Online Medical Treatment | Pharmacy Management Software | online pharmacy programs - eHealthGlobal

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About EHealthGlobalEHealthGlobal is the premier cloud-based software solution that helps you bring your medical practice online. Our complete system of products connects clinics and doctors to the pharmacies and labs they need to deliver treatment. Our products 1to1Clinic, 1to1MD, and 1to1Pharmacy are fully mobile enabled and HIPPA compliant, so your practice can instantly provide online medical treatment, e-diagnosis, e-prescribing and more, 24/7/365.

EHealthGlobal’s unique medical software system can provide the outcomes you and your patients want and deserve. With mobile collaboration, patient outreach and patient engagement strategies for Clinicians, Doctors, and Pharmacists, EhealthGlobal includes the easy-to-use tools needed to communicate, diagnose, and administer treatment on a 100% secure platform available 24/7.

Imagine Complete Transitions of Care with:

•No more empty folders- patient information is stored and transferred via our confidential communication system

•Keep your information current! Contact records are instantly updated with a complete log of all communications

•MLabs with our Mobile Lab Connection including Full Pharmacy capabilities (lab, and services)

•Private physician IM: Instant communication between patients and clinic via video chat or instant message

•100% HIPPA compliance

•Audit ready

Client’s Testimonial

"eHealthGlobal’s systems provided my former organization, Cenegenics, a path to achieve our major growth plans. It was easy to use and came complete with everything we needed to serve our patients, from lab delivery, to pharmacy orders, to e-Communications and new patient lead management.

After eight successful years with Cenegenics, I have decided to embark on a new endeavour. With my new project, Enlightened Living Medicine, I aim to create an entirely new way of thinking about preventive medicine. To assist me in achieving my goals, I have once again selected eHealthGlobal‘s team and platform to provide backend software and a mobile application. I am confident that with eHealth Global’s technology, we can lead the way in delivering unique and innovative forms of patient care, and preventive medicine."

Robert D. Willix Jr.,MD

CEO/Founder Of Enlightened Living Medicine

CONTACT EHEALTHGLOBAL Contact now and EHealthGlobal will arrange a guided demonstration where you can experience for yourself the advantage of using EHealthGlobal.

If you would like to talk in person, please call 1-866-350-5306