNew Project SOABPEL Module- Enter project name

HL7MsgConsumer and click Finish

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Create WSDLs for the HL7 Receiver Project For this HL7 Receiver project we need a File and a HL7 WSDL.

HL7MsgConsumer_FileSend WSDL:

FileOutboundBinding - Input1

Output filename: HL7Msg.xml

For the File Outbound, file-address, you can specify a File Binding

Component Application Variable instead of hard coding the directory path.

This is a good practice and allows for defining the value to be determined

based on your environment settings on the GlassFish admin server. The

variable name is: ${hl7MsgOutDir}.

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Please set an appropriate value for it on the GlassFish admin console.

HL7MsgConsumer_HL7Receiver WSDL:

This is the inbound HL7BC WSDL and you need to set appropriate

host/port values, for hl7:address

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and hl7:protocolproperties

Now you can edit your HL7MsgConsumer BPEL process and drag and

drop the HL7MsgReceive WSDL to the left side of the BPEL editor and

FileSend WSDL to the right.

You can then add partner links!

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Assign1 activity

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FIleSend- Write operation

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Create HL7 Receiver Composite Application Project

Click File New ProjectSOAComposite Application

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Project name: L7MsgConsumerCA

Click Finish.

Add the BPEL module HL7MsgConsumer and click Build Project.

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Deploy HL7 Receiver Composite Application Project

Click on Deploy Project button

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Test HL7 Sender and Receiver Projects

Create a file with name HL7Msg.hl7 and place it in the inbound file

directory indicated by your FIleBC application variable

${hl7MsgPollDir}, which in this case is \tmp\data and put some HL7

data in it. For example:





234 MAIN RD #B1^^LOS ANGELES^CA^90024||(310)555-


PV1||I|2324^2302^-B ||||04100^SMITH EDWARD

M|||MED|||||||04100^SMITH EDWARD



Observe, that the file is picked up by the HL7 Sender project , and sent to

the HL7 Receiver project via MLLP protocol and that an acknowledgement

is received and written back to the file system with filename HL7Ack.txt with

the following content:



Also, observe that the HL7 Consumer (Receiver) project receives the HL7

message from the HL7 Sender project over MLLP (port 4040) and converts

it to XML and writes the data out to the HL7Msg.xml file in the directory

pointed to by by your FIleBC application variable ${hl7MsgOutDir}.

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The contents look should like this:

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I hope this tutorial is helpful in your usage of OpenESB for HL7 integration


Please note that you can substitute your own HL7 Sender or Receiver

external system using any other HL7 compliant tool to communicate and

exchange data with the appropriate OpenESB HL7 project counterpart.

You can access additional tutorials on the LogiCoy blog page:


Also, the OpenESB Community Website contains additional tutorials:


Also, Michael Czapski has healthcare related tutorials:




Please send your comments/feedback about this article to:

[email protected]