Processing Lifecycle

Processing Lifecycle

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Processing Lifecycle

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Transaction processing lifecycle involves several key stages. UniPay platform is involved in most of them. Payments of different types are submitted to the system using various entry modes (chipped card, magnetic swipe, etc.) and devices (payment terminals, mobile devices, etc.). Recurring billing is handled by the special UniBill module within the system.

All other transactions are streamlined to UniCharge module, which also handles merchant funding and provisioning, as well as exchanges information about processed transactions and chargebacks with the processor or acquiring bank.

Processing Lifecycle

Page 3: Processing Lifecycle

Processing Lifecycle

UniCharge – foundation of UniPay payment solution; electronic payments processing and funds remittance engine. Utilizing powerful processor agnostic architecture, it allows you to connect to numerous back-ends (payment processors, payment gateways and banks) in a unified, processor independent way

UniBill – ultimate recurring billing and subscription management system, which operates on top of UniCharge and adds features and tools around recurring payments management and collections. Sophisticated recurring billing rules in conjunction with elaborate 1st party and 3rd party collections functionality make UniBill a unique solution for companies operating using recurring revenue model