func migrating(from: ObjC) -> Swift! [objC autorelease]

Migrating Objective-C to Swift

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Page 1: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

func migrating(from: ObjC) -> Swift!

[objC autorelease]

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WWDC Appearances

swift objective-c

2014 19 632015 71 15

Page 5: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

„…in future, all the nice things will only

come to swift…“Apple Software Engineer

Page 6: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

What will you loseon the way?

Page 7: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

* [ ] .h .mGood old Friends

Page 8: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Runtime Dynamics

NSInvocation NSMethodSignature

[obj load] nil messaging



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What will you gain?

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Implicit Member Expressions

Custom Operators




Recursive Enumerations

Property ObserversProtocol Extensions





Pattern Matching




Access Control

Page 11: Migrating Objective-C to Swift


view.backgroundColor = .redColor()

[view setBackgroundColor: [UIColor redColor]]

Page 12: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

@warn_unused_result func flatMap<T> (@noescape _ transform:

(Self.Generator.Element) throws -> T?) rethrows -> [T]

Kinda Simplicity


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What will remain?

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Model View ControllerRetain Cycles


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How to start?

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Existing Objective-C ProjectNo Warnings 😇


Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C

Page 18: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Bridging HeaderAdd Imports as you need them

Automatically generated by compilerGenerated Header

…using obj-c in swift…

…using swift in obj-c…

Page 19: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Optimize Obj-C for Swift

NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN nonnull|nullable|null_unspecified

NSArray<__kindof UIView *> *someViews;


Page 20: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Try to avoid designing Swift for Obj-C

You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s marked with the @objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed here:

Generics Tuples Enumerations defined in Swift without Int raw value type Structures defined in Swift Top-level functions defined in Swift Global variables defined in Swift Typealiases defined in Swift Swift-style variadics Nested types Curried functions



Page 21: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Adding New Controller

Refactor Existing Controller1 2

Where to use Swift in the beginning?

It`s ok to build a parallel universe

Page 22: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Find New Solutions™ and yeah, use guard…

Page 23: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Swift will makeyour life easier

title = ~"Select Title"

Custom Operator for i18n

Page 24: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

struct Storyboard { struct Segues { static let channelInfo = "channelInfo" } struct Cells { static let channelCell = "channelCell" } struct ReuseView { static let sectionHeader = "header" } }

Swift will makeyour life easier

Define Segues, Identifier, and so forth

Page 25: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Swift will makeyour life easier

@IBOutlet weak var myCellView: UIView! { didSet { myCellView.backgroundColor = .redColor() myCellView.layer.masksToBounds = true myCellView.layer.cornerRadius = 2 } }

Configure Views after outlet binding

Page 26: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {

switch (segue.identifier, segue.destinationViewController, collectionView?.indexPathsForSelectedItems()?.first) { case let(Storyboard.Segues.info?, controller as InfoController, index?): controller.channel = channels?.get(index.row)

default: break } }

Swift will makeyour life easier

Pattern Match Your Life

Page 27: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

Swift will makeyour life easier

for (a, b) in (0...2).zipWithFollower() { print(a, b) // 0,1 1,2 2,nil }

public struct ZipWithFollower<T: SequenceType>: SequenceType { public typealias Generator = AnyGenerator<(T.Generator.Element, T.Generator.Element?)> let sequence: T public init(_ sequence: T) { self.sequence = sequence } public func generate() -> Generator { var generator1 = sequence.generate() var generator2 = sequence.generate() _ = generator2.next() return anyGenerator { guard let element1 = generator1.next() else { return nil } return (element1, generator2.next()) } } }

Clean up your control flow

Page 28: Migrating Objective-C to Swift

struct StateFlow<S,T> { let at: S let to: T -> S }

let wizardFlow: [StateFlow<WizardState, WizardConfig>] = [ from(.Init).to { config in if config.useCustomSeletion { return .ComponentWizard } return .ComponentSelection } ]

Swift will makeyour life easier

Double Down on Types

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Go Swift!
