Puppy in Bubble World Finals Presentation

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Presentation of the Worldwide Finalist and 3rd Place Winner in Microsoft Imagine Cup 2014. Game Puppy in bubble.

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  • 1. Lets Play

2. Behind the Scenes 3. Build MeasureLearn 4. 1.0 5. 2.0 6. Lets Play 7. Target Market 8. Kids 4 15 Casual Gamers 9. Hours spent by kids on mobile games increased from 5 to 7hours per week. -Kids and Gaming 2013 10. Kids 11. Casual Gamers 12. Casual Gamers 13. User Acquisition 14. Direct Introduction Community Building Online Advertising Virality Store Optimization Continuous Improvement 15. Microsoft Azure 16. http://download.puppyinbubble.com